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DCP 1172 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Lecture notes for representing Knowledge using Rules [AIMA] Chang-Sheng Chen
Logical reasoning systems
Theorem provers and logic programming languages Provers: use resolution to prove sentences in full FOL. Languages: use backward chaining on restricted set of FOL constructs. Production systems – based on implications, with consequents interpreted as action (e.g., insertion & deletion in KB). Based on forward chaining + conflict resolution if several possible actions. Frame systems and semantic networks – objects as nodes in a graph, nodes organized as taxonomy, links represent binary relations. Description logic systems – evolved from semantic nets. Reason with object classes & relations among them. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Theorem provers Theorem proving refers to being able to enter (usually simple) queries against a database of facts and axioms (i.e., if A is true, then B is true). and being given an answer, derivable from the facts and axioms (as well as the basic laws of logic). It should be noted that "theorem proving" does not (in general) refer to anything as grandiose as proving Fermat’s Last Theorem. In a type inference system (or any typechecker, really), a typical query might be "is A a subtype of B"? DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Basic tasks Add a new fact to KB – TELL
Given KB and new fact, derive facts implied by conjunction of KB and new fact. In forward chaining: part of TELL Decide if query entailed by KB – ASK Decide if query explicitly stored in KB – restricted ASK Remove sentence from KB: distinguish between correcting false sentence, forgetting useless sentence, or updating KB re. change in the world. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Logic programming - Computation as inference on logical KBs
Logic programming is a programming language paradigm based on logic (more accurately, the Predicate Calculus), in which logic assertions are viewed as programs. A program is represented by a set of facts (statements/relationships which are held to be true), and a set of axioms (i.e. if A is true, then B is true). The axioms and clauses may have arguments. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Logic Programming Declarative style
State what to do, system takes care of rest State what is known and what question is to be solved “something for nothing” If you are prepared to wait for an infinite amount of time Augmented by control Algorithm = Logic + control DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Logic Programming (cont. ) - “What-to-do” Paradigm vs
Logic Programming (cont.) - “What-to-do” Paradigm vs. “How-to-do-it” Paradigm Logic Programming Identify problem Assemble information Tea Break Encode information in KB Encode problem instance as facts Ask queries Find false facts Ordinary programming Identify problem Assemble information Figure out solution Program solution Encode problem instance as data Apply program to data Debug procedural errors Should be easier to debug Capital(Tokyo, Japan) than X:=X+2 DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Logic Programming (cont)
For example, one could define the relation child(A,B), meaning that A is a child of B. One then could establish a set of facts (stored in a database--see below): child(Pebbles,Fred) child(Pebbles,Wilma) child(Wilma,Freds-mother-in-law) (what's her name?) child(Bam-bam,Barney) child(Bam-bam,Betty) One can query the database: child? (Pebbles,Fred) -> True child? (Pebbles,Barney) -> False (at least Fred hopes not!) DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Logic Programming (cont)
In a Logic Programming system (or a Relational Database, or a Constraint Programming system, etc); one builds a collection of facts (things held to be true) and axioms (rules for deriving additional facts from the set of base facts). If a theorem can be shown to be true based on the facts and axioms; then it is true. How do you handle a query that cannot be shown from the above (in other words, isn't derivable?) Two possibilities, the Closed World Assumption and the Open World Assumption. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Open World Assumption In the Open World Assumption ; any proposition or theorem which cannot be derived from the facts and axioms present in the system is held to be unknown. Things which are known to be true or false must be stated explicitly, or else inferrable from facts and axioms. The Open World Assumption more clearly models reality...however it severely complicates things. The two boolean values (true and false) are inadequate, and we have to use Three Valued Logic (i.e, 'True', 'False' and 'Unknown' . ). Universal quantifiers are much harder to prove. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Closed World Assumption
The Closed World Assumption holds that anything that cannot be shown to be true is false; no explicit declaration of falsehood is needed. Consequently, any query (which terminates) will either return true or false; there is no possibility of "unknown". Most programming systems which use logic or predicate calculus use the Closed World Assumption , including: Prolog Language Relational Databases (these can be viewed as predicate systems) DCP1172, Ch.8,9
A rule-based system consists of a number of components:
Production systems Rule-based systems or production systems are computer systems that use rules to provide recommendations or diagnoses, or to determine a course of action in a particular situation or to solve a particular problem. A rule-based system consists of a number of components: A database of rules ( also called a knowledge base) A database of facts An interpreter, or inference engine DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Knowledge-Base System
Production System Knowledge Base Working Memory User User Interface Fact Expertise Inference Engine Knowledge-Base System DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Forward-chaining process - data-driven process
When applying forward-chaining, the 1st step is to take the facts in the facts database and see if any combination of these matches all the antecedents of one of the rules in the rule databases. If it is the case, the rule is triggered. Usually, when a rule is triggered, it is then fired, which means that the conclusion is added to the facts database. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Forward Chaining vs. Backward Chaining
Rules: R1: A ^B C R2: A D R3: C ^ D E R4: B ^ E ^ F G R5: A ^ E H R6: D ^ E ^ H I Facts: Fact 1 A Fact 2 B Fact 3 F Our Goal is to prove H DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Forward-chaining process - data-driven process
Facts Rules triggered Rules fired A,B,F 1,2 1 A,B,C,F 2 A,B,C,D,F 3 A,B,C,D,E,F 4,5 4 A,B,C,D,E,F,G 5 A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H 6 STOP DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Conflict resolution phase
In a situation where more than one conclusion can be deduced from a set of facts, there are a number of possible ways to decide which rule to fire. If it is cold THEN wear a coat. THEN stay at home. THEN turn on the heat. In some cases, it might be fine to follow all the conclusions, but in many cases, the conclusions are incompatible (for example, when prescribing medicines to patients.) DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Conflict resolution phase (cont)
one strategy: execute all actions for all satisfied rules or, treat them as suggestions and use conflict resolution to pick one action. Strategies: - no duplication (do not execute twice same rule on same arguments) - regency (prefer rules involving recently created WM elements) - specificity (prefer more specific rules, e.g., longest-matching strategy) - operation priority (rank actions by priority and pick highest) DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Backward chaining process - Goal-driven reasoning
Facts Goals Matching Rules A,B,F H 5 E 3 C, D 1 A,B,C,F D 2 A,B,C,D,F STOP DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Forward-chaining production systems
Prolog & other programming languages: rely on backward-chaining (I.e., given a query, find substitutions that satisfy it) Forward-chaining systems: infer everything that can be inferred from KB each time new sentence is TELL’ed Appropriate for agent design: as new percepts come in, forward-chaining returns best action DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Implementation Typical components:
One possible approach: use a theorem prover, using resolution to forward-chain over KB More restricted systems can be more efficient. Typical components: - KB called “working memory” (positive literals, no variables) - rule memory (set of inference rules in form p1 p2 … act1 act2 … - at each cycle: find rules whose premises satisfied by working memory (match phase) - decide which should be executed (conflict resolution phase) - execute actions of chosen rule (act phase) DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Match phase Unification can do it, but inefficient
Rete algorithm (used in OPS-5 system): example rule memory: A(x) B(x) C(y) add D(x) A(x) B(y) D(x) add E(x) A(x) B(x) E(x) delete A(x) working memory: {A(1), A(2), B(2), B(3), B(4), C(5)} Build Rete network from rule memory, then pass working memory through it DCP1172, Ch.8,9
A Rete network is a graph through which data flows.
Inside the Rule Engine The Rete Network A Rete network is a graph through which data flows. Rule conditions are compiled into a network Minimizes the number of evaluations Tests are shared between rules Changes are propagated incrementally Ruleset Compiler Objects Rule instances Rete Network DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Rete algoritm The Rete algorithm (from the Latin 'rete' for net, or network) provides the basis for a more efficient implementation of an expert system. A Rete-based expert system builds a network of nodes, where each node (except the root) corresponds to a pattern occurring in the left-hand-side of a rule. The path from the root node to a leaf node defines a complete rule left-hand-side. Each node has a memory of facts which satisfy that pattern. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Rete network D A=D add E A B A=B C add D E delete A C(5) D(2) A(1),
Circular nodes: fetches to WM; rectangular nodes: unifications A(x) B(x) C(y) add D(x) A(x) B(y) D(x) add E(x) A(x) B(x) E(x) delete A(x) {A(1), A(2), B(2), B(3), B(4), C(5)} DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Rete match A E C D B A=B Add E A=D Add D Delete A A=E
A(x) B(x) C(y) add D(x) A(x) B(y) D(x) add E(x) A(x) B(x) E(x) delete A(x) A E C D B A=B Add E A=D Add D Delete A { A(1), A(2), B(2), B(3), B(4), C(5), A=E A(2) D(2) x/2 D(2) E(2) D(2) C(5) y/5 A(1), A(2) B(2),B(3),B(4) A(2) B(2) X/2 E(2) A(2) E(2) x/2 Delete A(2) D(2), E(2) } DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Advantages of Rete networks
Share common parts of rules Eliminate duplication over time (since for most production systems only a few rules change at each time step) DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Introduction to Prolog
Prolog is a programming language based on logic. Prolog => Programming in logic A programming language for symbolic, non-numerical computation Solving problems that involve objects and relations between objects Used in Problem solving and heuristic search Expert systems Game playing DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Prolog -programming in logic
1970s Theory - Robert Kowalski (Edinburgh) Implementation - Alain Colmerauer (Marseilles) Efficient implementation - David Warren (Edinburgh) Widely used for AI in Europe Japan’s Fifth Generation Plan DCP1172, Ch.8,9
The Prolog System Prolog consists of a uniform database ( as opposed to a set of instructions to work through ) and a search mechanism. Remember this. Understanding how the Prolog search mechanism works is vital in understanding Prolog. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Uniform Database Manipulate database of assertions Assertion Fact
State relation between objects (likes Kim Robin) Rule State contingent(附隨的, 或許會或許不會) facts DCP1172, Ch.8,9
This means that programmer attempts to describe what the problem is.
A Brief Introduction Prolog is declarative. This means that programmer attempts to describe what the problem is. This is different from procedural programming languages where the programmer describes how the problem is solved. Rather then running a program to obtain a solution, the user asks a question. When asked a question, the run time system searches through the data base of facts and rules to determine (by logical deduction) the answer. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Rule interpretation Rule: (<- (likes sandy ?x) (likes ?x cats)
Declarative “for any x, sandy likes x if x likes cats Procedural “to show sandy likes some x, show x likes cats” Backward-chaining Reasons backward from goal to the premise Forward-chaining interpretation DCP1172, Ch.8,9
The Structure of Prolog Programs
Program = sequence of sentences (implicitly conjoined) A Prolog program consists of a database of facts and rules, and queries (questions). Fact: ... . Rule: ... : Query: ? Variables: must begin with an upper case letter. Constants: numbers, begin with lowercase letter, or enclosed in single quotes. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Basic syntax of facts, rules and queries
<fact> ::= <term> . <rule> ::= <term> :- <term> . <query> ::= <term> . <term> ::= <number> | <atom> | <variable> | <atom> (<terms>) <terms> ::= <term> | <term>, <terms> DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Introduction to Prolog
All variables implicitly universally quantified Variables in different sentences considered distinct Horn clause sentences only (= atomic sentences or sentences with no negated antecedent and atomic consequent) Terms = constant symbols, variables or functional terms Queries = conjunctions, disjunctions, variables, functional terms Instead of negated antecedents, use negation as failure operator: goal NOT P considered proved if system fails to prove P (Closed world assumption) Syntactically distinct objects refer to distinct objects Many built-in predicates (arithmetic, I/O, etc) DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Prolog systems DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Clauses Assertions Fact - single clause
Rule - multiple clauses (contingent facts) (<- (likes sandy ?x) (likes ?x cats) Clause has 2 parts Head: leftmost expression Body: remaining expressions Head is true only if all the goals in the body are true DCP1172, Ch.8,9
For example, A v ⌐B v ⌐ C v ⌐ D v ⌐ E…
Horn Clause and Prolog A Horn clause. Is a disjunction of literals of which at most one is positive. For example, A v ⌐B v ⌐ C v ⌐ D v ⌐ E… Where A, B, C and so on are positive literals This Horn clause can also be written as an implication: B ^ C ^ D ^ E A In PROLOG, this would be written in reverse, with the conclusion on the left. A :- B, C, D, E DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Horn clause can take three forms: Form 1 - Rule relation:
HORN clauses in Prolog A program in PROLOG consists of a set of HORN clauses. PROLOG applies unification and resolution to attempt to derive conclusions from a set of rules that are defined in this language. Horn clause can take three forms: Form 1 - Rule relation: A :- B, C, D, E Form 2 – fact: A : - Form 3 – goal or headless clause. :- B, C, D, E DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Introduction to Prolog
Among the features of Prolog are : `logical variables' meaning that they behave like mathematical variables, a powerful pattern-matching facility (unification), a backtracking strategy to search for proofs, uniform data structures, input and output are interchangeable. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Main Design Features of Prolog
Automatic backtracking Search relations in the database that satisfy a query City with pop > & capital Find all pop > , check if capital If so print Else backtrack in pop relation Free programmer from details of database organization How stored How searched Sometimes too inefficient Programmer must restate problem DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Main Design Features of Prolog
Use of a uniform database Relational rather than functional Relations are more flexible Logic variables Bound by unification Never change Constrain the problem (no order of evaluation) DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Relations vs. Functions
Relations are two way functions (<- (likes Kim Robin) (<- (likes Sandy Lee) (<- (likes Sandy Kim) (<- (likes Robin cats) Multiple functions by posing different queries (same relations) (likes sandy ?who) (likes ?who Lee) DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Closed world assumption
Prolog has what is known as a "closed world assumption". If something is not in its database, it is false. Even though in reality it may be true. But you must remember we are not querying the system about reality we merely querying it about the contents of its database. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Backtracking in Prolog
Often there will be more than one way to deduce the answer or there will be more than one solution, in such cases the run time system may be asked to find other solutions, backtracking to generate alternative solutions. Prolog is a weakly typed language with dynamic type checking and static scope rules. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Startup Screen of GNU Prolog in interactive mode
DCP1172, Ch.8,9
A Simple usage of Prolog command
DCP1172, Ch.8,9
How to leave GNU prolog. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
A PROLOG Program A PROLOG program is a set of facts and rules.
A simple program with just facts : parent(alice, jim). parent(jim, tim). parent(jim, dave). parent(jim, sharon). parent(tim, james). parent(tim, thomas). the relation parent (A, B) means that A is a parent of B. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
c.f. a table in a relational database.
A PROLOG Program c.f. a table in a relational database. Each line is a fact (a.k.a. a tuple or a row). Each line states that some person X is a parent of some (other) person Y. In GNU PROLOG the program is kept in an ASCII file. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Relation: Parent(PersonX, PersonY)
Parent(PersonX, PersonY) PersonX is a parent of PersonY. Item PersonX PersonY 1. Alice Jim 2. Dave 3. Sharon 4. Tim 5. James 6. Thomas DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Semantic Net Sharon parent parent Alice Jim Dave parent parent parent
Tim James parent Thomas DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Now we can ask PROLOG questions : | ?- parent(alice, jim). yes
A PROLOG Query Now we can ask PROLOG questions : | ?- parent(alice, jim). yes | ?- parent(jim, herbert). no | ?- DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Not very exciting. But what about this : | ?- parent(alice, Who).
A PROLOG Query Not very exciting. But what about this : | ?- parent(alice, Who). Who = jim yes | ?- Who is called a logical variable. PROLOG will set a logical variable to any value which makes the query succeed. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
NB : The ; do not actually appear on the screen.
A PROLOG Query II Sometimes there is more than one correct answer to a query. PROLOG gives the answers one at a time. To get the next answer type ;. | ?- parent(jim, Who). Who = tim ? ; Who = dave ? ; Who = sharon ? ; yes | ?- After finding that jim was a parent of sharon GNU PROLOG detects that there are no more alternatives for parent and ends the search. NB : The ; do not actually appear on the screen. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
append([H| L1], L2, [H| L3]) :- append(L1, L2, L3)
Example join [a, b, c] with [d, e]. [a, b, c] has the recursive structure [a| [b, c] ]. Then the rule says: IF [b,c] appends with [d, e] to form [b, c, d, e] THEN [a|[b, c]] appends with [d,e] to form [a|[b, c, d, e]] i.e. [a, b, c] [a, b, c, d, e] DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Expanding Prolog Parallelization:
OR-parallelism: goal may unify with many different literals and implications in KB AND-parallelism: solve each conjunct in body of an implication in parallel Compilation: generate built-in theorem prover for different predicates in KB Optimization: for example through re-ordering e.g., “what is the income of the spouse of the president?” Income(s, i) Married(s, p) Occupation(p, President) faster if re-ordered as: Occupation(p, President) Married(s, p) Income(s, i) DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Domain Knowledge = Domain Ontology + Domain Models
KBS & Ontologies Domain Knowledge = Domain Ontology + Domain Models In essence, each knowledge base is an extension of some application domain ontology The ontology provides a roadmap for the class of the concepts that will comprise the knowledge base DCP1172, Ch.8,9
Rule-based Expert System
An expert system is one designed to model the behavior of an expert in some field, such as medicine or geology. Rule-based expert systems are designed to be able to use the same rules that the expert would use to draw conclusions from a set of facts that are presented to the system. DCP1172, Ch.8,9
The people involved in an Expert System
The design, development and use of expert system involves a number of people. End-user: the person who has the needs for the system. Doctors that use medical diagnosis system Technicians that use car diagnosis system Knowledge Engineer (KE): the person who design the rules for the system, based on either observing the expert at work or by asking the expert questions about how he/she works. Domain Expert (DE) Very important to the design of an expert system The expert needs to be able to explain to the KE how he/she does the job DCP1172, Ch.8,9
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