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Creating a Diverse and Inclusive University: Strategies that Challenge David Pilgrim Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion 311 Timme Center 591-3946.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Diverse and Inclusive University: Strategies that Challenge David Pilgrim Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion 311 Timme Center 591-3946."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Diverse and Inclusive University: Strategies that Challenge David Pilgrim Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion 311 Timme Center 591-3946

2 Ferris State University: Making the World Better Founded in 1884 by Woodbridge Nathan Ferris Governor, 1913-1917 U.S. Senator, 1922-1928 Politician, educator, visionary, craniologist… "My plea in Michigan -- and it will be my plea to the last breath I draw, and the last word I speak—is education for all children, all men, and all women of Michigan, all the people in all our states all the time."

3 “The mission is …to make the world better.”


5 Big Rapids: The (Sheltered) Hub of the Nation 2,345 miles east of San Francisco (34 hours by car); 810 miles west of Harlem, New York (13 hours by car); 1,550 miles north of Miami, Florida (24 ½ hours by car). 6 miles south of Paris, Michigan (5 minutes by car).

6 Race and Ethnic Origin 200220032004200520062007200820092010 American Indian/Alaskan Native 76.686% 86.727% 98.830% 95.757% 107.851% 114.871% 108.798% 125.902% 120.835% Asian or Pacific Islander 203 1.83% 218 1.84% 203 1.72% 227 1.81% 236 1.88% 269 2.06% 259 1.91% 251 1.81% 223 1.55% Black 881 7.96% 809 6.84% 755 6.40% 747 5.95% 677 5.38% 840 6.42% 843 6.23% 888 6.40% 957 6.66% International 291 2.63% 274 2.32% 239 2.02% 216 1.72% 186 1.48% 157 1.20% 163 1.21% 161 1.16% 176 1.22% Hispanic/Latino 134 1.21% 155 1.31% 150 1.27% 164 1.31% 177 1.41% 246 1.88% 259 1.91% 296 2.13% 340 2.36% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander NA 1.007% 4.028% White 8,714 78.69% 9,287 78.56% 9,156 77.57% 9,679 77.14% 9,683 77.00% 10,879 83.13% 10,857 80.23% 11,019 79.47% 11,352 78.94% Two or More Races NA 62.447% 174 1.21% Unreported 775 7.00% 993 8.40% 1,202 10.18% 1,419 11.31% 1,509 12.00% 582 4.45% 1043 7.71% 1,062 7.66% 1035 7.20% Total11,07411,822 11,80312,54712,57513,08713,53213,86514,381 Table 1: Comparative Student Enrollment by Race/Ethnic Origin* Approximately 14 percent Minority Students * Data regarding the ethnic and racial identities of Ferris State University students obtained from the FSU Fact Book. Table updated Fall 10.. **Note: Changes in IPEDS race and ethnicity categories per federal mandate for Fall 2009.

7 2007 Male 2007 Female 2008 Male 2008 Female 2009 Male 2009 Female 2010 Male 2010 Female Black 15 2.49% 10 1.69% 14 2.34% 12 1.94% 14 2.29% 10 1.57% 15 2.61% 9 1.49% Hispanic 5.826 % 5.843% 5.836 % 5.806% 6.980% 5.786% 5.870% 6.993% American Indian or Native Alaskan 5.826% 4.675 % 5.836 % 4.645% 5.817% 3.472% 4.696% 3.497% Asian or Pacific Islander 20 3.32% 7 1.18% 21 3.51 % 8 1.29% 22 3.59% 8 1.26% 22 3.83% 9 1.49% White 553 91.71% 565 95.28% 548 91.64% 589 95.00% 547 89.38% 595 93.55% 502 87.30% 556 92.05% Multi-Race 3.498% 1.169% 4.669% 1.161% 5.817% 2.314% 5.870% 1.166% Unknown2.332% 1.169 % 1.167% 1.161% 13 2.12% 13 2.04% 22 3.83% 20 3.31% Total 603593598620612636575604 Table 2: Ferris State University - Full Time Workforce* Approximately 10 percent Non-White, less than 5 percent U.S. Minorities Data collected November 1 st of each year. Information obtained from Human Resources.

8 The Office of Diversity (now the Office of Diversity and Inclusion) was created in January 2007. It was created, in part, as a response to criticism that the University was not committed to diversity. Diversity-and-Inclusion-Office/119012878152393 /

9 Ferris Definition of Diversity “Diversity is the range of human differences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, and political beliefs.”

10 Ferris Definition of Inclusion “Inclusion is involvement and empowerment, where the inherent worth and dignity of all people are recognized. An inclusive university promotes and sustains a sense of belonging; it values and practices respect for the talents, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of living of its members.”

11 Goals of the Diversity Plan Create a university that is welcoming to diverse populations. Recruit, retain, and graduate a diverse student population. Hire and retain a diverse workforce. Create environments for student learning that are inclusive of and sensitive to a diverse student population.

12 Random Lessons Learned on the Job Diversity and diversity initiatives need a champion and champions. We placed diversity work teams in every division and college. Diversity related progress is often pull-your-hair-out slow in higher education. In order for diversity to become mainstreamed in a university it must show up in the “official paper,” especially the core values, mission, vision, and strategic plan. Change is seen by some as a referendum and critique of current people and practices. It is difficult to be a facilitator and an activist.

13 More Lessons There is a constant struggle between political expediency and “doing what’s right.” Not every battle is about principles, but some are. Diversity battles are sometimes not really about diversity. Sometimes it is easier to do diversity and not talk about it. Individuals promote their own interests.

14 Cases that Challenged Moving OMSS Assembled committee that represented all sides, especially people that opposed move; Made public all activities, including publishing minutes and final report; Met with all stakeholder groups; Held no-holds-barred campus- wide forums. Extending Other Eligible Health Care Benefits Helped organize and empower Ferris Alliance; Connected with similar organizations at other universities. Involved faculty union and other unions; Challenged the administration and the Board of Trustees.

15 Ferris Resources Ferris State University Fact Book Ferris State University Student Climate Survey Results Diversity at Ferris 2009 PDF/Diversity%20at%20Ferris%202009.pdf Employee Dignity/Harassment/Discrimination Student Dignity and Harassment

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