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AstroGrid Group 7: Teemu Toivola Tero Viitala. Problem several separate databases no common interface between databases difficulties of joining related.

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Presentation on theme: "AstroGrid Group 7: Teemu Toivola Tero Viitala. Problem several separate databases no common interface between databases difficulties of joining related."— Presentation transcript:

1 AstroGrid Group 7: Teemu Toivola Tero Viitala

2 Problem several separate databases no common interface between databases difficulties of joining related data limited observatory time resources lack of user skills

3 Shocks seen in the X- ray Heavy elements seen in the optical Dust seen in the IR Relativistic electrons seen in the radio

4 Goals a working datagrid for key UK databases uniform archive query and datamining interface the ability to browse simultaneously multiple datasets a set of tools for on-line database analysis and exploration

5 Members consortium members – School of Computer Science, Queens University of Belfast (QUB) –Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge –Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh –Dept of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester –Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University of London (MSSL) –Jodrell Bank Observatory, University of Manchester (JBO) –Space Data Division, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) financed by PPARC executive board AGLI day-to-day management

6 Project content Phase A –architecture definition –begin: 1.9.2001 –end: 31.12.2002 Phase B –implementation –begin: 1.1.2003 –end: 31.12.2004

7 Phase A WP-A0 Project Management & Infrastructure WP-A1 Science Requirements WP-A2 - A4Technology assessment WP-A5Pilot programs WP-A6Support for future databases WP-A7Researching existing technologies WP-A8Phase B plan WP-A9User Interface

8 Phase B Iterations 1 & 2 (June 2003) –basic engine room components –preliminary interface and contents –OGSI experiments Iterations 3 & 4 (December 2003) –engine room continued –interface and contents –international program

9 Phase B Iteration 5 & 6 (June 2004) –datamining –workflow –visualisation –OGSA Integration (demo) Iteration 7 & 8 (December 2004) –datamining –query Estimator/Optimizer –resource Registry –visualisation –OGSA Integration

10 Progress

11 Difficulties social –organization –common procedures technical –lack of standards –uncertainty of future network bandwidth financial –lack of funding

12 "So Why No Integration Tests? So here we are 2 weeks from code freeze, and still the only bug reports I have on integration testing are from the It03 demo." "I get the feeling people are doing design -> write code -> reflect -> refactor, document -> test. This is a waterfall model and *not appropriate* (except over a day or two!). We should *not* be designing for next year. We have to get out of the waterfall and into coding!" RiskPIComment Grid software is late or non- functional HVHVH will design for this eventuality so that grid services can be replaced by simple web services

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