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System Software Chih-Shun Hsu
Chapter 5 Compilers System Software Chih-Shun Hsu
Basic Compiler Functions
Three steps in the compilation process—scanning parsing, and code generation The task of scanning the source statement, recognizing and classifying the various tokens, is known as lexical analysis The part of the compiler that performs this analytic function is called the scanner Each statement in the program must be recognized as some language construct This process, which is called syntactic analysis or parsing, is performed by a part of the compiler that is called the parser The last step in the basic translation process is the generation of object code
Grammars(2/1) A grammar for a programming language is a formal description of the syntax, or form, of programs and individual statements A BNF (for Backus-Naur Form) grammar consists of a set of rules, each of which defines the syntax of some construct in the programming language The symbol ::= can be read “is defined to be” On the left of this symbol is the language construct being defined, and on the right is a description of the syntax being defined for it
Grammar(2/2) Character strings enclosed between the angle brackets < and > are called nonterminal symbols Entries not enclosed in angle brackets are terminal symbols of the grammar The rule offers many possibilities is separated by the | symbol It is convenient to display the analysis of a source statement in terms of a grammar as a tree This tree is usually called the parse tree, or syntax tree for the statement If there is more than one possible parse tree for a given statement, the grammar is said to be ambiguous
Example of a Pascal Program
Simplified Pascal Grammar
Parse Tree(2/1)
Parse Tree(2/2)
Lexical Analysis(2/1) Lexical analysis involves scanning the program to be compiled and recognizing the tokens that make up the source statements An identifier might be defined by the rules <ident>::=<letter>|<ident><letter>|<ident><digit> <letter>::=A | B | C | D | … | Z <digit>::=0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | … | 9 The output of the scanner consists of a sequence of tokens The parser would be responsible for saving any tokens that it might require for later analysis
Lexical Analysis(2/2) In addition to its primary function of recognizing tokens, the scanner is responsible for reading the lines of the source program as needed, and possible for printing the source listing The scanner must take into account any special format required of the source statements The scanner must also incorporate knowledge about language-dependent items such as whether blanks function as delimiters for tokens or not In FORTRAN, any keyword may also be used as an identifier and blanks are ignored in statements
Modeling Scanners as Finite Automata
A finite automaton consists of a finite set of states and a set of transitions from one state to another States are represented by circles, and transitions by arrows from one state to another Each arrow is labeled with a character or a set characters that cause the specified transition to occur The starting state has an arrow entering it Final states are identified by double circles Each of the finite automata was designed to recognize one particular type of token If there is no entry in a column, there is no transition corresponding to that character, and the automaton halts
Graphical Representation of a finite automaton
Finite Automaton to Recognize Tokens
Token Recognition using Algorithmic Code
Tabular Representation of Finite Automaton
Syntactic Analysis During syntactic analysis, the source statements written by the programmer are recognized as language constructs described by the grammar being used Parsing techniques are divided into two classes—bottom-up and top-down—according to the way in which the parse tree is constructed Top-down methods begin with the rule of the grammar that specifies the goal of the analysis, and attempt to construct the tree so that the terminal nodes match the statements being analyzed Bottom-up methods begin with the terminal nodes of the tree, and attempt to combine these into successively higher-level nodes until the root is reached
Operator-Precedence Parsing
The operator-precedence method is based on examining pairs of consecutive operators in the source program, and making decisions about which operation should be performed first The first step in constructing an operator-precedence parser is to determine the precedence relations between the operators of the grammar Operator is taken to mean any terminal symbol If there is no precedence relation between a pair of tokens, this means that these two tokens cannot appear together in any legal statement
Precedence Matrix
Operator-Precedence Parse of a READ Statement(2/1)
Operator-Precedence Parse of a READ Statement(2/2)
Left-toRight Sacn The left-to-right scan is continued in each step only far enough to determine the next portion of the statement to be recognized, which is the first portion delimited by < and > Once this portion has been determined, it is interpreted as a nonterminal, according to some rules of the grammar This process continue until the complete statement is recognized The parse tree is constructed from the terminal nodes up toward the root, hence the term bottom-up parsing
Shift-Reduce Parsing Operator precedence was one of the earliest bottom-up parsing methods The operator precedence technique were developed into a more general method known as shift-reduce parsing Shift-reduce parsers make use of a stack to store tokens that have not yet been recognized in terms of the grammar The two main actions that can be taken are shift (push current token onto the stack) and reduce (recognize symbols on top of the stack according to rule of the grammar) The most powerful shift-reduce parsing technique is called LR(k) (the integer k indicates the number of tokens following the current position that are considered in making parsing decisions)
Example of Shift-Reduce Parsing (3/1)
Example of Shift-Reduce Parsing (3/2)
Example of Shift-Reduce Parsing (3/3)
Recursive-Descent Parsing(2/1)
Recursive-descent—top-down method A recursive-descent parser is made up of a procedure for each nonterminal symbol in the grammar When a procedure is called, it attempts to find a substring of the input, beginning with the current token, that can be interpreted as the nonterminal with which the procedure is associated It may call other procedures, or even call itself recursively, to search for other nonterminals
Recursive-Descent Parsing(2/2)
If a procedure finds the nonterminal that is its goal it returns an indication of success to its called, otherwise, it return an indication of failure For the recursive-descent technique, it must be possible to decide which alternative to use by examining the next input token Top-down parsers cannot be directly used with a grammar that contains immediate left recursion The parse tree is constructed beginning at the root, hence the term top-down parsing
Simplified Pascal Grammar Modified or Recursive-Descent
Recursive-descent Parse of a READ statement(3/1)
Recursive-descent Parse of a READ statement(3/2)
Recursive-descent Parse of a READ statement(3/1)
Recursive-descent Parse of an Assignment statement(5/1)
Recursive-descent Parse of an Assignment statement(5/2)
Recursive-descent Parse of an Assignment statement(5/3)
Recursive-descent Parse of an Assignment statement(5/4)
Recursive-descent Parse of an Assignment statement(5/5)
Code Generation Semantic routines: related to the meaning associates with the corresponding construct in the language Code-generation routines: semantic routines generate object code directly Our code-generation routines make use of two data structures for working storage: a list and a stack As each piece of object code is generated, we assume that a location counter LOCCTR is updated to reflect the next available address in the compiled program (exactly as it is in an assembler)
Code Generation for a READ Statement(2/1)
Code Generation for a READ Statement(2/2)
Code Generation for an Assignment Statement(9/1)
Code Generation for an Assignment Statement(9/2)
Code Generation for an Assignment Statement(9/3)
Code Generation for an Assignment Statement(9/4)
Code Generation for an Assignment Statement(9/5)
Code Generation for an Assignment Statement(9/6)
Code Generation for an Assignment Statement(9/7)
Code Generation for an Assignment Statement(9/8)
Code Generation for an Assignment Statement(9/1)
Other Code-Generation Routines(6/1)
Other Code-Generation Routines(6/2)
Other Code-Generation Routines(6/3)
Other Code-Generation Routines(6/4)
Other Code-Generation Routines(6/5)
Other Code-Generation Routines(6/6)
Object Code Generated for Program(3/1)
Object Code Generated for Program(3/2)
Object Code Generated for Program(3/3)
Machine-Dependent Compiler Features
The real machine dependencies of a compiler are related to the generation and optimization of the object code In intermediate form, the syntax and semantics of the source statements have been completely analyzed, but the actual translation into machine code has not yet been performed It is much easier to analyze and manipulate intermediate form of the program for the purposes of code optimization
Intermediate Form of the Program
Quadruple: operation, op1, op2, result Operation is some function to be performed by the object code, op1 and op2 are the operands for this operation, and result designates where the resulting value is to be placed The quadruples can be rearranged to eliminate redundant load and store operations, and the intermediate results can be assigned to registers or to temporary variables to make their use as efficient as possible After optimization has been performed, the modified quadruples are translated into machine code
Examples of Quadruples
SUM:=SUM+VALUE +, SUM, VALUE, i1 :=, i1, , SUM VARIANCE:=SUMSQ DIV 100-MEAN*MEAN DIV, SUMSQ #100, i1 *, MEAN, MEAN, i2 -, i1, i2, i3 :=, i3, , VARIANCE
Intermediate Code for the Program(2/1)
Intermediate Code for the Program(2/2)
Machine-Dependent Code Optimization(3/1)
First problem: assignment and use of registers Machine instructions that use registers as operands are usually faster than the corresponding instructions that refer to locations in memory Select which register value to replace when it is necessary to assign a register for some other purpose The value that will not be needed for the longest time is the one that should be replaced If the register that is being reassigned contains the value of some variable already stored in memory, the value can simply be discarded
Machine-Dependent Code Optimization(3/2)
In making and using register assignments, a compiler must also consider the control flow of the program A basic block is a sequence of quadruples with one entry point, which is at the beginning of the block, one exit point, which is at the end of the block, and no jumps within the block More sophisticated code-optimization techniques can analyze a flow graph and perform register assignments that remain valid from one basic block to another Another possibility for code optimization involves rearranging quadruples before machine is generated
Machine-Dependent Code Optimization(3/3)
Other possibilities for machine-dependent code optimization involve taking advantage of specific characteristics and instructions of the target machine Special loop-control instructions or addressing modes that can be used to create more efficient object code High-level machine instructions that can perform complicated functions such as calling procedure and manipulating data structures in a single operation Consecutive instructions that involve different functional units can sometime be executed at the same time
Basic Blocks and Flow Graph
Rearrangement of Quadruples for Code Optimization(2/1)
Rearrangement of Quadruples for Code Optimization(2/2)
Machine-Independent Compiler Features
Structured Variables Machine-Independent Code Optimization Storage Allocation Block-Structured Language
Structured Variables Structured variables: arrays, records, strings, and sets Row-major order: all array elements that have the same value of the first subscript are stored in contiguous locations Column-major order: all elements that have the same value of the second subscript are stored together In row-major order, the rightmost subscript varies most rapidly; in column-major order, the leftmost subscript varies most rapidly Dynamic array: the compiler creates a descriptor (dope vector) for the array for storing the lower and upper bounds for each array subscript
Row-Major and Column-Major
Code Generation for Array References(2/1)
Code Generation for Array References(2/2)
Machine-Independent Code Optimization
Elimination of common subexpressions Removal of loop invariants Rewriting the source program The substitution of a more efficient operation for a less efficient one Reduction in strength of an operation Folding: operand values are known at compilation time can be performed by the compiler Loop unrolling: converting a loop into a straight line code Loop jamming: merging of the bodies of loops
Elimination of common subexpressions and removal of loop invariants(4/1)
Elimination of common subexpressions and removal of loop invariants(4/2)
Elimination of common subexpressions and removal of loop invariants(4/3)
Elimination of common subexpressions and removal of loop invariants(4/4)
Reduction in Strength of Operations(2/1)
Reduction in Strength of Operations(2/2)
Storage Allocation(2/1)
If procedures may be called recursively, static allocation cannot be used Each procedure call creates an activation record that contains storage for all the variables used by the procedure For each activation record is associated with a particular invocation of the procedure An activation record is not deleted until a return has been made from the corresponding invocation Activation records are typically allocated on a stack, with the current record at the top of the stack
Storage Allocation(2/2)
When automatic allocation is used, the compiler must generate code for references to variables using some sort of relative addressing When automatic allocation is used, storage is assigned to all variables used by a procedure when the procedure is called A large block of free storage called a heap is obtained from the operating system at the beginning of the program Allocation of storage from the heap are managed by the run-time procedure A run-time garbage collection procedure scans the pointers in the program and reclaims areas from the heap that are no longer being used
Recursive Invocation of a Procedure Using Static Storage
Recursive Invocation of a Procedure Using Automatic Storage Allocation(2/1)
Recursive Invocation of a Procedure Using Automatic Storage Allocation(2/2)
Block-Structured Languages(2/1)
A block is a portion of a program that has the ability to declare its own identifiers At the beginning of each new block is recognized, it is assigned the next block number in sequence The compiler can construct a table that describes the block structure The block-level entry gives the nesting depth of each block When a reference to an identifier appears in the source program, the compiler must first check the symbol table for a definition of that identifier by the current block If no such definition is found, the compiler looks for a definition by the block that surrounds the currrent one
Block-Structured Languages(2/2)
Most block-structured languages make use of automatic storage allocation One common method for providing access to variables in surrounding blocks uses a data structure called a display The display contains pointers to the most recent activation records and for all blocks that surround the current one in the source program The compiler for a block-structured language must include code at the beginning of a block to initialize the display for that block At the end of the block, it must include code to restore the previous display contents
Nested of Blocks(2/1)
Nested of Blocks(2/2)
Using of Display for Procedures(2/1)
Using of Display for Procedures(2/2)
Compiler Design Options
Division into Passes Interpreters P-Code Compilers Compiler-Compilers
Division into Passes A language that allows forward references to data items cannot be compiled in one pass If speed of compilation is important, a one-pass design might be preferred If program are executed many times for each compilation, or if they process large amounts of data, then speed of execution becomes more important than speed of compilation, we might prefer a multi-pass compiler design that could incorporate sophisticated code-optimization techniques Multi-pass compilers are also used when the amount of memory, or other system resources, is severely limited
Interpreters Interpreters execute a version of the source program directly, instead of translating it into machine code An interpreter usually performs lexical and syntactic analysis functions, and then translates the source program into an internal form The process of translating a source into some internal form is simpler and faster than compiling it into machine code Execution o the translated program by an interpreter is much slower than execution of the machine code produced by a compiler The real advantage of an interpreter over a compiler is in the debugging facilities that can easily be provided Interpreters are especially attractive in an educational environment (emphasis on learning and program testing)
P-Code Compilers P-code compilers (also called bytecode compilers) are very similar in concept to interpreter The source program is analyzed and converted into an intermediate form, which is then executed interpretively With a P-code compiler, this intermediate forms is the machine language for a hypothetical machine, often called pseudo-machine P-code object programs can be executed on any machine that has a P-code interpreter The P-code object program is often much smaller than a corresponding machine code program would be The interpretive execution of a P-code program may be much slower than the execution of the equivalent machine code If execution speed is important, some P-code compilers support the use of machine-language subroutines
Translation and Execution Using a P-code Compiler
Compiler-Compilers A compiler-compiler is a software tool that can be used to help in the task of compiler construction The user provides a description of the language to be translated This description may consist of a set of lexical rules for defining tokens and grammar for the source language Some compiler-compilers use this information to generate a scanner and a parser directly Other creates tables for use by standard table-driven scanning and parsing routines that are supplied by the compiler-compiler The main advantage of using a compile-compiler is ease of compiler construction and testing The writer can therefore focus more attention on good generation and optimization
Automated Compiler Construction using a Compiler-Compiler
Implementation Examples
SunOS C Compiler GNU NYU Ada Translator Cray MPP FORTRAN Compiler Java Compiler and Environment The YACC Compiler-Compiler
SunOS C Compiler(3/1) The SunOS C compiler runs on a variety of hardware platforms, including SPARC, x86, and PowerPC The translation process begins with the execution of the C preprocessor, which performs file inclusion and macro processing The output from the preprocessor goes to the C compiler itself The preprocessor and compiler also accept source files that contain assembler language subprograms, and pass these on to the assembly phase After preprocessing is complete, the actual process of program translation begins
SunOS C Compiler(3/2) The lexical analysis of the program is performed during preprocessing The compiler itself begins with syntactic analysis, followed by semantic analysis and code generation The SunOS itself is largely written in C Four different levels of code optimization can be specified by the user when a program is compiled When requested, the SunOS C compiler can insert special code into the object program to gather information about its execution SunOs C can also generate information that supports the operation of debugging tools
SunOS C Compiler(3/3) The O1 level does minimal amount of local optimization at the assembler-language level The O2 level provides basic local and global optimization, including register allocation and merging of basic block as well as elimination of common subexpressions and removal of loop invariants The O3 and O4 levels include optimization that can improve execution speed, but usually produce a larger object program O3 optimization performs loop unrolling The O4 level automatically converts calls to user-written functions into i-line code
GNU NYU Ada Translator(2/1)
A compiler that is written in the language it compiles is often referred to as a self-compiler One benefit of this approach is the ability to bootstrap improvements in language design and code generation Syntax analysis in GNAT is performed by a hand-coded recursive descent parser The syntax analysis phase also includes a sophisticated error recovery system The semantic analyzer performs name and type resolution, and “decorated” the AST (abstract syntax tree) with various semantic attributes
GNU NYU Ada Translator(2/2)
After front-end processing is complete, the GNAT-to-GNU phase (Gigi) traverses the AST and calls generators that build corresponding GCC tree fragments As each fragment is generated, the GCC back end performs the corresponding code-generation activity Code generation itself is done using an intermediate representation that depends on the target machine Configuration files describe the characteristics of the target machine
Overall Organization of GNAT
Cray MPP FORTRAN Compiler(2/1)
DIMENSION A(256) CDIR$ SHARED A(:BLOCK) The compiler directive SHARED specifies that the elements of the array are to be divided among the processing elements that are assigned to execute the program CDIR$ DOSHARED (I) ON A(I) DO I=1, 256 A(I)=SQRT(A(I)) END DO The compiler directive DOSHARED specifies that the iterations of the loop are to be divided among the available PEs
Cray MPP FORTRAN Compiler(2/2)
The compiler also implements low-level features that can be used if more detailed control of the processing is needed HIIDX and LOWIDX return the highest and lowest subscript values for a given array on a specified PE The function HOME returns the number of the PE on which a specified array element resides The MPP FORTRAN compiler provides a number of tools that can used to synchronize the parallel execution of programs When a PE encounters a barrier, it stops execution and waits until all other PEs have also reached the barrier
Array Elements Distributed Among PEs
Java Compiler and Environment(2/1)
The Java language itself is derived from C and C++ Memory management is handled automatically, thus free the programmer from a complex and error-prone task There are no procedure or functions in Java; classes and methods are used instead Programmers are constrained to use a “pure” object-oriented style, rather than mixing the procedural and object-oriented approaches Java provides built-in support for multiple threads of execution, which allow different parts of an application’s code to be executed concurrently The Java compiler follows the P-code approach
Java Compiler and Environment(2/2)
The compiler generate bytecodes—a high level, machine-independent code for a hypothetical machine (the Java Virtual Machine), which is implemented on each target computer by an interpreter and run-time system A Java can be run, without modification and without recompiling, on any computer for which a Java interpreter exists The bytecode approach allows easy integration of Java applications into the World Wide Web. The java interpreter is designed to run as fast as possible, without needing to check the run-time environment The automatic garbage collection system used to manage memory runs as a low-priority background thread When high performance is needed, the Java bytecodes can be translated at execution time into machine code for the computer on which the application is running
The YACC Compiler-Compiler
YACC (Yet Another Compiler0Compiler) is a parser generator that is available on UNIX systems LEX is a scanner generator that can be used to create scanners of the type required by YACC The YACC parser generator accepts as input a grammar for the language being compiled and a set of actions corresponding to rules of the grammar The YACC parser calls the semantic routines associated with each rule as the corresponding language construct recognized The parsers generated by YACC use a bottom-up parsing method called LALR(1), which is slightly restricted form of shift-reduce parsing
Example of Input Specifications for LEX
Example of Input Specifications for YACC
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