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10-1 MARKETING MANAGEMENT Networks and Channels: Wholesaling and Logistics.

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1 10-1 MARKETING MANAGEMENT Networks and Channels: Wholesaling and Logistics

2 15-2 Chapter Questions What is a marketing channel system and value network? What work do marketing channels perform? What major types of marketing intermediaries occupy this sector? What decisions do companies face in managing their channels?

3 15-3 Marketing Channels Sets of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption.

4 15-4 Examples of Channels Dell (DTC) Avon Canada Post Grainger (auto parts network) Coca-cola (bottlers) McDonald’s restaurants (franchisee)

5 15-5 Increasing Efficiency

6 15-6 Consumer Marketing Channels

7 15-7 Channel Service Outputs Lot size Waiting/delivery time Spatial convenience Product variety Service backup

8 16-8 Wholesaling Functions Selling and promoting Buying and assortment building Bulk breaking Warehousing Transportation Financing Risk bearing Market information Management services and counseling

9 16-9 Wholesalers’ Marketing Decisions Target market Product assortment Price Promotion Place

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