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UNIWERSYTET MIKOLAJA KOPERNIKA Turon, Polen 24.01.05 – 28.01.05 Subject integration through Transitions and boundary crossing Assistant Professor Vibeke.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIWERSYTET MIKOLAJA KOPERNIKA Turon, Polen 24.01.05 – 28.01.05 Subject integration through Transitions and boundary crossing Assistant Professor Vibeke."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIWERSYTET MIKOLAJA KOPERNIKA Turon, Polen 24.01.05 – 28.01.05 Subject integration through Transitions and boundary crossing Assistant Professor Vibeke Bjarnø The Department of IT, Faculty of Education Oslo University College Information and Communication Technology in teacher education

2 Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of IT, Faculty of Education, Oslo University College WHY ICT integration? In school practice: gap between teachers’ ICT knowledge and their skills in using ICT to support pupils’ learning What can teacher education do to change this? Means/agent: develop a multi-disciplinary education with ICT The purpose of the study: 1. close the gap between what student teachers are taught to do in school and the way ICT is used as a tool for learning in teacher education. 2.Change the role of the ICT teachers in teacher education from technical support to be a didaktikal dialogue partner for how to use ICT to support the student teachers learning

3 Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of IT, Faculty of Education, Oslo University College Information and Communication Technology for post-modern teachers The new technology challenges teachers in a new way: –It has changed the meaning of learning, for instance for reading and writing –The introduction of computers and multimedia gives new opportunities to combine text, pictures, sound and movements. –The Internet with the means of communication e.g., IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and forum gives pupils today the opportunity to construct and participate in virtual realities –It has changed pupils habits towards a post-modern way of being

4 Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of IT, Faculty of Education, Oslo University College ICT integration Based on a 30-point curriculum “ICT and Learning 1” with 3 main themes: –Introduction to information technology (15- point) –Didaktikal use of information technology (10- point) –Information technology in society and at the workplace (5-point)

5 Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of IT, Faculty of Education, Oslo University College Historical changes of ICT the Degree Programme in teacher education Attempt 1: Separate ICT courses (24 hours) Attempt 2: Project “Fleirfagleg” (multi- disciplinary) Attempt 3: A few attempts of ICT integrating the first year, the Department of IT all the follow up responsibility. Attempt 4: Full integration of didaktikal use of ICT in the compulsory subjects at the two first years

6 Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of IT, Faculty of Education, Oslo University College

7 Integration of ICT in the compulsory subjects: –Mathematics –Norwegian –Educational science –Christianity and general religious and moral education = 1st and 2nd year of Teacher Education (3rd)

8 Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of IT, Faculty of Education, Oslo University College Transitions and boundary crossing New multi-disciplinary didaktik Earlier the subject departments carried out their teaching Now multi-disciplinary didaktik is developed during the communication between the different departments = communications between different systems in the Faculty. Starting point is the subjects’ curriculum, and what they are carrying out in practice. Then study what kind of opportunity there is for ICT integration. Result from ICT didaktik to multi-disciplinary didaktik with ICT

9 Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of IT, Faculty of Education, Oslo University College Methodical approach – action research The data material used for continuous process between reflection and action is both qualitative and quantitative: –Observations –Log (logbook) –Open interviews –Questionnaires

10 Activity theory as analysis tool


12 Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of IT, Faculty of Education, Oslo University College The ICT parts as adapted learning The student have to evaluate their own competence – what do I need? Net based teaching material Lectures (max 350 students) Supervision in computer suites (max 30 students) –Based on student assignments

13 Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of IT, Faculty of Education, Oslo University College The lecturers thinking and needs according to ICT in teacher education Question: “How do you see a future situation with ICT integrated in your subject?” “I want to integrate ICT if it has a purpose, not only for the sake of using ICT. To do this I have to learn more about how ICT can support my subject.” “We are already doing this. Anyway I think it is OK with some ICT courses focused on developing skills and assignments connected to the other subjects.” “It is great that the teacher students learn the most primary skills, for instance to write mathematics using a word processor. I have read the students´ assignments in number theory and I am impressed. We have to continue with this arrangement; it fits nicely into our subject.”

14 Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of IT, Faculty of Education, Oslo University College The lecturers were asked what thought they had about didaktikal collaboration with the Department of IT. One of them answered: “I can see that collaboration with the Department of IT could be useful for my subject. I can see that some parts of my student lessons can be developed in such as collaboration.” Another question asked if they had earlier experiences with collaboration with the Department of IT, and if this developed and supported their subject. One person said: “I am really satisfied with the teaching material connected to the student assignments in number theory. During the ICT supervision, the students learned essential parts of mathematics that a lot of teachers out in school practice don’t have necessary competence in.”

15 Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of IT, Faculty of Education, Oslo University College The student had to make up their mind about the statement: “The ICT lessons and supervision have been an integrated part of the study and are useful for the learning process in other subjects.”

16 Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of IT, Faculty of Education, Oslo University College A statement that relates to a particular part of the ICT teaching and supervision gives better results: “The web-based teaching material and the supervision in computer suites connected to formula editor and painting tool was a good help to manage the ICT demands in the mathematic exam.”

17 Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of IT, Faculty of Education, Oslo University College In the evaluation, there were also open questions, giving the student the opportunity to provide more individual and detailed comments on the ICT classes and supervision. The answer shows differences of opinion, from really satisfied to not satisfy at all: “ICT has not been as integrated as I wished. The teaching has not been divided in different levels, and has therefore not helped me improve my ICT knowledge.” ”Really good idea to integrate the ICT instead of having an own subject…” “ICT should have a more central role in the study.” ”Had no needs for ICT courses.” ”GOOD to have ICT courses! It is something everybody HAS to manage!!” “ICT has not been integrated at all, it has been something we had to do in order to pass, instead of something useful. Except for the ICT connected to the exam in mathematics, I had little benefit of ICT.” “I feel that a lot of the ICT demands this year not will be useful in my later school practice.”

18 Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of IT, Faculty of Education, Oslo University College Conclusion and recommendation on the future challenges Moving against the goal Not yet satisfied with the ICT integration –About 20 point integrated –Still 10 points to go Takes time and resources to do “transition and boundary crossing” in a academic system

19 Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of IT, Faculty of Education, Oslo University College Discussion How to reach a further level – broaden the ICT integration? –Example: Not only distinct parts of a word processor, but a didaktikal understanding for the use of word processor to support learning among students/pupils –How to be a didaktikal dialogue partner – keep the focus?

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