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By Keren Haddad and Max Panasenkov

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1 By Keren Haddad and Max Panasenkov
UI Components By Keren Haddad and Max Panasenkov

2 UI Components Introduction to .NET Framework
Understanding UI Components Using VS.NET Examples

3 Introduction to .NET Framework
The .NET Evolution How does it work? Why .NET?

4 Code and data structures
The .NET Evolution Application Code and data structures Before COM, applications were completely separate entities with little or no integration

5 The .NET Evolution COM provides a way for components to integrate; However, each component must provide the “plumbing” and objects cannot directly interact

6 The .NET Evolution With the .NET Framework common language runtime, components are built on a common substrate; No “plumbing” is needed and objects can directly interact

7 Common Language Specification
How does it work? VB C++ C# JScript J# Visual Studio.NET Common Language Specification ASP.NET Web Forms Web Services Mobile Internet Toolkit Windows Forms ADO.NET and XML Base Class Library Common Language Runtime Operating System

8 At installation or the first time each method is called
How does it work? Compilation Assembly Code (IL) Source Code Language Compiler Execution JIT Compiler Native Code Metadata At installation or the first time each method is called

9 Why .NET? Completely eliminates COM plumbing No more… Registration
GUIDs .IDL files HRESULTs IUnknown AddRef/Release CoCreateInstance =>self described apps =>hierarchical namespaces =>unified object model =>structured exceptions =>common root object =>garbage collector =>”new” operator

10 Why .NET? Common type system Enables clean OO programming
Value and Reference types Both are objects Automatic life-time management Very rich framework Assemblies GAC Still supports old standards!

11 UI Components Introduction to .NET Framework
Understanding UI Components Using VS.NET Examples

12 Understanding UI Components
Overview Replacement for VB Forms and MFC Fully integrated with the .NET framework Web Service aware Date (ADO.NET and XML) aware Secure code and Licensing A framework for building Windows application “No touch” deployment No registration, Versionable, Smart caching A RAD evironment in Visaul Studio .NET Windows Form Designer, Property Browser

13 Overview (cont) Rich set of controls ActiveX Interoperability
Standart controls - Label, Button, TextBox, etc. Common controls - ProgressBar, StatusBar, etc. Data aware controls - ListBox, DataGrid, etc. Common dialogs ActiveX Interoperability Can host ActiveX controls / author ActiveX controls Printing Support Visual inheritance Create a form bases on another form by using inheritance Advanced layout Anchoring and docking

14 Basic Terms Component Control (User Control) Timer, DB Connection
Windows Forms Menu Button etc Web Forms ASP.NET specific

15 UI Components Introduction to .NET Framework
Understanding UI Components Using VS.NET Examples

16 Using VS.NET Adding Components and Controls Editing properties
Just drag component from the toolbox Editing properties Edit directly in the properties editor Registering for events Also in the properties editor

17 What actually happens? Data members for components
For example, after placing timer: public class FunnyButton : System.Windows.Forms.Button { private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer1;

18 What actually happens? Attributes for the properties
For example, after changing Text property: private void InitializeComponent() { this.Text = "ADO Example";

19 What actually happens? Delegates for events
Special type event in .NET (special delegate) private void InitializeComponent() { this.MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler(this.UserControl1_MouseEnter); } private void UserControl1_MouseEnter(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {}

20 Names everyone should know
Properties Name – data member name Text – text shown by control (was Caption) ForeColor – current text color Dock – docking to the parent Enabled – active or not Events Click – mouse click on the control SizeChanged - resize

21 InitializeComponent() method
This method is created by VS.NET Code generated there represents all the changes done in the design view Note: if you remove event handler or data member added by VS.NET manually, do not forget to clean the code that uses it from InitializeComponent(). Doing this from the design view is easier!

22 UI Components Introduction to .NET Framework
Understanding UI Components Using VS.NET Examples

23 Writing our first control!
Circle button Creating custom component in components library Deployment GDI+

24 Understanding the first example
using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; public CircleButton() { public CircleButton(){ sFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; } private StringFormat sFormat = new StringFormat(); //alignment for DrawString protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) Graphics graphics = e.Graphics; //retrieve graphics float penWidth = 4; Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black, penWidth); //create pen for the border SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(ButtonBackColor); //brush for bg graphics.FillEllipse(brush, 0, 0, Width, Height); // draw bg SolidBrush textBrush = new SolidBrush(ForeColor); //brush for text graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, (int) penWidth/2,(int) penWidth/2, Width - penWidth, Height - penWidth); //draw border graphics.DrawString( ButtonText, Font,textBrush, Width/2 (Height - FontHeight)/2, sFormat); } } //draw text

25 GDI+ System.Drawing provides access to basic GDI+
Advanced drawing capabilities found in System.Drawing.Drawing2D System.Drawing.Imaging System.Drawing.Text System.Drawing.Graphics .NET equivalent of the device context But, parameters such as fonts, pens, etc. must be provided every call OnPaint() method receives a PaintEventArg object

26 Putting it all together
UserControl successors are automatically deployed by Visual Studio .NET in the toolbox Public attributes appear in Properties Editor Create simple form and use it

27 Another example Funny button
No more reinventing the wheel – inherit from System.Windows.Forms.Button class Just putting existing things together Note: There is no direct way to ask Visual Studio .NET to create descendant of the system classes like Form, Button and etc., so you just create a UserControl and then manually change its parent Note: Another documented feature is that you cannot use designer view to edit you component after you do that

28 … Auto Generated Code Skipped …
Funny button code public class FunnyButton : System.Windows.Forms.Button { … Auto Generated Code Skipped … private void UserControl1_MouseEnter(object sender,System.EventArgs e){ m_counter = 0; ButtonText = Text; this.timer1.Start(); } private void UserControl1_MouseLeave(object sender,System.EventArgs e){ this.timer1.Stop(); this.Text = ButtonText; } private int m_counter; private void timer1_Tick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { m_counter++; if (m_counter > ButtonText.Length) { this.timer1.Stop(); } else { string t = ButtonText; string newT = t.Substring(m_counter) + t.Substring(0, m_counter); this.Text = newT; } } }

29 Putting it all together

30 Third example ADO.NET Not simply upgrade to ADO
Designed to be different Disconnected relational data Optimized performance for different providers System.Data namespace System.Data.OleDb System.Data.SqlClient System.Data.SqlTypes System.XML namespace

31 ADO.NET Architecture

32 ADO.NET classes description
Connection Represents a connection to a data source. Command Represents a query or a command that is to be executed by a data source. DataSet Represents data. The DataSet can be filled either from a data source or dynamically. DataAdapter Used for filling a DataSet from a data source. DataReader Used for fast, efficient, forward-only reading of a data source.

33 Drag-Dropping third example
Simple application using ADO.NET Create your database (I used Access) Drag appropriate DataAdapter component OdbcDataAdapter for Access Follow the wizards Drag DataGrid on your form Set it’s DataSource property to be adapter’s DataSet Add control buttons Run it

34 Drag OdbcDataAdapter Press Next

35 Data Adapter Configuration Wizard
Create new connection or use existing one Create new one for now

36 Data Adapter Configuration Wizard
Data source store your custom information for the next time you need connection to the same DB Create a new one now

37 Data Adapter Configuration Wizard
Select driver for the data source

38 Data Adapter Configuration Wizard
Chose name for your Data Source Will allow later use the same configurations Press Next then Press Finish

39 Data Adapter Configuration Wizard
Press Select button and brows to your database file Press OK’s until returned to the first screen Press Next there

40 Data Adapter Configuration Wizard
Chose Use SQL statements and continue

41 Data Adapter Configuration Wizard
Here you should chose the select query for you adapter. Use Query Builder Click Next and then Finish

42 Design View Right click on the icon of the Data Adapter in the design view Choose Generate DataSet Click OK in the appeared dialog

43 Customizing our Form Drop on the form DataGrid control from the Windows forms tab Drop two Buttons Customize them as you wish Name, Docking, Size, etc. Set property DataSource of the DataGrid to be table you wish from the DataSet

44 Last steps Add event handlers for Click event of both buttons
Set one to be Commit button and another Reset button Use these methods (replace relation name with the one you created) Add even handler for form’s Load and call there Reset() private void Reset() { this.dataSet11.Clear(); this.odbcDataAdapter1.Fill(dataSet11, "Students"); } private void Commit() this.odbcDataAdapter1.Update(this.dataSet11);

45 Run your application Fill free to edit table in the grid and use your buttons

46 Useful resources Small ADO tutorial
Custom shape window tutorial Customizing components properties view

47 Summary .NET – Future of the Windows platform Cross language
New model for components usage Windows Forms offer great GUI potential Rich control set Supports ActiveX Improved GDI+ Excellent IDE to extract 100% from it Tries to look perfect – no official bug repositories

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