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1 Term Paper Suggestions: #5 Writing text citations: Two general approaches. Assume you want to cite Bandura regarding the importance of self processes.

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2 1 Term Paper Suggestions: #5 Writing text citations: Two general approaches. Assume you want to cite Bandura regarding the importance of self processes (e.g., self-monitoring). You could use either of the following: “According to Bandura (1999), self processes are the critical components of human functioning.” OR “Self processes are the critical components of human functioning (Bandura, 1999).”

3 2 Psychology 1230: Psychology of Adolescence Don Hartmann Fall 2005 Lecture 5: © Bandura

4 3 Administrative Announcements My thanks to all of you who completed an application for class TA. The class TAs for this semester are as follows: Holly Ausbeck: References Michael Iwasaki: Participation Sean Paul: Computer Megan Rae: WEB Discussions Jessica Whipple: Exam Assistant

5 4 Discussion Topic #2 #1b Being a Wise Consumer of Research on Adolescence: Hotties I (Summary-Evaluation due on Tuesday, Sept. 13th). Our text describes a variety of guidelines/caveats regarding media reports about adolescents. Take some story you have recently read or seen reported, and describe which of the cautions mentioned in the text apply. Be sure to describe the story in sufficient detail so that your reader will understand how the caution(s) applies. You also may want to reply to another discussant’s remarks.

6 5 WEB Discussion Process Group#1 due#2 due#3 due#4 due#5 due Whippets09/12 Hotties09/13 ---------- Note: Anyone can contribute to any WEB discussion; group members are responsible to summarizing the discussion. The last day to contribute to any discussion is 3 days before the due date.

7 6 Handout Summary Handout WEB Date Date 4. HO-Inform. Sheet*08/2408/05 5. HO-TA Application* 08/2408/05 6. Lect. #1b: How to succeed08/11 7. HO-Class Participation*08/2608/05 8. HO-WEB Discussions*08/05 9. HO-TA Rank Order08/14 10, HO-Term Paper*08/12 11. Lect. #2: Historical Perspect.08/12 12. HO-Suppl. Proj. #1*08/12 13. Lect. #3: Devel. Issues08/15 14. HO-Completing a Film Review*08/14 15. HO-Preparing a Book Review08/14 16. Completed Class Locator08/31 17. Lect. #4: Introduction to Theory09/02 18. Lect. #5: Bandura09/02 ----- * Indicates handouts discussed in class.

8 7 Bandura References Selected influential books from each decade – Adolescent aggression (1959, with R. Walters) – Social learning and personality development (1963, with R. Walters) – Aggression: Social learning analysis (1973) – Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory (1986) – Self-efficacy: The exercise of control (1997)

9 8 Overview of Bandura Lecture Current Social Cognitive Theory Evaluation Summary Next: Method I (Lecture #6)

10 9 Social Cognitive Theory: General Characteristics View of people: self-organizing, proactive, self- reflecting and self-regulating Importance of Cognitive Processes – how we label, think about, & talk to ourselves – our ATTRIBUTIONS (what we say or think) about the causes of our and other’s behavior and the like – how we expect to perform: our EFFICACY ‑ EXPECTATIONS

11 10 Self Efficacy: I ? Definition: Our expectations for success. Efficacy expectations determine the effort and persistence we display in our behavior.

12 11 Self Efficacy: II Efficacy expectations develop as a function of: Vicarious—watching someone else do it direct, and symbolic instructional experiences (e.g., reading about someone else’s experiences). ?

13 12 Social Cognitive Theory: Importance of Self-Processes Importance of Self Processes—particularly self regulation self ‑ monitoring standard-setting self ‑ reinforcement Self-reflection Think of how much of your behavior is controlled by self processes—perhaps that were once external (e.g., performed by parents)

14 13 A Self-Process: Self- Reinforcement/Punishment

15 14 Triadic Reciprocity: Behavior, the Person, & the Environment: I B ehavior P erson E nvironment

16 15 Triadic Reciprocity: Behavior, the Person, & the Environment: II A boy who favors TV programs with aggressive content (person variable) chooses to spend his evenings in front of a TV set tuned to violent programs (an environment variable). [P→E] While watching attentively (a behavior variable), the boy learns new modes of aggressing toward people and also learns that aggression is usually successful in that aggressive people often get what they want. [B→P] These newly acquired expectations (a person variable) may then lead the boy to attempt these newly acquired forms of aggressive behavior…[P→B]

17 16 A Bandurian Analysis of an Adolescent’s Moral Behavior Standards (models) child exposed to? – Direct – Vicarious – Symbolic Consequences for truth-telling and dishonesty— dispensed by others & self Labeling—by others & self Consistency of treatment across settings

18 17 Summary of Bandura The Old: Social Learning Theory—which we talked about during the last class period The New: Social Cognitive Theory Next: Method I (Lecture #6) Go in Peace!

19 18 Highlights from the Autobiographical Term Paper Read the handout, and again, and again, and again just prior to handing in your paper. Remember to meet with me about the paper! Do not use only WEB references; get into the psychology database, PsycInfo. Find an editor, either in the class of outside of class. Check the frequently made errors section. Feel free to use first person pronouns. Use the active voice whenever possible (e.g., not “the book was taken to me by my mother” but instead “my mother took the book to me”)

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