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The Crucible Background information on ARTHUR MILLER and McCarthyism…

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1 The Crucible Background information on ARTHUR MILLER and McCarthyism…

2 Arthur Miller, author October 17, 1915-February 10, 2005 Polish-Jewish immigrant parents Father: – illiterate – Wealthy businessman; owned woman’s clothing store – Employed 400 people – Manhattan home, and summer home in Queens – Even had a chaffeur….

3 Arthur Miller, author Sounds like he lived in the lap of luxury, huh? Things change quickly….

4 Arthur Miller, author STOCK MARKET CRASH OF… – 1929! The family lost EVERYTHING and moved to Brooklyn. – In order to make ends meet, Miller began delivering bread every morning before school. Graduated from high school (Abraham Lincoln High) in 1932

5 Arthur Miller, author Paid for his own tuition University of Michigan – Journalism major – Worked as a reporter and night editor for student paper, Michigan Daily – No Villain, his first work. – Switched to English and won the Avery Hopwood Award for his work. (again in 1937 for Honors at Dawn)

6 Arthur Miller, author University of Michigan – Established the Arthur Miller Award in 1985 – Arthur Miller Award for Dramatic Writing in 1999 – Arthur Miller Theatre in 2000 Received a BA in English Joined the Federal Theater Project (turning down a writing job with 20 th Century FOX)

7 Arthur Miller, author What does this say about his character? Make your inference…

8 Arthur Miller, author Marriage…(number 1) – Mary Slattery, college sweetheart – Catholic – 2 children: Jane and Robert Robert produced the 1996 film version of The Crucible

9 Arthur Miller, author Death of a Salesman – Premiere on Feb 10, 1949 – First play to win Tony for best author NY Drama Cricle Critics’ Award Pulitzer Prize for Drama – Performed 742 times

10 Arthur Miller, author Marriage (#2) – In June of 1956 he left Mary Slattery – June 29: MARILY MONROE They had met in April of 1951 Brief affair

11 Arthur Miller, author In 1956 Miller applied for a renewal of his Passport – He planned to visit London for the premier of The Crucible. Written due to the injustices of the HUAC (House of Un- American Activities Committee) And things get interesting…

12 Arthur Miller, author Miller’s passport is DENIED… He is subpoenaed before the HUAC Monroe attended the hearing… Name Names… – “I could not use the name of another person and bring trouble on him!” $500.00 fine and held in contempt of Congress in May 1957; in 1958 the judgement was overturned.

13 Arthur Miller, author Before the premier of The Misfit (1961), starring Monroe… Monroe and Miller divorced. 19 months later, Monroe died of a drug overdose.

14 Arthur Miller, author Marriage (#3) – Photographer Inge Morath on February 17, 1962 2 kids – Rebecca (September) (Married Daniel Day-Lewis) – Daniel (November of 1966- born with Down Syndrome. Institutionalized and excluded from Miller’s personal life) Inge died in 2002

15 Arthur Miller, author Marriage (#4) OR IS IT…. – December 2004 – Miller (89) announces that he is in love with a 34 year old painter (Agnes Barley). They were to wed… – Lived together since 2002 in Connecticut – Hours after Miller’s death… Rebecca forced Barley from the home…

16 Arthur Miller, author Death – Miller died of heart failure after a battle against cancer, pneumonia, and congestice heart disease. – Died at his Connecticut home in 2005 (89 years old)

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