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The American Promise: A History of the United States Fourth Edition

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1 The American Promise: A History of the United States Fourth Edition
Roark • Johnson • Cohen • Stage • Hartmann • Lawson The American Promise: A History of the United States Fourth Edition CHAPTER 9 The New Nation Takes Form 1789–1800 Copyright © 2009 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

2 The Search for Stability
Washington Inaugurates the Government The Bill of Rights The Republican Wife and Mother

3 Hamilton’s Economic Policies
Agriculture, Transportation, and Banking The Public Debt and Taxes The First Bank of the United States and the Report on Manufactures The Whiskey Rebellion

4 Conflicts West, East, and South
To the West: The Indians Across the Atlantic: France and Britain To the South: The Haitian Revolution

5 Federalists and Republicans
The Election of 1796 The XYZ Affair The Alien and Sedition Acts

6 Chapter 9 The New Nation Takes Form: 1789–1800
Map 9.1 Travel Times from New York City in 1800 (p. 295) Map 9.2 Western Expansion and Indian Land Cessions to 1810 (p. 304) Global Comparison: National Census Taking Worldwide (p. 297) 1790 Census Page (p. 297) Plan for Washington, D.C., on a Handkerchief (p. 301) Cartoon of the Matthew Lyon Fight in Congress (p. 313)







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