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Census Bureau – Fernando Casimiro, Coordinator Lisboa - 2007.08.25 IPUMS - Portugal Country Report
Summary These slides are based upon the Country Report of Portugal which can be acceded on request (IPUMS – Europe Country Report: Portugal-Draft version - Prepared by Fernando Casimiro - National Statistical Institute - Main subjects of the slides: –History –Public data organisation –Microdata files – samples, content, harmonisation, completeness of enumeration –Future
Main historic features Population counts in the years 0000, 1260, 1421, 1527,1636, 1732, 1776 and 1801; New census data set, following main features of Brussels Congress held on 1853: 1864, 1878, 1890, 1900, 1911, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1981, 1991 and 2001; Last 3 censuses constitute the most consistent group in terms of concepts, tabulation data and microdata available.
Public data organisation for 1981, 1991 and 2001 6 sets of tables –Group 1 - General data –Group 2 - Data on buildings –Group 3 – Data on housing units –Group 4 – Data on households –Group 5 – Data on families/family nuclei –Group 6 – Data on individuals Data publications contain only the most important tables at the upper levels of geographical breakdown. Lowest geo and administrative breakdowns are available by request, directly or through the internet as well as “tailored data”. Publications on methodology for the 3 censuses and Post Enumeration Survey (2001)
1981, 1991 and 2001 microdata samples Systematic selection for every 20th private dwelling/housing unit (start on the first dwelling for each of the seven NUTS II); Systematic sample for every 20th person living in collective dwellings (start on the first person living in a collective dwelling of each of the seven NUTS II) Geographical breakdowns only for areas ≥ 200.000 people
1981, 1991 and 2001 microdata samples Why did we decide to extract independent samples?
1981, 1991 and 2001 microdata files - content Geographic characteristics of persons: place of usual residence, place where found at time of census (population resident and present at the same place), place of usual residence one year and five years prior to the census (1981 was one year and 8 years due to the return of people from de African ex-colonies) and urban/rural; Demographic characteristics of persons: sex, age, marital status (for 1981, the instructions were not enough clear but it prevails the legal one; for 1991 and 2001 it prevails always the “de facto” situation), country/place of birth, country of citizenship, religion (free answer due to legal constrains); Economic characteristics of persons (current and on the basis of the complete week previous to the census day): current activity status, time usually worked, occupation, industry, status in employment, place of work, type of sector, number of persons working in the enterprise (only for 1991 and 2001; not in the local unit due to the occupations classification which asks for the number of persons in the enterprise), main source of livelihood (last 12 months), dependency relationship, location of school, mode of transport to work/school; Educational characteristics of persons: Educational attainment, educational qualifications (medium, professional and 3th level in 1981 and 1991; only 3th level in 2001), school attendance, literacy; Household and family characteristics of persons: relationship to the reference person of private household, type of institutional household or other communal establishment in which a person lives and whether living as inmate of an institutional household or other communal establishment or not, household status, family status; Characteristics of family nuclei: type of family nucleus, size of family nucleus, number of children under a specific age, number of economically active members, specified age groups of children, number of members whose main source of livelihood is economic activity, number of dependent members; Characteristics of private households: type of private household, size of private household, number of economically active members, number of children under a specified age, number of members of retirement age, tenure status of households, generational composition of private households, number of members whose main source of livelihood is economic activity, number of dependent members, single or shared occupancy. Together with the previously described variables, also the disability is included but only for 2001.
« Characteristics of housing units and other living quarters: type of living quarter, type of ownership, location of living quarter, occupancy status, number of occupants, number of rooms, kitchen, water supply system, toilet facilities, bathing facilities, type of heating (only for 2001), type of vacancy, occupancy by one or more households, type of sewage disposal system, main type of energy for heating (only for 2001), electricity; period of construction, lift (only 2001) and type of roof of the building to which the dwelling belongs. 1981, 1991 and 2001 microdata files - content
« Geography adapted to the existing in 2001 Some “small” problems on: –Marital status – prevalence of “de facto” status since 1991 –Private household – mix of kinship relations and housekeeping concept –Institutional household – “reorganised” in 1991 –Education – only the classification of professional training was changed since 1991 –Economic variables – different lower age limits for being economically active and the “strictu sensu” unemployment only since 1991 1981, 1991 and 2001 microdata files - Harmonization
1981, 1991 and 2001 - Completeness of enumeration 1981 – more or less “unknown”, but data well accepted by the users 1991 – net coverage rates of 99,04 for individuals and 99,42 for housing units, but not well accepted by the users 2001 – net coverage rates of 100,7 for individuals and 99,5 for housing units, and very well accepted by the users «
Back to the Future IPUMS was an interesting challenge on trying a new way on census data “dissemination” Users are more and more in this way – making their own tabulations For 2011, hypercubes and anonymised samples of microdata are scheduled to come immediately from the normal “production line”
Many thanks for your attention!
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