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Can Computers Think? An Honors College Course Moderated By Stephen Fickas Let’s See What I Said in Beginning of Course Always a Hoot.

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Presentation on theme: "Can Computers Think? An Honors College Course Moderated By Stephen Fickas Let’s See What I Said in Beginning of Course Always a Hoot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can Computers Think? An Honors College Course Moderated By Stephen Fickas Let’s See What I Said in Beginning of Course Always a Hoot

2 It’s A Science Course! (Original) What is the Science in Our Question?  Need to know basics of how computers work (in existence for 70+ years).  Need to know basics of field of Artificial Intelligence (in existence for 40+ years).  We will also look at a bit from area of Brain Science and area of Biological Computing.

3 Did Not Look at “Architecture” Sorrrrrry. I find it kind of boring, but that’s because I deal with it every day!

4 We Did Look at Building Blocks Hope you can see how Boolean Algebra and Binary Digits fit in to the whole scheme.

5 And We Did Look at Future Computing Bio-based computing (Conery) Quantum Computing (Schombert)

6 And Kurzweil’s Rocks (and universe)

7 We Did Look at AI in JIT Fashion I chose to introduce AI topics as they came up in the reading: Rules, Search, Genetic Algs, Planning In retrospect, I might spend first couple weeks doing AI intro.

8 It’s An Eclectic Course! (Original) Lots of Disciplines Might Weigh In  Need to know what experts believe think means.  Sci Fi has made predictions.  There are moral and ethical issues.

9 Did We Discover What “Think” Means? Several Views I Have Heard  Test-Based: Turing Test (means does not matter).  Reverse-engineer brain (means does matter).  Shoot holes in logic: thought problems like CRA (useful for focusing debate).  Context-based: do as well as experts in narrow domains (leaves open general intell).

10 Lot’s of Sci Fi We Looked at Some  Matrix. Couple of themes: (1) malevolent take-over by machines, (2) humans live in a simulation (but don’t know it).  Total Recall. Can upload data to your brain, including simulated emotional experiences.  Battlestar Gallactica: machines take over and clone themselves. Pretty relevant to recent discussion on future of reproduction.

11 Moral and Ethical Issues We have touched on some  Course had more a science flavor because I’m a science guy. (And it is a science course!)  Did try to get someone who teaches ethics and/or religion to guest lecture, but no luck   Frankly, I think the author does an ok job of raising issues. Of course, you can disagree with his conclusions.

12 General Course Outline (Original) 50/50  50% of course will look at science issues. Will use some lab time and also homework.  Remaining piece of course will take material from our textbook (a non-science book) and from other readings and lectures.

13 General Class Outline (Original) Almost 3 Hours!  I like classes with a lab component. We will use some of each class for lab.  There will be some lecture component where I give you foundations you need for science piece.  We will do some discussion/interactive activities that ask you to think/contribute.  We often will have a guest speaker from outside area to broaden our horizons.  Abandoned in-class labs after several weeks. Good idea?  Did a couple interactive pieces. Wanted to do more – might try next year.  I found the guest speakers critical to balancing or enhancing textbook material. And it’s interesting to see a variety of teaching styles

14 Grading (Original) I like Straight-Line: You can all earn an A You can all earn an A  Traditional: A (100-90), B (80-89), C (70-79), …  50% lab/exams, 30% written, 20% participation.  Weekly work.  No late turn-ins, but will provide make-up assignments to get points back (typically harder than original). Like to change this: 50% lab/exams, 30% written, 20% participation. To this: 50% lab/exams, 50% written, Extra Credit for participation. Agreed?

15 Help During Week (Original) I like talking to students!  Always available by email and don’t mind questions by email.  Official office hours: MW 4-5.  My office is in Deschutes Hall, room 313. You need to speak up more if I set bad office hours! And I am sure you know this, but it is always a good thing for a professor to get to know you through office hours.

16 About Our Textbook (Original) It’s Provocative!  It’s aimed at general public.  It’s quite optimistic – a technocrat treatise.  In general, it argues that in your lifetime you will see the emergence of computer-based intelligence.  And that you will love it.  We will discuss more once you have read the first chapter.

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