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Chapter 7 Age and Sex-Related Differences & Their Implications for Resistance Exercise.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Age and Sex-Related Differences & Their Implications for Resistance Exercise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Age and Sex-Related Differences & Their Implications for Resistance Exercise

2 Chapter 7 Preadolesence – prior to secondary sex characteristics Adolescence – period from childhood & adulthood Older or Senior – 65 years old and older Growth – Increase in the body size Development – Natural process from prenatal life to adulthood

3 Maturation – Process of becoming mature and fully functional Scenario – A high school football coach is offering extrinsic motivation for the any player or student that achieves a 300 lb bench press. –Good idea or bad idea? –What about age of students attempting this feat.

4 Scenario Cont. –Chronological age – How old in years –Biological age – Measure of skeletal age, somatic physique and sexual maturation Mesomorph, Endomorph, Ectomorph


6 Chapter 7 –What about the person’s training age? –What about peak height velocity (damage to bones)? –Do adolescence children gain muscular size or strength.

7 At what age to we achieve our muscular peak?

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