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“To furnish the meaning of acquiring knowledge is… the greatest benefit that can be conferred upon mankind.” -Report on the establishment of the Smithsonian.

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Presentation on theme: "“To furnish the meaning of acquiring knowledge is… the greatest benefit that can be conferred upon mankind.” -Report on the establishment of the Smithsonian."— Presentation transcript:

1 “To furnish the meaning of acquiring knowledge is… the greatest benefit that can be conferred upon mankind.” -Report on the establishment of the Smithsonian Institute, 1846 Conferred- to be granted, given, or awarded to someone

2 Objectives for today Introduce why we research Introduce what is a research paper What does a research paper look and sound like?

3 Exit ticket Write your name, date, and hour on the blank side of the note card Answer the following question on the other side: What is one question or concern you have about the research paper?

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