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Costing and pricing the planet… Mainly drawn from Stern Review report, notably chapters 2A and 6 Scenario (e.g. Business as Usual OR a stabilisation level)

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Presentation on theme: "Costing and pricing the planet… Mainly drawn from Stern Review report, notably chapters 2A and 6 Scenario (e.g. Business as Usual OR a stabilisation level)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Costing and pricing the planet… Mainly drawn from Stern Review report, notably chapters 2A and 6 Scenario (e.g. Business as Usual OR a stabilisation level) Attribute values to these Project future levels of economic activity and social benefits Factor these in ‘present day’ terms = Discounting Utility today Total utility Compare scenarios Implement best

2 Conventional (market) discounting assumes there is some larger market against which to trade!

3 Discount factor Uncertainty as to discount rate Take average of discount factor  equivalent to decreasing discount rate with time Cf UK Treasury ‘green book’

4 Stern Approach (more proposed than implemented) 1.The human race might not survive anyway: nuclear holocaust, asteroid impact, supervolcanoes …. % No other discounting – controversial 3. Results generally expressed as equivalent permanent reduction in GDP 2.Rate future gains/losses relative to the size of future economy

5 estimates to IPCC2001




9 Stern scenario combinations







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