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METOD – MetaTool for Educational Platform Design Mateja Verlič University of Maribor Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

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Presentation on theme: "METOD – MetaTool for Educational Platform Design Mateja Verlič University of Maribor Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 METOD – MetaTool for Educational Platform Design Mateja Verlič University of Maribor Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

2 Contents About project METOD paradigm Adaptive learning in METOD Data collection Supporting technologies MetaTool  Meta-information  User interface

3 About project Leonardo da Vinci programme Motivation:  Lack of adaptiveness of current Learning management systems  Static platforms  Ease of knowledge transfer  Lack of support for special groups of people (elderly, vision and hearing impaired...)

4 METOD paradigm 1/2 Enabling educators to:  Develop computerized educational platforms  Supporting individual educational and training approaches  Experiment with various platforms and innovative educational methods with ease  Supporting and accelerating creativity Educators:  Teachers  Non-professional educators (parents, family members) Self-adaptation

5 METOD paradigm 2/2 Long term aim: improve the skills and competence of people by the integration of new computer supported educational platforms Paradigm is:  Collection of theoretical and practical findings  Providing repository of: various training environments description of trainees' characteristics possible pedagogical goals different pedagogical and communication strategies

6 Adaptive learning in METOD 1/ Considering:  Various styles of learning – learning through: seeing, listening, moving, doing and touching  Different student types and skill levels: Basic Intermediate Advanced  Different learning paths

7 Adaptive learning in METOD  Preferred learing styles  Learning theories  Learning and teaching methods, approaches, processes  Life-span learning

8 Data collection Direct feedback:  Surveys  Questionnaires  Polls  Grades Indirect feedback  Observing use of LMS resources  Observing use of tools

9 Supporting technologies Analysis and evaluation of collected data User classification and student types Prediction of user’s behavior Suggested learning path  Predefined paths  Effective path by other users Suggested links of alternative learning styles and levels Intelligent behavior  Data-mining  Machine learning - Multimetod approach

10 MetaTool Meta-tool = Tool of tools Output of MetaTool = input to LMS Customizable multi-user type support Input of MetaTool:  Topics  Materials  Meta-information  Collected data from LMS

11 MetaTool meta-information Why meta?  Information about using materials Not part of the material  User types  Learning styles  Suggested learning path Teacher defined Machine generated Possibility of peer review

12 MetaTool user interface Basic user interface:  Parents  Other family members  Learners  Wizard-based creation of courses Advanced user interface:  Skilled professional teachers

13 User interface

14 Defining topics

15 Assigning materials to topics

16 Output of MetaTool SCORM package  Standard for exchange of e-learning units between LMSs  Compatibility support Only static structure  Additional integration of meta-information Enabling dynamic content  Add-on module for LMS needed Static web pages Moodle package

17 Add-on for LMS Data collection module Machine learning module  On-line machine learning Statistics Minor adjustment of the learning path  Off-line machine learning Better analysis More processing resources available Can be peer reviewed Inference module  Application of extracted knowledge

18 Advantages of METOD Adaptiveness on different levels Integration of learning theories and intelligent systems Accessibility  Support for people with special needs Support for life-long learning MetaTool - not limited to single LMS

19 Disadvantages of METOD Adaptiveness  User does not get the same learning path every time Can be confusing for adult users Can be overridden (predefined static view of the content) LMS module needed for intelligent support Additional effort for teacher

20 Current status of METOD Currently in active development phase First user-feedbacks Expected deployment at the end of the year Not yet publicly available

21 Summary Advantages > disadvanatges Why?  Less effort needed for learner  Alternative materials and learning paths More interresting?  Improving the quality of learning process  Next logical step in LMS development

22 Thank you! Questions?

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