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Introduction to AI & AI Principles (Semester 1) WEEK 4 – Wednesday Introduction to AI & AI Principles (Semester 1) WEEK 4 – Wednesday (2008/09) John Barnden.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to AI & AI Principles (Semester 1) WEEK 4 – Wednesday Introduction to AI & AI Principles (Semester 1) WEEK 4 – Wednesday (2008/09) John Barnden."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to AI & AI Principles (Semester 1) WEEK 4 – Wednesday Introduction to AI & AI Principles (Semester 1) WEEK 4 – Wednesday (2008/09) John Barnden Professor of Artificial Intelligence School of Computer Science University of Birmingham, UK

2 Reminder (HOT) DRINKS Case Study Planning the Delivery of One Drink

3 Planning the Delivery of One Drink, 1 uInitial Situation: Mike (M) wants beer; Mike is in the sitting room (S); you are in the kitchen (K); there is an unopened bottle B of beer in the fridge (F); you are next to F; there is a bottle-opener O on top of F; doors D-KS, D-KH and D- HL[see below] are closed. uOther Facts: l F is in K l K and S are connected by door D-KS l K and the hall (H) are connected by door D-KH l H and S are connected by door D-HS. uGoal Situation (for You to achieve): l M has B; B is open.

4 Planning the Delivery of One Drink, 2 uActions available (at a high level): l agent a opens a bottle b with a bottle-opener o. l agent a opens a door d. l agent a closes a door d. l agent a goes through a room-door e. l agent a moves from (being next to) an object x to an object y. l agent a picks up an object x with one free hand. l agent a picks up an object x with both hands. l agent a puts down an object y. l agent a gives a held object z to agent p. uNB: In most cases you will act as agent a, but we should be open to other possibilities.

5 Planning the Delivery of One Drink, 3 uIndividual Exercise “One-Drink A” [4 mins] l Write down one sensible sequence of actions that will achieve the Goal from the Initial Situation. Use only actions from my list. l Write down another such sequence. uIndividual Exercise “One-Drink B” [3 mins] l How did you work out your first sequence, do you think?

6 Planning the Delivery of One Drink, 4 uOne sensible sequence of actions (or rather, action instances) is as follows…. and is there anything missing?: l I move to F. l I open F’s door. l I pick up B with one free hand. l I pick up O with one free hand. l I open B with O. l I put down O. l I move to D-KS. l I open D-KS. l I go through D-KS. l I move to M. l I give B to M. uNB: we instantiated the variables in the action specifications by replacing them by constants.

7 New Stuff on (HOT) DRINKS Case Study Planning the Delivery of One Drink

8 Planning the Delivery of One Drink, 5 uWhat Do You Need to Know about the action agent a opens a bottle b with a bottle-opener o ?? uanswer: l [Some] Preconditions: b is unopened a is holding b [roughly upright]. a is holding o. l [Some] (Non-)Effects: b is open a is still holding b. a is still holding o.

9 Planning the Delivery of One Drink, 6 (corrected) uWhat Do You Need to Know about the action agent a goes through a room-door e [joining rooms r1 & r2] ?? uAnswer: l Preconditions: e is open a is next to e. a is in r1(say). l (Non-)Effects: a is in r2. [but what about r1?] a is [still] next to e [though in a different way]. ((e is still open)) [but do you need to know this?] ((e still joins rooms r1 and r2 !!))

10 Planning the Delivery of One Drink, 7 uIndividual Exercise “One-Drink C” [up to 10 mins] uWrite down What You Need to Know for the following actions: l a moves from (being next to) an object x to an object y. l a puts down an object y. l a gives a held object z to person p. l a picks up an object x with both hands. l a picks up an object x with one free hand.

11 Planning the Delivery of One Drink, 8 uA possible way of working out an action sequence: l How do I achieve the Goal? I could address the following two subgoals separately: (G1) M has B; (G2) B is open. l How do I achieve, say, G1? Aha, an action that could achieve it is “a gives held object z to person p”, with a instantiated to me, z instantiated to B, and p instantiated to M. But this means I have to achieve two subgoals (and not forget about G2): (G1.1) I am holding B; (G1.2) I am next to M. l How do I achieve G1.1? Aha, …..

12 Planning the Delivery of One Drink, 9 uSuch a process is a form of backwards chaining. uNotice some complications: l Trying to achieve more than one subgoal. One issue: what order to address them in? l The fact that several different action instances could achieve a particular subgoal. How do you choose? What order? l In principle, a single action instance could achieve more than one subgoal. l Needing to remember other subgoals when thinking backwards through an action instance (subgoal regression).

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