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1 Test rescale methods Y. Liu, J. T. Hoeksema, X. P. Zhao, R. M. Larson – Stanford University

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1 1 Test rescale methods Y. Liu, J. T. Hoeksema, X. P. Zhao, R. M. Larson – Stanford University

2 2 Test for Rescaling Scheme Modeled IMF from PFSS model:  Blue line: modeled IMF from original MDI synoptic charts;  Green line: modeled IMF from rescaled MDI synoptic charts based on Ulrich et al (2002) & Berger & Lites (2002) [delta^-1 = 0.611*(2.61- 0.64Sin^2(rho))];  Red line: modeled IMF from rescaled synoptic charts based on Tran et al (2005);  Black line: Observation.

3 3 Test of rescaling scheme Comparison of MDI synoptic chart (after rescaled based on Tran et al) and SOLIS synoptic chart for CR2039 (from Zoran Mikic):  Red: average of magnetic field along longitude from MDI chart;  Green: average of magnetic field along longitude from SOLIS chart;  Blue: average of unsigned field along longitude from MDI chart;  Black: average of unsigned field along longitude from SOLIS chart.

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