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SharePoint 2010 Search Shikhar Thapa Senior Consultant 11/05/2010.

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Presentation on theme: "SharePoint 2010 Search Shikhar Thapa Senior Consultant 11/05/2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 SharePoint 2010 Search Shikhar Thapa Senior Consultant 11/05/2010

2 Scale-out Architecture End-user Enhancements Social Search Extensibility Enhancements Deployment and Manageability FAST Search for SharePoint Agenda

3 Quick, easy, powerful search (for free!) Complete intranet search High-end search delivered through SharePoint Basic search Intranet-wide search People and expertise search Visual experiences, extreme adaptability and advanced content processing Powerful platform to build on 360° customer views Research portals Reputation analysis … Products for Every Customer Need

4 Query Object Model Content OpenSearc h Source Crawling - Traverse URL space to record items in search catalog Indexing - Extract information from items to enable efficient matching Query Servers - Accept query requests from users and return results Search Center - UI for users to issue queries and interact with results Query Federation - Return results from non- SharePoint Indexes Crawler Indexer Query Servers Index Partition Connectors - Know how to process different content sources Index Partition - Subset of the overall index

5 Scale-out Architecture End-user Enhancements Social Search Extensibility Enhancements Deployment and Manageability FAST Search for SharePoint Agenda

6 MOSS 2007 Search Scale-out “Single point of failure” “Bottleneck” “The whole index” “Bottleneck” + Query

7 SharePoint Server 2010 Search Scale-out “Single point of failure” “Bottleneck” “The whole index” “Bottleneck” Multiple Indexers Crawl Distribution Query Mirroring Index Partitioning Stateless Crawlers Multiple Prop DBs Admin Database + Admin Component

8 Content Distribution Crawl Distribution –In-built load balancer distributes hosts to crawl databases –Crawlers crawl content that is covered by crawl database –Default configuration can be overwritten using host distribution rules E.g. purchasing a new connector Query Distribution –Low query latency if all index partitions equal in size –Distribution by hash of documentId –Crawlers partition indexed data and propagate to query servers

9 Scale-out Architecture End-user Enhancements Social Search Extensibility Enhancements Deployment and Manageability FAST Search for SharePoint Agenda

10 End-User UI Out-of-box refinement –Refine over key results properties –Metadata, taxonomy and social tags based results refinement –Easy to extend over custom properties One-stop Search Center –Scopes, web parts, best bets, top answers, advanced search –Query federation brings together results from all over - native support for OpenSearch Core search experience –Improved did you mean suggestions –New pre-query and post related query suggestions –“View in browser” link (for most office docs) –Improved query syntax

11 End-User UI Improved relevance ranking –New ingredients for Relevance –Improved low-noise snippets in summaries Enhanced multi-lingual support –Automatic detection of language of many document types and part of documents –Compound word handling –Improved ranking of documents in multilingual collections New form factors –Mobile search from Smartphone browsers –Desktop search integration in Windows 7

12 Search Center Site Template Tabbed Interface Multiple Entry- points Keywords, Definitions, and Best Bets Refinement Panel Extensible

13 Search Usability Features Query Suggestion. One Point of Entry Improved result layout and hit- highlighting Refine by query type, and many other pivots Best Bets/Did you Mean Tabbed Interface

14 New Query Syntax Support for Boolean operators for FreeText queries and property queries –(“Search” OR “SharePoint Search”) AND (title:“keyword syntax” OR title:“query syntax”) Prefix matching support for keywords and properties –Bench* jobtitle:Scien* Improved operator support for property restrictions –=, >, = –Can create range refinements

15 Demonstration

16 Scale-out Architecture End-user Enhancements Social Search Extensibility Enhancements Deployment and Manageability FAST Search for SharePoint Agenda

17 Social Search Entry from Core Results Fuzzy name search Self-Search Expertise/Profile Search Refinements

18 Overview of the social search system Managed Metadata Service Application (Taxonomy) Search Service Application User Profile Service Application

19 Connect with People and Expertise Phonetic and nickname matching Improved result layout and hit- highlighting Recently authored content Refine by query type, and many other pivots Sort by relevance, name or social distance Vanity search

20 Demonstration

21 Scale-out Architecture End-user Enhancements Social Search Extensibility Enhancements Deployment and Manageability FAST Search for SharePoint Agenda

22 Common Framework, APIs, Development Tools Richer Capabilities enable search-driven applications

23 Browser-Based Extensibility Options Search Web Parts –Search Box / Advanced Search –Search Summary –Search Statistics –Search Paging –Search Actions –Search Best Bets / High Confidence Results –Search Results –Search Refinement Search Tab Pages

24 Search Input Web Parts Search Box –Scope options –Additional query terms –Advanced Search Page –Search Results Page –Query Suggestion Advanced Search –Input types –Properties (metadata) –Search Results Page

25 Search Utility Web Parts Search Summary –“Did you mean” –“You searched for” Search Statistics Search Paging –Next / Prev Text –Next / Prev Images Search Action Links –Determine what links to display

26 Search Best Bets / High Confidence Results Same web part, different configuration XSLT for display Show Keywords? Show Best Bets? Show High Confidence Matches Best Bet Limit

27 Search Core Results Location Results per Page Enable removal of duplicates Enable stemming Selected Columns Configurable XSLT Scope

28 Search Tabs Based off of lists in Search Center Site –Tabs in Search Pages –Tabs in Search Results Process: –Create Entry Page –Create Results Page –Configure Web Parts on Entry and Results Page –Add Entry Page to Tabs in Search Pages –Add Results Page to Tabs in Search Results

29 Search Extensibility: End-User UI Change web part properties – no code –Modify XSLT –Modify config XML Refinement panel – control metadata available for refinement Advanced search – control metadata available for advanced search queries Extend OOB web parts programmatically –All OOB web parts are public –Extend web parts to change default behavior E.g. Extend core results web part to show result previews Extend Search Center with vertical experiences –All web parts communicate through public interface (SharedQueryManager object)

30 Bringing it all together…

31 Search Extensibility - Federation Query Federation –Bring external search results into the SharePoint experience –Based on Open Search standard –Exposed through UI + public federation object model

32 Connector Architecture Search Engine/Index Search BDC Runtime WCF Database s.NET BDC Connector Execution call routing through BDC Connector using BDC model file Execution call routing through BDC Connector using BDC model file Custom BDC Connector Search user queries BDC Profile Pages or External Lists Search results page – results based on metadata Search page points to Profile Page or custom page to show search result Fetch data from repository Protocol Handlers

33 Demonstration

34 Scale-out Architecture End-user Enhancements Social Search Extensibility Enhancements Deployment and Manageability FAST Search for SharePoint Agenda

35 Richer Manageability Consolidated administration UI dashboard Automated service password management through “managed accounts” PowerShell support for scripted administration Built-in system health monitoring, support for SCOM monitoring and alerting Built-in and extensible search analytics reporting

36 Other Engine Enhancements Support for regular expressions in Crawl Rules Native support for crawling case sensitive repositories Ability to prioritize Content Sources so as to distribute crawler resources New ‘Crawl Policy’ to define how crawler treats error conditions Low indexing downtime Search Backups

37 Demonstration

38 End-user Enhancements Social Search Scale-out Architecture Extensibility Enhancements Deployment and Manageability FAST Search for SharePoint Agenda

39 FAST Search for SharePoint FAST Search for SharePoint Content + Profiles Architecture Content search People search Unique Social Search from SharePoint Server 2010 Common connectors and content APIs Common query and federation APIs Best High-End Content Search based on FAST ESP SharePoint Server 2010 SharePoint Server 2010

40 Visual, Conversational Search Thumbnails Sorting on any property Similarity Search Visual Best Bets Scrolling PowerPoint Previews Scrolling PowerPoint Previews Refinement with counts on any property Refinement with counts on any property

41 Beyond Just SharePoint Search

42 Content Processing and Schema Extracted document attributes reported as Crawled Properties Crawled Properties mapped to Managed Properties Characteristics are defined for Managed Properties, e.g. –Refiners –Sorting –Queryable –Type Definition and mapping done via UI or Powershell –Not via Central Admin Admin UISchema CmdLetsCustom Client Schema Object Model Schema Service (hosted in IIS) Property backend blisspsctrlconfigserver Update ToolsPersistence Document Processing Pipeline PropertiesMapper PropertiesReporter Update configuration Alert pipeline of updated schema Report discovered crawled properties

43 Demonstration

44 Site Collection Scopes Similar interface to SSP Scope Management Organize by Display Group Same flexibility for rules

45 Scope Visibility Define Display Groups Groups Control Visibility on Search Web Parts

46 Search Visibility Control if a site shows up in search results Sites are already security trimmed Example: Search Center Set to “No”

47 Keywords & Best Bets Use query reporting to help define keywords Use keywords to provide access to content inaccessible to the crawler

48 SharePoint Server 2010 Search Major improvements over MOSS 2007 AreaNew features and benefits MOSS 2007 SharePoint 2010 SocialConnect with people and expertise Address-book style name lookup with phonetic matching Improved expertise matching - mined e-mail inbox data Social behavior improves search; search improves mySites  RefinementFind information faster Metadata-based refiners provide drill-down Related query suggestions show popular queries  RelevanceProvide great search results New ingredients, more experience -> better OOB search Better wordbreakers in more languages Social Distance, tagging, click-through influence relevance  PlatformIndustrial Strength Search at High Scale Index partitioning -> sub-second latency at 100M items Full failover support Connector and BDC enhancements and tooling support  TCODeploy and Operate with less effort Virtualization and native 64-bit simplify deployment Powershell, Admin web parts, SCOM provide easier admin  Extensibility Create powerful applications based on search Web parts, query OMs are public -> easy to modify Enhanced query syntax 

49 Q & A References: 9c60-d539896c66ce&displaylang=en Presentation Material: slide link Contact: Shikhar Thapa (

50 A key element to your success.

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