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Opernplatz. Berlin, Germany Books were publicly burned at Berlin's Opernplatz May 10, 1933.

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2 Opernplatz. Berlin, Germany

3 Books were publicly burned at Berlin's Opernplatz May 10, 1933.



6 ."They that start by burning books will end by burning men.“ Christian Johann Heinrich Heine



9 Christian teaching in the Acts of the Apostles “From one man He created all races of mankind and made them live throughout the earth.” Christians have,though out the centuries, followed the example of Jesus and given up their lives so that others may live.

10 ‘One Person Can Make a Difference’.

11 The Grace The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ And the love of God And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit Be with us all Evermore AMEN


13 Original concept & slides complied by Helen Sage Diocese of Blackburn, Board of Education Advisor to High Schools.

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