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Chapter 12: Network Programming Desktop Publishing Translator models Latex Documentation Preparation Postscript programming language WYSIWIG Editors.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12: Network Programming Desktop Publishing Translator models Latex Documentation Preparation Postscript programming language WYSIWIG Editors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12: Network Programming Desktop Publishing Translator models Latex Documentation Preparation Postscript programming language WYSIWIG Editors

2 Translator models Interpretation -the output is a value. Compilation - translator produces an algorithm that computes the answer Semantic Description - translator produces a description of the output

3 Translator models for text processing languages Interpretation : bitmap output Compilation : documents are converted to an executable program that creates an image – Postscript Semantic Description : description of the text's attributes – Microsoft Rich Text format

4 LaTex Documentation Preparation high-quality typesetting system de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents a special version of Donald Knuth's TeX program TeX: sophisticated program designed to produce high-quality typesetting, especially for mathematical text.

5 Features of TeX automatic hyphenation, line justification, centering, flushing right or left, tabular aligning, formatting of complicated mathematical expressions, section and page numbering, numbering and placing of footnotes, preparation of a table of contents and an index.

6 TeX and LaTeX LaTeX makes TeX facilities easy to use LaTeX uses environments to define different document styles - article, report, letter, etc

7 Example Programming languages for document preparation Peter Loven September 2000 Hello world!

8 Example – cont. \documentclass{article} \title{Programming languages for document preparation} \author{Peter Loven} \date{September 2000} \begin{document} \maketitle Hello world! \end{document}

9 LaTeX processing The TEX compiler outputs a symbol table in Pass 1 like a regular compiler Pass 2 (optional) produces a Table of Contents Pass 3 produces the formatted document in a device-independent (dvi) form Convert the dvi form to a format that allows a particular device to display or print the result


11 Postscript programming language An interpreter for performing calculations – postfix execution stack Language syntax based on FORTH Painting Extensions – extension to FORTH for printing Conventions for different printing systems

12 WYSIWIG Editors WYSIWIG (what you see is what you get) - a file is preformatted to its final output presentation by embedded tags. The word processing program is a virtual machine designed to display those commands. All editing is immediately reflected on the screen display.

13 Differences between models LaTeX and MS Word - define the layout of the final document Postscript - defines a program which computes the final layout. A Postscript printer contains an interpreter that executes the Postscript program to produce the final printed document

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