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Computer Learning Ph.D. Candidate Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering University of Delaware Instructor: Jonghyun Kim 2 (Beginning Level)

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Learning Ph.D. Candidate Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering University of Delaware Instructor: Jonghyun Kim 2 (Beginning Level)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Learning Ph.D. Candidate Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering University of Delaware Instructor: Jonghyun Kim 2 (Beginning Level)

2 Windows Explorer  Data unit  Folder  File  Change the view of files and folders  Copy a file/folder  Paste a file/folder  Rename a file/folder  Move a file/folder Sort files/folders Undo the previous operation Redo the previous operation  Create folder  Delete a file/folder Restore a deleted file/folder  Selection of a file/folder  Shortcut keys Outline

3 … ☜ Windows Explorer


5 bit = 0 1 byte = 8 bits (e.g., 01010101) Kbyte = 1024 bytes (8,192 bits) can represent a single alphabet a = 1100001 2 = 97 10 b = 1100010 2 = 98 10 (kilobyte) Windows Explorer : Data unit

6 Gbyte = 1024 Mbytes (= 8,589,934,592 bits) e.g.) a move file is 1GB Mbyte = 1024 Kbytes (= 8,388,608 bits) e.g.) a music file is 3~8 MB Tbyte = 1024 Gbytes (= 8,796,093,022,208 bits ) e.g.) 1024 movie files (megabyte) (gigabyte) (terabyte) Windows Explorer : Data unit

7 Double click Windows Explorer : Folder

8 Folder or directory in the hard disk Double click Windows Explorer : Folder

9 Windows Explorer : File file

10 file.txt File name File extension Windows Explorer : File

11 1. Click this menu Windows Explorer : File

12 2. Click Windows Explorer : File

13 3. Click on this tap Windows Explorer : File

14 4. Click here to disable this setting Windows Explorer : File

15 5. Click Windows Explorer : File

16 A specific program is connected to each file Windows Explorer : File

17 Documents SongsVarious programs Movies Pictures Folder and file Hardware Conceptual view Windows Explorer : File

18 Click Windows Explorer : Change view

19 Click Windows Explorer : Change view


21 Click Windows Explorer : Change view

22 Click Windows Explorer : Change view

23 Click Windows Explorer : Change view

24 Click Windows Explorer : Change view


26 Arithmetical operation Logical operation Documents SongsVarious programs Movies CPU Memory Hard disk Pictures Explorer Windows Explorer : Find the program file itself

27 Windows explorer program file Windows Explorer : Find the program file itself

28 Windows Explorer : Useful folders

29 Useful folders Where are those folders in C driver ? Windows Explorer : Useful folders

30 Right click Method1 Windows Explorer : Copy

31 Click Method1 Windows Explorer : Copy

32 Click and Ctrl + c Method 2 Windows Explorer : Copy

33 Copy a file or folder Windows Explorer : Copy

34 Right click Method1 Windows Explorer : Paste

35 Click Method1 Windows Explorer : Paste

36 Method2 Ctrl + v Windows Explorer : Paste

37 Paste a file or folder Windows Explorer : Paste

38 The copied file Windows Explorer : Paste


40 Right click Method1 Windows Explorer : Rename

41 Click Method1 Windows Explorer : Rename

42 Click and F2 Method2 Windows Explorer : Rename

43 Rename a file or folder Windows Explorer : Rename

44 Type in a new file name e.g.) document Windows Explorer : Rename


46 Method1 Click and hold and move the cursor to folder2 Let’s move picture3.gif to fold2 Windows Explorer : Move

47 Method1 Windows Explorer : Move

48 Method1 Release the button Windows Explorer : Move

49 Method1 Windows Explorer : Move

50 Method2 Click and Ctrl + x Let’s move picture2.jpg to fold2 Windows Explorer : Move

51 Method2 Ctrl + v Windows Explorer : Move

52 Method2 Files are not sorted Let’s sort them. Windows Explorer : Move

53 Sort files/folders F5 Windows Explorer : Move

54 Sort files/folders Windows Explorer : Move

55 Undo the previous operation Ctrl + z Windows Explorer : Move

56 Undo the previous operation Picture2.jpg file is moved back to temp Windows Explorer : Move

57 Redo the previous operation Ctrl + y Windows Explorer : Move

58 Redo the previous operation Picture2.jpg file is moved to folder2 Windows Explorer : Move

59 Right click Windows Explorer : Create a folder

60 Click Windows Explorer : Create a folder

61 Click Windows Explorer : Create a folder

62 Type in a folder name e.g.) folder3 Windows Explorer : Create a folder


64 Windows Explorer : Delete Method 1 Right click

65 Windows Explorer : Delete Method 1 Left click

66 Windows Explorer : Delete Push DEL/del key Method 2

67 Windows Explorer : Delete

68 Click

69 Windows Explorer : Delete Restore a deleted file

70 Windows Explorer : Delete Double click

71 Windows Explorer : Delete Right click

72 Windows Explorer : Delete Click

73 Windows Explorer : Delete Click

74 Windows Explorer : Delete restored

75 Windows Explorer : Delete Click

76 Windows Explorer : Delete Click

77 Windows Explorer : Delete

78 Method 3 : permanent delete Click + shift + del

79 Windows Explorer : Delete


81 Windows Explorer : Selection Click One file selection

82 Windows Explorer : Selection

83 Multiple file selection Ctrl + click

84 Windows Explorer : Selection Ctrl + c

85 Windows Explorer : Selection Shift + click

86 Windows Explorer : Selection Shift + del

87 Windows Explorer : Selection Ctrl + a

88 Windows Explorer : Selection Ctrl + click

89 Windows Explorer : Selection

90 Shortcut keysMeaning Ctrl + cCopy Ctrl + vPaste Ctrl + xCut Ctrl + zUndo Ctrl + yRedo Ctrl + aall selection F2Rename F5Sort DeleteDelete temporarily i.e., move it to Recycle Bin Shift + DeleteDelete permanently Windows Explorer : Shortcut keys

91 Create a folder where the name of the folder is your name. Copy explore.exe in window folder and paste it to your own folder. Delete it and then restore it. Delete it permanently in your folder. Homework

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