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Making lasting change through research with Canadian Aboriginal communities Growing Elders.

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Presentation on theme: "Making lasting change through research with Canadian Aboriginal communities Growing Elders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making lasting change through research with Canadian Aboriginal communities Growing Elders


3 Case Study #1 The Dogrib Tåîchô communities, Northwest Territories

4 “We have to act now like we are in crisis......we have to act now as if it is 25 years from today, as if the people in this room are now the Dogrib elders...what will you need to know in 2031 about who you are, where you have come that you can teach your children... ”

5 Workshop #1: Living Daily as a Dogrib

6 Living Daily as a Dogrib Follow little rules Have tea with one another Share food with families Observe to learn Travel slowly on land Speak Dogrib Provide service to others Listen to stories Practice spirituality Celebrate Dogrib activities Set nets Sew Trapping Prepare a campfire Hunt and prepare meat The indicators

7 Workshop #2: Traditional values for policy

8 Song of Nöhtà : the Grebe As he chanted this song, he began to dance. The song Nöhtà came up with lasted until the tea dance ended. He had been traveling from a great distance and so, he was very tired and very sleepy too. After introducing a song for the people, he decided to sit down. While the people danced, he sat down behind them. As he was sitting down, he fell asleep. As he drifted into a deep sleep, the people danced and they danced on his feet and that’s why his feet became flat. So that was how Nöhtà came up with this song and that’s what the old timers say. Determination Styles of leadership Connection to the earth & people Importance of elder’s knowledge EVIDENCE THEMES

9 What now? ThemesPractice How can we apply the themes we have found in traditional stories and songs to Tlicho governance? Determination Styles of leadership Connection to the earth & people Importance of elder’s knowledge

10 Values/Policies for Environment Scheduling or rotating use of land Considering quotas for hunting; Hunting should be only for survival hunting on land Regulating use by outsiders on Dogrib lands Land use planning

11 Values/Policies for Child Protection Develop new evaluation criteria to recognize culture and lifestyle Develop process that reflects community Train Dogrib social workers Elders involved in teaching traditional values to families (re-education)

12 Summary: Elements of success… Leadership involvement and commitment Culture is central Working with Elders Planning for the next generations The power to implement the results in policy and programs

13 Case Study #2 The Métis Settlements of Alberta

14 The process The invitation Leadership commitment Data sharing agreement Elders’ Advisory Committee Recruitment of Community Researchers

15 Training workshop #1: Conducting the survey

16 Training workshop #2: Data entry and cleaning

17 In August… Training session #3: analysis Strategies for dissemination Informing the leadership of findings Working through implications Planning programs and policies

18 Summary: Elements of success Leadership commitment Open process, e.g. data-sharing agreement Committed CAs 2 CAs from each community Multiple communities with common issue Incorporation of culture

19 Case study #3: When not to do research


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