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ISS-CERN 22-24/9/05 SPL-Fréjus Some performances Fréjus site French Photodetector R&D J.E Campagne See also talk at Acc. WG Thanks: A. Cazes, M. Mezzetto, L. Mosca, Th. Schwetz and IPNO & LAL engeeners.
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 2 Some ingredients for physics analysis 440kT Water Č located 130km from CERN (see site later) Essentially SK analysis with tighter cuts for e/ id (cf. hep-ph/0105297) Use energy resolution dominated by Fermi motion* (200MeV bins) 2% systematics on signal & bkgd (see effect later) Optimized machine versions: B (M. Mezzetto) and SB (A.C + J.E.C) Use Atmospheric Neutrinos (Th. Schwetz) GLoBES & NUANCE *: migration matrix for B
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 3 Particle Id (from M. Mezzetto)
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 4 Fluxes comparison @ 130km ~ 275 MeV, 4.5 10 11 /m 2 /yr Old Fact optimum ~ 300 MeV, 1.2 10 12 /m 2 /yr 3.5GeV SPL optimum ~95 CC /kT/yr* *: Lipari x-sect. (see later) Reflector: 50% of the Flux
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 5 B and SB fluxes
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 6 Analysis: GLoBES + M. Mezzetto’s parameterization file e (Sig) 13 = 1° 13 = 3°sin 2 2 13 = 0.05 33 ( /2) 330 ( /2) 2200 ( /2) 3670 ( ) e (Bkg) 1500 e e CC 0 from NC CC ( missId) e e CC Frac. of Bkg90%6%3%1% Reduction Factor 0.707(1060)6.5 10 -4 (90)5.4 10 -4 (45)0.677(15) (Sig) 64950 ( /2) 64414 ( ) (Bkg)3 (4.310 -5 CC) 440kT x 5yrs: 2,2 Mt.yrs (+) sin 2 2 12 =0.82, 23 = /4, m 2 21 =8.1 10 -5 eV 2, m 2 31 =2.2 10 -3 eV 2 Reduction factor and efficiencies taken from SK simulation (D. Casper) and a tight cut for e/ misId. (cf. hep-ph/0105297)
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 7 Kaon/pion production? Preliminary (15/9/05) FLUKA 2005.6 FLUKA 2002.4 HARP? +12.5% @3.5GeV Big difference [3.5 ÷ 4.5] GeV
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 8 The X-sections B is an ideal tool to measure these cross- sections and a 2% systematic error on both signal and background are used. ---: Lipari et al. PRL74(95)4384 on H 2 0 SPL Require close position
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 9 Comparison with other facilities M.M@NuFact05 Systematics…
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 10 SPL 2yrs (+) 8yrs (-) Effect of the systematic (sig. & bkg) True values: ( , sin 2 2 13 ) sin 2 2 12 =0.82, sin 2 23 =0,4 m 2 21 =7.9 10 -5 eV 2, m 2 31 =2.4 10 -3 eV 2 5% external precision on 12 & m 2 21 use SPL disappearance channel and spectrum analysis Much more dramatic than ambiguities at small 13
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 11 Remove ambiguities with ATM Th. S Contour after ATM combination : true value Favorable case sin 2 23 =0.6 10yrs
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 12 Fréjus site possibility HK Henderson New Fréjus L.M
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 13 New Fréjus Cavern (MEMPHYS) Fréjus* CERN 130km *: Modane Based on well experienced civil engineer studies. First cost and time estimate will come soon for a dedicated operation. Beyond that a Design Study is needed 65m 60m 4800mwe L.Mosca 5x200,000m 3 H 2 0
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 14 PMT size cost Photonis @ NNN05 Diameter 20“ (20“)17“ 12“ projected area 1660 1450 615 cm² QE(typ) 20 20 24 % CE 60 60 70 % Cost 2500 2500 800 € Cost/ cm² per useful PE U = cost /( cm² x QE x CE) 12.6 14.4 7.7 €/ PE U / cm²
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 15 Quantities and total cost 20“ 200,000 x € 2500 = 500M 12“ 540,000 x €800 = 432M Comment: one should integrate the electronic + HV price Photonis @ NNN05
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 16 Photodetector R&D in France R&D launched after NNN05 but based on on- going R&D with Photonis IPN-Orsay, LAL & Photonis together in an official GIS to develop Smart- Photodetectors ( ie electronic up to ADC/TDC included ): 6 engineers + 2 post-docs + Photonis engineers 200k€/3yrs has been asked at the new National Research Agency (ANR) Photonis @ NNN05: 500,000 PMT -12”- 800€/u
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 17 New pump capacity needed? Delivery over 6 years 300 working days/year 1. 20“ tube 50,000/6/300 => 28 good tubes x yield 0.7 = 40 starts/day (1 start/pump/day) => 40 pumps ( € 7M or so) 1. 12“ tube 135,000/6/300 => 75 good tubes x yield 0.7 = 110 starts/day. A multi-array computerised pump at Photonis handles 20 starts/day => 6 pumps ( € 2M or so) Comment: x4 the PMT numbers Photonis @ NNN05
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 18 + Sub-conclusions 12“ seems much better than 20“/17“ cost per useful photoelectron & total PMT cost Timing single-electron resolution (17“ equal) granularity weight and handling implosion risk investments and start-up Photonis @ NNN05
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 19 Photonis has all the technical capability needed! R&D cooperation: detailed & intensive talks are going on with the MEMPHYS collaboration to define a balanced programme Workshop planned in the spring Photonis @ NNN05
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 20 Electronics Trigger @ ¼ p.e (3kHz from SK) TDC: 12bits 0,4ns/c ADC: 12bits 0,15pC/c with 1 p.e @ 20-30 adc channels. High speed digital readout Cost reduction thanks to high level of integration Use AMS 0,35 m BiCMOS ASIC Taken in charge by LAL: from amplifier up to ADC/TDC based on past experience with similar state of the art front-end electronics developed for OPERA, W-Si ILC prototype, LHCb… Ampli. Slow shaper Fast shaper S&H TDC ADC Trigger PMT Digital Info
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 21 Mechanics & PMT tests Basic unit that we want to build and test under water Electronic box water tight IPNO Taken in charge by IPNO: well experienced in photodetectors (last operation: Auger). With PHOTONIS tests of PMT 8”, 9” 12” and Hybrid- PMT and HPD
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 22 Some PMT characteristics measurements 1pe spectrum IPNO 14/9/05 XP1806 8” Not the best Not the worse No diff. 5”,8”,10” so 12” should be identical 2kV/G=10 7 g=25 before ADC P/V~3
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 23 Summary The MEMPHYS Mt-scale Water Cerencov detector has a quite good accelerator neutrino program (not exposed here the Pdk and SN ) The R&D on photodetector is started in France and will come in 2006 with first version of “SmartDetector” The Civil engineer pre-study for new Fréjus Lab. has been performed and seems encouraging (first costing will come soon) Thank you
ISS-CERN 22-24/9/05 END
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 25 Other expected performances 2yrs (+) 8yrs (-) 3 0 m 2 31 & sin 2 23 measurements 5yrs (+) Cannot resolve the octant alone
First results of a feasibility study for a Megaton-scale (Memphys) Laboratory at Fréjus -> the best site (rock quality) is found in the middle of the mountain a really good chance ! at a depth of 4800 mwe : a really good chance ! -> of the two considered shapes : “tunnel” and “shaft”, the “shaft (= well) shape” is strongly preferred -> with vertical cylinder shafts, a possible scenario is : 5 shafts of 240 000 m 3 each = 1 200 000 m 3 ( = 65m, h = 80m) -> with “egg shape” or “intermediate shape” shafts, this scenario could be still improved (only 4 shafts needed) -> an estimate of the time needed for the excavation and of the cost is under way L.Mosca
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 27 Use of the Atmospheric Data Th. S
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 28 Some physics performances Use glbChiDelta and 2 (1dof)=9 True values ( CP, Tests CP =0 and CP = sin 2 2 12 =0.82, 23 = /4, m 2 21 =8.1 10 -5, m 2 31 =2.2 10 -3 5% external precision on 12 and m 2 21 use SPL disappearance channel 2% syst on signal & bkg CP discovery @ 3 2yrs (+) 8yrs (-) preliminary Old Opti. New Opti. Octant and mass hierarchy degeneracy have little impact on the contour.
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 29 Some comparisons with other facilities MM@NuFact05
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 30 Some physics performances 440kT water Č, 4MW SPL, GLoBES 2% syst. on signal & bkg ( 2 (2dof)=4.6 or 11.83) *: 5 bins [0.08,1.08] GeV Sin 2 2 13 (90%CL) = 610 -3 (0.7°) 5yrs (+) CP =0 preliminary 90%CL New Opt. Old Opt. True values: ( m 2 3, sin 2 2 13 ) sin 2 2 12 =0.82, 23 = /4, m 2 21 =8.1 10 -5 eV 2 5% external precision on 12 and m 2 21 and use SPL disappearance channel and spectrum analysis* sizeable improvement
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 31 ++ ~1/2 & 1/2 K 0 e3 ++ Flux @ 130km: composition 3.5GeV Kinetic p beam ~800MeV focusing 40m decay tunnel length 2m decay tunnel radius Focusing Focusing ~1/3 & 1/3 K 0 e3 & 1/3 K + e3 --
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 32 Evolution of the performances True values: CP / =-0.85, sin 2 2 13 =0.03, sin 2 23 =0.4, 5% external precison on m 2 21 =8.1 10 -5, m 2 31 =2.2 10 -3, 23 2yrs , 8 yrs sin 2 2 13 -0.5 0 0.5 “ Fact opt.” sin 2 2 13 -0.5 0 0.5 “ 3.5 GeV opt.” true Wrong 23 Wrong hierarchy Wrong hierarchy and 23 90%CL Solid: SPL+ATM Dashed: SPL only NNN05 New Prelim. cf. Th. Schwetz
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 33 e (Sig) 13 = 1° sin 2 2 13 = 0.001 13 = 3° sin 2 2 13 = 0.01 sin 2 2 13 = 0.05 110 ( /2) 390 ( /2) 1300 ( /2) 1140 ( ) e (Bkg) 490 e e CC e e CC 0 from NC CC ( missId) Frac. of Bkg45%35%18%2% Reduction Factor 0.677(220)0.707(170)2.5 10 -3 (90)5.4 10 -4 (10) (Sig) /2) 19590 ( ) (Bkg)1 (4.310 -5 CC) 440kT x 8yrs: 3,5 Mt.yrs (-) sin 2 2 12 =0.82, 23 = /4, m 2 21 =8.1 10 -5 eV 2, m 2 31 =2.2 10 -3 eV 2
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 34 CDR2 block diagrams 1-2GeV Eurisol, B 2-3.5GeV SuperB, NuFact CERN proton complex
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 35 3 MeV test place ready Linac4 approval SPL approval RF tests in SM 18 of prototype structures* for Linac4 CDR 2 Global planning (R.G courtesy)
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 36 13 and CP Sensitivity computation Use GLoBES v2.0.11 and M. Mezzetto SPL.glb file detector: 1.Water Cerenkov 2.440 kt Fréjus (130 km from CERN) Run: 1.5 years + 2.1 year + + 4 years - 3.2 years + + 8 years - Computed with CP =0 (standard benchmark) and = 0 other parameters… m 23 = 2.5 10 -3 eV 2 m 12 = 7.1 10 -5 eV 2 Same duration Same statistics sin 2 2 23 = 1.0 sin 2 2 12 = 0.82
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 37 3.5GeV Kinetic p beam ~800MeV focusing 40m decay tunnel length 2m decay tunnel radius x1/20 0 x1/10 x1/130 0 ++ -- 1/3 + 1/3 K 0 e3 1/3 K+ e3 -- Flux @ 130km: - focusing e ee
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 38 Flux @ 130km: + focusing x1/14 0 x1/17 x1/3000 ++ -- ++ ~1/2 - ~1/2 K 0 e3 3.5GeV Kinetic p beam ~800MeV focusing 40m decay tunnel length 2m decay tunnel radius e ee
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 39 Mass hierarchy sensitivity Atm. LBL Atm+LBL T2K-II takes benefit of more matter effect Th. S
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 40 Evolution of the performances 440kT water Č, 4MW SPL Improve significantly T2K-I
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 41 5 years positive focusing Best sin 2 2 13 > 7.1 10 -4 E k = 4.5GeV E =300MeV tunnel : 40m long 2m radius Energy comparisonFocusing comparison CP = 0 10 -3 sin 2 2 13 m 2 23 (eV 2 ) 10 -3 E ~260MeV CP = 0 10 -3 sin 2 2 13 10 -3 m 2 23 (eV 2 )
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 42 positive focusing vs 10 years mixed scenario. 10 -3 10 -4 10 -3 10 -4 10 -3 10 -4 10 -3 10 -4 5y+ 2y+ 8y- 2y+ 8y- Energy comparison Focusing comparison 2.2GeV 3.5GeV 4.5GeV 8GeV -100 -50 0 50 -150 -100 -50 0 -150 300MeV 4.5GeV 300MeV 3.5GeV 260MeV 3.5GeV Best sin 2 2 13 > 2.02 10 -3 E k = 3.5GeV E =300MeV tunnel : 40m long 2m radius 90%CL
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 43 General comparison. for 10 years in mixed focusing, sensitivity around 13 ~1° Clear complementarily between positive scenario and beam ( CP >0) 5y mixed focusing 10y mixed focusing 5y positive focusing
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 44 Super Beam & beta Beam 3 discovery potential curves SPL M. Mezzetto Villars SPSC 04 beam Combined This optimisation
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 45 MARS vs FLUKA At the entrance of the SB decay tunnel (after the horn focusing) Discrepancies reduced in the beam line R = 1m No angular cut A. Cazes thesis
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 46 Flux calculation Low energy Small boost low focusing Need a high number of events (~10 15 evts!!!) Use probability (M. Donega thesis approach) 1.Each time a pion, a muon, or a kaon is decayed by Geant, compute the probability for the neutrino to reach the detector 2.Use this probability as a weight, and fill an histogram with the neutrino energy 3.There are few kaons therfore a kaon produced in the target is duplicated many times: ~100. 4.Gives neutrino spectrum. New
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 47 Horn design parameter for Super Beam 140 cm220 cm 80 cm HORN inner radius3.4cm neck length40cm outer radius20.5cm total length140cm REFLECTOR outer radius40cm total length220cm E ~300MeV E ~800MeV Conductor thickness : 3mm horn : 300kAmps reflector : 600kAmps Challenging!!! Using Geant 3.2.1 NuFact-Note 138 Drawing from the horn built at CERN Optimized for Super Beam + or - focusing
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 48 SPL block diagram (CDR 1) Characteristics (Conceptual Design Report 1): are “optimized” for a neutrino factory assume the use of LEP cavities & klystrons up to the highest energy 2.2GeV
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 49 Some physics performances True values: CP =0, 13 =0, sin 2 2 12 =0.82, 23 = /4, m 2 21 =8.1 10 -5, m 2 31 =2.2 10 -3 5% external precision on 12 and m 2 21 and use SPL disappearance channel 2% syst. on signal & bkg Improve T2K-I 2yrs ( ) 8yrs ( ) preliminary T2K-I Rate only Spectrum analysis (prelim.) 90%CL ( 2 (2dof)=4.6) 5yrs ( ) Old SPL x10 2yrs ( ) 8yrs ( ) preliminary
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 50 Gradients at 700 MHz Last test performed in CryHoLab (July 04): 5-cells 700 MHz ß=0.65 Nb cavity A5-01 from CEA/Saclay and IPN-Orsay from Stephane Chel, HIPPI04, Frankfurt, sep04 LEP cavities may have worked 350MHz & 3.6MV/m effective gradient NuFact Note 040
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 51 Choice of the Energy Neglecting Matter effect (Ok CERN-Frejus), for CP = 0° Maximum of probability is obtained for 2famillies formula m 2 21 =810 -5 eV 2, m 2 31 =2.410 -3 eV 2, L=130km E = 250MeV c 23 =s 23 =1/√2,tan 2 12 =0.4 sin 2 2 13 =10 -2, E =320MeV sin 2 2 13 =10 -3, E =390MeV
ISS CERN 05 J.E Campagne LAL 52 Beam Energy comparison hep-ex/0411062 with an early version of analysis 10 -3 10 -4 10 -3 10 -4 5y+ 2y+ 8y- 2.2GeV 3.5GeV 4.5GeV 8GeV -100 -50 0 50 -150 3.5GeV is an optimum E ~260MeV CP = 0 10 -3 sin 2 2 13 10 -3 m 2 23 (eV 2 )
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