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Respiratory & Digestive Systems Review PsTL 1082.

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Presentation on theme: "Respiratory & Digestive Systems Review PsTL 1082."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiratory & Digestive Systems Review PsTL 1082

2 What type of tissue is this?

3 Lip Stratified squamous epithelium

4 What type of tissue is this?

5 Taste bud

6 What organ is this tissue from? What are 1, 2, 3, 4?

7 Esophagus Note layers: 1 - Mucosa (epithelium) 2 - Submucosa 3 - Muscularis 4 - Serosa L = lumen

8 What organ is this? What does this organ secrete?

9 Stomach Secretions include: hydrochloric acid and Pepsin (protein digestion)

10 What organ is this? What are layers 1, 2, and 3?

11 Small Intestine 1= lumen 2 = villi 3 = lymph tissue

12 Which organ is this? What are those white dots?

13 Large Intestine - Colon Many goblet cells

14 Name the organ and something it secretes.

15 Liver gland = epithelial tissue Liver - secretes bile (fat digestion) --Largest gland in your body.

16 Name the organ and two things it secretes.

17 Pancreas gland = epithelial tissue Pancreas Both endocrine and exocrine gland. --Exocrine = digestive gland = Pancreatic enzymes --Endocrine = hormone Example = insulin

18 Identify these tissues

19 1=large intestine 2=lip 3=small intestine 4= liver 5=stomach 6=taste bud 7=pancreas 8=small intestine

20 What is the blue thing?

21 Laryngo- pharynx

22 What is the blue thing?

23 Q: Identify the structure shaded in blue A: Oropharynx

24 What is the blue thing?

25 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Labia

26 What is the blue/green thing?

27 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Oral Cavity

28 What is the blue thing?

29 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Esophagus

30 What is the blue thing?

31 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Stomach

32 What is the light blue structure?

33 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Small intestines

34 What is the green structure?

35 Q: Identify the structure highlighted in green A: Mesentery

36 What is the blue structure?

37 Q; This is an abdominal X-ray. Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Large intestine

38 What is the blue structure?

39 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Ascending colon

40 What is the blue structure?

41 Q: This is an abdominal X-ray. Identify the structure shaded in light blue. (Hint, the first haustration) A: Cecum

42 What is the blue structure?

43 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Transverse colon

44 What is the blue structure?

45 Q: Identify the small, worm-like structure shaded in light blue A: Vermiform appendix

46 What is the blue structure?

47 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Descending colon

48 What is the blue structure?

49 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Sigmoid colon

50 What is the blue structure?

51 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Rectum

52 What is the blue structure?

53 Q: Given that the structure shaded in light blue is the rectum, what is located below it? A: Anus

54 What is the purple structure?

55 Q: Identify the structure shaded in purple A: orbicularis oris

56 What is the blue structure?

57 Q: Identify the area shaded in light blue A: fundic region of the stomach

58 What is the blue structure?

59 Q: Identify the area shaded in light blue A: Body of stomach

60 What is the blue structure?

61 Q: Identify the area shaded in light blue A: Pyloric region of the stomach

62 What is the blue structure?

63 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Duodenum

64 What is the blue structure?

65 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Liver

66 What is the blue structure?

67 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Gallbladder

68 What is the blue structure?

69 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Pancreas

70 What is the blue structure?

71 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Tongue

72 What is the blue structure?

73 Q: Identify the structure(s) shaded in light blue A: Teeth

74 What is the purple structure?

75 Q: Identify the structure shaded in purple A: Masseter

76 What is the purple structure?

77 Q: Identify the structure shaded in purple A: Platysma

78 What is the purple structure?

79 Q: Identify the structure shaded in purple A: buccinator

80 What is the blue structure?

81 Q: This is a slide of the intestinal wall. Identify the structure(s) shaded in light blue A: Villi

82 Where is this tissue located? What are the black arrows pointed at?

83 The colon and goblet cells

84 1 - cecum 2 - ascending colon 3 - transverse colon 4 - descending colon 5 - Sigmoid colon 6 - rectum This is an x-ray of the large intestine. Note: Intestines are never as organized as the images you see in textbooks.

85 1 - cecum 2 - ascending colon 3 - transverse colon 4 - descending colon 5 - Sigmoid colon 6 - rectum This is an x-ray of the large intestine. Note: Intestines are never as organized as the images you see in textbooks.

86 Where is this tissue located?

87 Small intestine (notice the villi!)

88 What are 1, 2, and 3 in this image?

89 Q: What is this? A: It’s an x-ray of the stomach and small intestine. 1 = stomach 2 = duodenum 3 = jejunum

90 What is this tissue? What are 1, 2, and 3?

91 the duodenum. 1 - mucosa - including villi 2 - submucosa - - includes connective tissues and glands 3 - muscularis layer that includes smooth muscle and nerves.

92 What is the blue structure?

93 Q: Identify the structure shaded in light blue A: Bile duct

94 What is the orange structure? What is its connection to the digestive system?

95 A: medulla oblongata A: Control gastric secretions, and several other digestive functions.

96 What is this tissue? What are 1, 2, and 3?

97 1 - Bronchiole (note cartilage) - transports air 2 - Pulmonary vein (note shape - not round)- transports blood 3 - Pulmonary artery (note shape - round)- transports blood Bronchiole and Lung

98 What type of tissue is this?

99 Lung Tissue Lungs contain many open space - alveolus The lung is mostly epithelial tissue Open space is for air

100 What is this?

101 Bronchus 1 - Hyaline cartilage 2 - lumen - the air passage 3 - Epithelial tissue lining the air passage

102 What is the orange structure? What role does it play in the respiratory system?

103 A: medulla oblongata A: Control of respiration / ventilation.

104 What is the function of the yellow structure?

105 A: phrenic nerve. Q: What is the function of the phrenic nerve? A: Innervation of the diaphragm.

106 Q: Identify the structure in blue, located at A.

107 A: carina

108 What is the blue structure?

109 A: the diaphragm

110 What are the purple structures?

111 A: intercostal muscles (muscles of “breathing” or ventilation)

112 What is the purple structure?

113 Q: Identify the structure shaded in blue. A: trachea

114 What is the purple structure? What is “A”?

115 trachea bronchi

116 Q: Identify the structures located at A.

117 A: lungs

118 What is the blue structure?

119 A: cardiac arch

120 What is the blue structure?

121 Q: Identify the structure shaded in blue. A: nasal septum

122 What is the blue structure?

123 Q: Identify the area shaded in blue. A: nasopharynx

124 What is the blue structure?

125 The epiglottis

126 What is the blue structure?

127 Q: Identify the structure shaded in blue. A. larynx

128 What are 1, 2, 3, and 4?

129 Q: What is it? A: Alveolar duct 1 - bronchiole -- lined by epithelium 2 - small pulmonary artery 3 Alveolar duct (no closed ends) 4 Alveolus (Air sacs) - site of gas exchange

130 What is this? What are 1 and 2?

131 A: Alveolus 1 - macrophage s (function - “clean” the lungs) 2 Simple squamous epithelial cells of the alveoli

132 What is the this? What are 1 and 2?

133 Q: What is it? A: Wall of the trachea 1 - epithelial cell lining the lumen 2 cartilage -- support

134 Q: What is it? A: MRI of the upper respiratory system 1.Tongue 2.Inferior nasal conchae 3.Superior nasal conchae 4.Sphenoidal sinus 5.Nasopharynx 6.Oropharynx 7.Laryngopharynx 8.Epiglottis 9.Spinal cord


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