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Forecasting during the SOP1-2 Forecasting Forecast Sub-Group of the AOC/ST2 J-P Lafore, D. Parker (Leeds U.), C. Thorncroft (SUNY - US), Z. Mumba, A. Kamga,

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Presentation on theme: "Forecasting during the SOP1-2 Forecasting Forecast Sub-Group of the AOC/ST2 J-P Lafore, D. Parker (Leeds U.), C. Thorncroft (SUNY - US), Z. Mumba, A. Kamga,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forecasting during the SOP1-2 Forecasting Forecast Sub-Group of the AOC/ST2 J-P Lafore, D. Parker (Leeds U.), C. Thorncroft (SUNY - US), Z. Mumba, A. Kamga, M.C. Dufresne (ACMAD), A. Assam (ASECNA), E. Afiesimama (Nigerian Met S), A.Diongue (Senegelese Met S), A. Beljaars (ECMWF), S. Milton (UK Met O), W. Thiaw (NOAA)

2 PLAN 1.Forcasting requirements 2.Organization Workplan Rosters Briefing 3.Tools and methods RETIM-Afrique  Synergie, MSG AOC-Web site 4.Nowcasting 5.Main issues to be solved

3 1. Forecasting requirements 1. Operational needs: – Provide the forecasts of key aspects  AOC decisions – Help to plan IOPs and relevant observation strategies – Security (aircraft protection) – Answer to PIs and platforms needs 2. Contribute to the science: – Evaluate the skill of models – Predictability – Feed the scientific discussion at AOC based on a description of the WAM system at all scales and for all its components  Review of the TT8 implementation plan: – Briefing schedule must be refined: – Lack of nowcasting requirements – Flights concerning MCSs: takeoff time, poor forecast skill…

4 Dec JanFebMaAprMayJuneJulyAugSept SOP0 Forecast Training Workshop Preparatory Forecast Meeting SOP1-2 Forecast Team 1 Forecast Team 2 Forecast Team 3 15 25 2. Organization: Planning 1. Preparatory Meeting:15-22 March – Participants: ACMAD, ASECNA, MF 2. Training Workshop:22May-2June – Priority on practicals – Funded by AMMA-EU 3. Forecasting Team at ACMAD:1 st May-15Sep. – Funding not secured (~30k€) – ~12 African forecasters from ~10 countries – 3 periods: Rosters of 5 Forecasters for periods 1-3 6 Forecasters for period 2 – + Forecasting resource persons from ACMAD – + Forecast Scientific Support

5 2. Organization: Schedule - Tasks 03 Day D Daily Rosters of Forecasters Shifts 060912151821 00 Period 2 Briefing D+1 B1 07? Briefing >D+1 B2 16? ARPEGE A-Tropique UK ECMWF Global NWP Availability by RETIM-Afrique B0 On request TASKS Analysis D-1, D Forecast D, D+1 B1 preparation Forecast D+2, D+4 B2 preparation Monitor forecasts (D+1) Collaboration with airport/Nowcasting Daily Weather report Evaluation Report for D-2 Daily Rosters of Forecasters Shifts Period 1-3 Briefing B1 ? B0 On request

6 3. Tools -Methods Synergie Forecasting System (MF) – 4 Stations at ACMAD – Fed with NWP products + MSG with the RETIM link AOC-Web site: – VSAT internet link at ACMAD – Reports, quicklooks, NWP, diagnostics, research models… – In construction: Medias-France, CNRM – MCS tracking: RDT from SAF-Nowcasting Synthetic analysis – Main features on a single synthetic map for analysis and forecasts WASA at 06, 18: West Afr. Synthetic Analysis WASF at 06, 18: West Afr. Synthetic Forecast

7 3. Synthetic analysis: example ITF HL TEJ AEJ Dry Air

8 ACMAD Forecasters Team (2) Airport ASECNA DMN Niger AOC Niamey IRD Data flows and Web sites Toulouse AOC-Web CESBIO Leeds U. SUNY IPSL CEH ftp Etc… RETIM-Afrique Benin Super Site Gourma Super Site Dakar? SOP3 Research Centers Specific Models runs Analysis Diagnostics Indexes… NWP Centers Operational Forecasts + Analysis Minimum set of Fields Diagnostics Indexes Rule Save communication with Niger! internet AOC-Web Others? NCEP Morocco Météo-France ECMWF UK Met O VSAT internet Ouagadougou

9 AOC-Web Site PIs contribution To provide Quick Looks










19 Dec JanFebMaAprMayJuneJulyAugSept SOP0 Forecast Training Workshop Preparatory Forecast Meeting SOP1-2 Forecast Team 1 Forecast Team 2 Forecast Team 3 15 25 Forecasting activities Plan AOC-Web development Plan Version 1 Version 3 Version 2 1 st Development2nd Development VSAT TASKS New products integration: MEDIAS  Strong collaboration with PIs and producers Coordination: JP Lafore Evaluation by producers and users

20 4. Nowcasting A subgroup (ASECNA+CNRM) works on this issue The main points are: 1.Definition and setup of a procedure for the nowcasting to guide flights 3 persons team at Airport: on request Forecaster + PI at ground +Air controler Tools: MSG products Communication issue with aircrafts? 2.Praticals will be elaborated to train forecasters at airport  collaboration with pilots and aircraft PIs

21 On the use of Tracking algorithms in AMMA MCS tracking from Meteosat IR  2 applications 1.Nowcasting  trajectories + main characteristics: stage, speed, surface, duration… See AMMA-SAT web site: Will be put on AOC-Web 2.Climatologie of MCSs: Available on request Identification of different types of MCSs (4 classes) Documentation over 8 years:  SOP preparation – Examples: Nbr of MCSs for a given period and location Daily distribution of MCS passage…

22 5. Main issues to be solved Budget – Not secured for SOP (~30k€)  current actions Nowcasting – Communication issue – Define a procedure – Work on case studies  Collaboration between PI, pilots, Forecast group Briefing Time? – Discussed yesterday  must be finalized AOC-Web development MEDIAS + CNRM – Collaboration with Pis  provide Quick looks (AOC coordination)  provide specifics products – Coordination by JP Lafore – Mirror site at other site? (Ouaga., Dakar) Still a lot of work! – Organize the Forecasters team – Finalize methodes  practical – Prepare the Training Workshop (22 May – 2 nd June)

23 2. Organization: Briefings Crucial issue to be discussed – Morning briefingB107UTC ( 8:00Loc) – Afternoon briefingB216UTC (17:00Loc) B1 implies the FT to start work around 2UTC B2 seems too late B0 specific briefing at ACMAD early in the morning At what time is the briefing for periods without aircrafts (late morning or early afternoon?)

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