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A Focus on International Activities NOAA’s Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP)

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Presentation on theme: "A Focus on International Activities NOAA’s Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Focus on International Activities NOAA’s Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP)

2 NOAA’s Climate Database Modernization Program MANDATE: The Modernization of NOAA’s Climate Data. GOAL: To make major climate databases available via the internet thus increasing the access and utilization of this national resource Managed by  National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, NC  Tom Ross, Program Manager Seventh year of program

3 Forecast Warning Analysis NWS Coop Observers Global Synoptic Reports NCEP Charts Ship, Buoy Reports Rocketsonde Radiosonde Storm Data Doppler Radar (GOES, POES, NPOESS, many other) Satellites Aircraft Profiler ASOS USCRN Data Received From Many Sources

4 35mm & 16mm Film 125,129 Rolls Microfiche 860K fiche containing 51 million pages Manuscript / Autograph* 100 Million Pages stored in 125K boxes * Located at Asheville; additional paper records located at the Federal Records Center in Georgia that will be inventoried and prioritized for digitization Percent digitized (Keyed or imaged) 50% (50 million) 1.7% (2,105 reels) 1.0% (8,600 fiche) Non-Digital Data Archive

5 NOAA & the Uruguayan Meteorological Service enter cooperative project on data rescue. The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) donated digital equipment used for the project. Images received from the Uruguayan Meteorological Service and the Uruguayan Navy Include: 42,000 + images This includes 6 synoptic stations with observations early as the 1908 and as recent as early 2005. NCDC developed multiple keying format and keying began in 2006 and ended in mid 2007 Total imaging/keying for this multi-year project involves data from over 30+ stations totaling nearly 1,000,000 records

6 Camera and Imaging Setup In Uruguay High tech (35 mm) cameras and camera stands are set up in a well lit environment Technicians are trained to image the records using the camera equipment Technicians check for quality, exposure and completeness during the imaging process of each station Digital jpeg images are stored in the camera’s hard drive then transferred to the computer Images on the computer are then written to CD-ROM or DVD and sent to NCDC for storage and keying These same procedures are generally followed at the other international locations. A technical leader responsible at each international location is critical

7 Uruguay and Chile –Civilian and Military Projects Data keyed for six stations with variable periods of records- Earliest data was 1908 with 148 station years keyed. In Chile, data taken at a monastery (Punta Arenas) for the period 12/1896-1954 was keyed

8 Colonia, Uruguay 865600 (1933-2007) Orange boxes Synoptic/Hour ly Data for that day in NOAA database Green Boxes Synoptic/Ho urly Data overlap between keyed and existing data Missing period Blue Boxes Synoptic/ Hourly Data For that period keyed under the CDMP (7/1934- 12/1943) Missing period

9 Mexican Surface Project 401,280 synoptic and daily records imaged by camera by Meteorological Staff in Mexico Period of record covers 1877-1981. Data is keyed from the imaged records and added to NOAA’s database. Data useful in water supply and drought monitoring activities in the America’s

10 North American Drought Monitor The North America Drought Monitor (NA- DM) is a cooperative effort between drought experts in Canada, Mexico and the United States to monitor drought across the continent on an ongoing basis Costs and effects of drought often extend beyond international borders. Concerns over international water rights and agricultural productivity affect all three countries CDMP is keying historical Mexican climate data that currently exists as paper records to help extend and fill in gaps of the climate record back into the 1800’s. This will also be useful in historical drought analysis and future predictions.

11 European Data Rescue Activities European Ship logs and documentation were imaged by camera at the British Museum. Roughly 250,000 observations from the 1938-1947 were imaged and loaded to the NCDC WSSRD system (53 GB). These images are accessible to researchers without charge with a user name and password. These data have been keyed- 31 million records digitized and are in process to be added to the ICOADS database. EIC Logbooks are next

12 African Upper Air Project Total of 194,333 images of pibal records received to date from Kenya, Malawi and Senegal Pibal data contain upper air wind observations for various stations from these countries from the 1960’s to 2003. These data are being keyed and after passing quality control checks will be entered in NOAA’s global upper air database Digital files of these data will be provided to the partner countries that imaged the data Project will expand to Mozambique and Zambia later in 2006/2007 Kenya Senegal Malawi

13 African Data- linking images, keyed data and tables together on CD-ROM. CDMP01XX,XX0001,0354.jpg,99 991,07,11,1970,1,04,1,1,1, 130, 05,3272,212,3379,224,3397,249, 3427,261,3374,255,3277,242,329 3,235,3271,232,3254,231,3248,2 31,3239,240,,,,,,,,

14 Data Links -Table Station:99991 Day/Mo/Year Time:07/11/1970 04Z Keyed Image ID: CDMP01XX\XX0001\0354.jpg Source Image ID:.\XX0001\1\P6160006.jpg COMPUTED OBSERVED TIME HGHT Azimuth Elev DIR SPD DIR SPD MINS FEET DEG DEG DEG KTS DEG KTS > 0 0 130.0 5.0 1 500 327.2 21.2 147 13 0 0 2 1000 337.9 22.4 170 12 0 0 3 1500 339.7 24.9 165 8 0 0 4 2000 342.7 26.1 174 9 0 0 5 2500 337.4 25.5 140 12 0 0 6 3000 327.7 24.2 117 17 0 0 7 3500 329.3 23.5 157 14 0 0 8 4000 327.1 23.2 134 13 0 0 9 4500 325.4 23.1 133 12 0 0 10 5000 324.8 23.1 139 12 0 0 11 5500 323.9 24.0 128 7 0 0 Note: > Marks the Beginning of each Record in the Launch

15 Access Interface SITE_1 Station NumberDateTimeTableDir/SpdRaw DataImage9999111/07/19700400TableDir/SpdRaw DataImage9999112/21/19790400TableDir/SpdRaw DataImage9999112/22/19790400TableDir/SpdRaw DataImage9999112/24/19790400TableDir/SpdRaw DataImage9999112/27/19790400TableDir/SpdRaw DataImage9999112/29/19790400TableDir/SpdRaw DataImage9999112/30/19790400TableDir/SpdRaw DataImage9999112/31/19790400TableDir/SpdRaw DataImage9999106/01/19810400TableDir/SpdRaw DataImage9999109/01/19810400TableDir/SpdRaw DataImage9999102/02/19810400TableDir/SpdRawTableDir/SpdRaw DataImageTableDir/SpdRaw DataImageTableDir/SpdRaw DataImageTableDir/SpdRaw DataImageTableDir/SpdRaw DataImageTableDir/SpdRaw DataImageTableDir/SpdRaw DataImageTableDir/SpdRaw DataImageTableDir/SpdRaw DataImageTableDir/SpdRaw DataImageTableDir/SpdRaw

16 Additional International Projects Imaging and keying international lightship logbook data from Finland and Sweden covering the period from the 1860’s to the 1930’s will be added to NOAA’s global marine database Processing historical and current incoming Canadian marine data via NCDC’s incoming records system. These marine data from the period are added NOAA’s marine database

17 GIS Data Portal NCDC's GIS Portal allows users to view, access, and utilize in situ station data through NCDC's Geographic Information System (GIS) portal. Interactive maps, associated metadata, and advanced Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) services, such as Web Map Services (WMS) and Web Feature Services (WFS) are available.

18 Gis Portal Page GIS service Files allow visual links to stations, inventories and access to the data

19 Portal Inventory

20 Additional International Projects Foreign Climate Data Imaging by NOAA’s Central Library- Project goal of the project is to preserve and disseminate unique climatological data from historical sources. Period of record covers 1830s through the 1970s with most data from the period prior to 1960. Each series typically includes observations for a number of meteorological and other geophysical parameters. Involves documents from over 14 countries in Africa, 8 in Asia, 6 in Europe, 10 in North America, 1 Pacific Island and 8 in South America. NCDC Foreign Data Library Inventory Project Hard copies sources of early African Data climate/research/ghcn/africa. html#INTRO

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