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Information Skills Training – Physics Selina Lock Information Librarian (Sciences)

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Presentation on theme: "Information Skills Training – Physics Selina Lock Information Librarian (Sciences)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Skills Training – Physics Selina Lock Information Librarian (Sciences)

2 Session Objectives An introduction to searching for information. A demonstration of the key bibliographic databases.

3 What is a Bibliographic Database? “Bibliographic Database - contains descriptive information for publications, such as books and journal articles.” Bibliographic information normally consists of author, title, source (journal title), year, volume & page numbers. For our purposes it is an electronic way of searching for journal articles.

4 Types of Search Keyword/Subject Search. Author Search Citation Search

5 Keyword Search Question: Find articles about the evolution of black holes Identify the important concepts and words in the question: Evolution Black Holes

6 Think about variations of the keywords you’re using: Evolution Evolutionary, evolve, evolving Black Holes Black hole, collapsar.

7 Truncation

8 Boolean Logic AND This is used to combine search terms to narrow your search.

9 Boolean Logic OR This is used where various terms might describe the same object.

10 Boolean Logic NOT This is used when you wish to exclude a word from your search.

11 Keyword Search Strategy (Black hole* OR Collapsar*) AND Evol* The brackets are used, as they would be in a mathematical equation, to instruct the database how to combine the search terms.

12 Author Search Question: Find an article by Dr James T French. Search on: French J*

13 INSPEC Summary: The premier database for access to the world's leading scientific and technical literature in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computers and computing and information technology. Coverage: 1969 to present day. Updated: Weekly Note: Will default to searching Compendex so need to choose INSPEC.

14 Science Citation Index (Web of Science via Web of Knowledge) Summary: Science Citation Index fully indexes over 5,300 major science journals. The database provides coverage of research and scholarly articles, book and other reviews, editorial material, letters and biographical items. Coverage: 1981 to present day. Updated: Weekly

15 arXiv E-Print Service Summary: Started in August 1991, (formerly is a fully automated electronic archive and distribution server for research papers within the area of physics. Coverage: Varies: articles have to be submitted by the author. Updated: Daily (UK Mirror)

16 Other Resources Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Leicester e-link: Institute of Physics: American Institute of Physics: Google Scholar:

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