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Pettis County Retail Trade Analysis December 27, 2000 Pettis County Advisory Panel Meeting Sedalia, MO.

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Presentation on theme: "Pettis County Retail Trade Analysis December 27, 2000 Pettis County Advisory Panel Meeting Sedalia, MO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pettis County Retail Trade Analysis December 27, 2000 Pettis County Advisory Panel Meeting Sedalia, MO

2 Why is the Retail Sector Important?  Employment  Retail Sales  Local government sales tax revenues  Local quality of life  Firms’ location decisions

3  Total retail sales  Per capita retail sales  Analysis Tools Trade area capture Pull factor Potential sales  Sales and analysis by detailed category Retail Trade Analysis

4 Total Retail Sales: Pettis County and Sedalia

5 Total Retail Sales: Pettis and surrounding counties

6 Per Capita Retail Sales: Pettis County and Missouri

7 Per Capita Retail Sales: Pettis and surrounding counties

8 Retail Trade Analysis: Trade Area Capture  Measures the number of customers that are being served by the local retail sector  Based on state average expenditures, adjusting for differences in per capita income  Trade area capture is compared to county population  If greater than population, then the retail sector is attracting customers from outside the county

9 Trade Area Capture: Pettis and surrounding counties

10 Retail Trade Analysis: Pull Factor  Measures the portion of customers that a local area draws from outside its boundaries  A pull factor greater than 1.0 indicates an “export” sector  A pull factor less than 1.0 indicates an “import” sector

11 Pull Factor: Pettis and surrounding counties

12 Retail Trade Analysis: Potential Sales  An estimate of the retail sales level that could be achieved if the retail sector captured 100 percent of the local market  Compared to the actual retail sales level  If potential sales are greater than the actual sales, the county is drawing customers from outside its boundary

13 Potential Sales: Pettis and surrounding counties

14 Detailed Retail Trade Sectors  Building materials and garden supplies  General merchandise stores  Food stores  Automotive dealers  Gasoline service stations  Apparel and accessory stores  Furniture and home furnishings stores  Eating and drinking places  Miscellaneous retail  Drug stores and proprietary stores  Hotels and lodging places  Auto repair services

15 Analysis by Category: Trade Area Capture

16 Analysis by Category: Pull Factor

17 Analysis by Category: Potential Sales

18 Issues to Consider  Increasing county retail sales: Existing firms capture more retail dollars from local residents Existing firms increase sales to incommuters or tourists New retail firms fill a gap in the local retail sector Local demand for retail goods increases  Changes occurring nationwide Concentration of sales in “super-centers” Catalog, mail-order, and internet shopping

19 More information:  Retail Trade Analysis for Missouri and County Summaries

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