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Natural Resources Perpetual Renewable Non-renewable.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Resources Perpetual Renewable Non-renewable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Resources Perpetual Renewable Non-renewable

2 Natural Resources Perpetual: Available forever (in “human time” perspective ) Perpetual energy sources? Solar Radiation TidesWind Rivers (hydro)? perhaps...

3 Natural Resources Renewable: Rate of replenishment by natural processes ≥ Rate of consumption Renewable energy sources? Wood* Other biomass* *but there’s a catch...

4 Natural Resources Non-renewable: Rate of replenishment by natural processes < Rate of consumption Non-renewable energy sources? Natural Gas Coal Oil Nuclear Geothermal -- a “tweener”

5 Sustainable Able to continue a certain behavior indefinitely. Sustainable Yield The maximum rate at which humans can use a resource over a long time period (i.e., without reducing the possible level of yield).

6 What class(es) of natural resources could be used sustainably? Renewable (e.g. timber/wood, water, clean air, fisheries, etc.) Perpetual (but not in danger of being used unsustainably)

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