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Object Recognition Vision Class 2006-7. Object Classes.

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Presentation on theme: "Object Recognition Vision Class 2006-7. Object Classes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Object Recognition Vision Class 2006-7

2 Object Classes

3 Individual Recognition

4 Brief History: Recognition

5 Mental Rotation

6 Three-point alignment Huttenlocher D. & Ullman, S. Recognizing solid objects by alignment with an image. Int. J. Computer Vision 5(3), 195 – 212, 1990.

7 Object Alignment Given three model points P 1, P 2, P 3, and three image points p 1, p 2, p 3, there is a unique transformation (rotation, translation, scale) that aligns the model with the image.  (SR + d)P i = p i

8 Alignment -- comments The projection is orthographic projection (combined with scaling). The 3 points are required to be non-collinear. The transformation is determined up to a reflection of the points about the image plane and translation in depth.

9 Car Recognition

10 Car Models

11 Alignment: Cars

12 Alignment: Mismatch


14 Brief History: Classification

15 RBC

16 Structural Description G2 G4 G3 G1 G4 Above Right-of Left-of Touch

17 Classification: Current Approaches

18 Visual Class: Similar Arrangement of Shared Components

19 Optimal Class Components? Large features are too rare Small features are found everywhere Find features that carry the highest amount of information

20 Entropy Entropy:H = -Σp(x i ) log 2 p(x i ) x =01H p =0.50.5? 0.010.990.08

21 Mutual information H(C) when F=1H(C) when F=0 I(C;F) = H(C) – H(C/F) F=1 F=0 H(C)

22 Mutual Information I X alone: p(x) = 0.5, 0.5H = 1.0 X given Y: Y = 0 Y = 1 p(x) = 0.8, 0.2 H = 0.72 p(x) = 0.1, 0.9 H = 0.47 H(X|Y) = 0.5*0.72 + 0.5*0.47 = 0.595 H(X) – H(X|Y) = 1 – 0.595 = 0.405 I(X,Y) = 0.405

23 Mutual Information II

24 Computing MI from Examples Mutual information can be measured from examples: 100 Faces100 Non-faces Feature: 44 times 6 times Mutual information:0.1525 H(C) = 1, H(C|F) = 0.8475


26 Fragments Selection For a set of training images: Generate candidate fragments –Measure p(F/C), p(F/NC) Compute mutual information Select optimal fragment After k fragments: Maximizing the minimal addition in mutual information with respect to each of the first k fragments

27 Highly Informative Face Fragments

28 Horse-class features Car-class features

29 Fragment ‘Weight’ Likelihood ratio: Weight of F: Decision: ∑wi Fi > θ

30 Combining fragments w1w1 wkwk w2w2 D1D1 D2D2 DkDk Feature detection: Within a region S(F,I) > Threshold

31 Fragment-based Classification Leibe, Schiele 2003 Fergus, Perona, Zisserman 2003 Agarwal, Roth 2002

32 Recognition: ROC Curves

33 Training & Test Images Frontal faces without distinctive features (K:496,W:385) Minimize background by cropping Training images for extraction: 32 for each class Training images for evaluation: 100 for each class Test images: 253 for Western and 364 for Korean

34 Training – Fragment Extraction

35 Western Fragment Score0.920.820.770.760.750.740.720.680.670.65 Weight3.422.401.992.231.902.116.584.144.126.47 Korean Fragment Score0.920.820.770.760.750.740.720.680.670.65 Weight3.422.401.992.231.902.116.584.144.126.47 Extracted Fragments

36 Classifying novel images Westerner Korean Unknown kFkF wFwF Detect Fragments Compare Summed Weights Decision

37 Effect of Number of Fragments 7 fragments: 95%, 80 fragments: 100% Inherent redundancy of the features Slight violation of independence assumption


39 Harris Corner Detection I x 2 I x I y I x I y I y 2 ∑

40 Harris Corner Operator < I x I y < H = Averages within a neighborhood. Corner: The two eigenvalues λ1, λ2 are large Indirectly: ‘Corner’ = det(H) – k trace 2 (H)

41 Harris Corner Examples

42 SIFT descriptor David G. Lowe, "Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints," International Journal of Computer Vision, 60, 2 (2004), pp. 91-110 Example: 4*4 sub-regions Histogram of 8 orientations in each V = 128 values: g 1,1,…g 1,8,……g 16,1,…g 16,8

43 Constellation of Patches Using interest points Fegurs, Perona, Zissermann 2003

44 2004 Carnegie Mellon University, all rights reserved. A CAPTCHA TM is a program that can generate and grade tests that most humans can pass, but current computer programs can't pass.


46 Classification: Class Examples

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