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Voice Transformations Challenges: Signal processing techniques have advanced faster than our understanding of the physics Examples: – Rate of articulation.

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Presentation on theme: "Voice Transformations Challenges: Signal processing techniques have advanced faster than our understanding of the physics Examples: – Rate of articulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Voice Transformations Challenges: Signal processing techniques have advanced faster than our understanding of the physics Examples: – Rate of articulation maintaining the formant structure – Alter F0 and modify the spacing between the harmonics components. Change between male, female, and child voices. – Modify the intensity: multiplying the amplitudes of signal sections – Voice Transformation: Alter a person’s speech to sound like another’s – Voice Morphing: Morph audio spoken by one speaker to sound like the same audio spoken by another Definition: modifying a signal to intentionally change its characteristics

2 Helium’s Effect on Speech Changes the formants (resonances of F0), but not the pitch Vocal tension, geometry, and length affects the pitch Speed of sound greater, so resonances shifted higher Diagram: Second formant shifted to the right, off the diagram. Less power at lower frequencies; vowels articulate differently Normal voice spectrum Helium voice spectrum The vertical lines are resonances of F0

3 Voice Characteristics Breathy voice: The amplitude the first F0 harmonic/amplitude much larger than the amplitude of the second F0 harmonic (large vocal opening) Creaky voice: Small or negative value, when subtracting the amplitude of higher formants of F0 from the amplitude of first F0 (spectral tilt)

4 Vowel Acoustics Each person has a unique acoustic space: vowels exhibit patterns within that space Vowels are primarily distinguished by their first two formant frequencies: F1 and F2 – F1 corresponds to vowel height o A smaller F1 amplitude implies a higher vowel o A larger F1 amplitude implies a lower vowel – F2 corresponds to a front or back vowel o A smaller F2 amplitude implies a back vowel o A larger F2 amplitude implies a front vowel – Lip rounding tends to lower both F1 and F2

5 at different pitches 100 Hz 120 Hz 150 Hz F1 moves slightly to the right and F2 to the left as F0 increases




9 F1 Men: lower F0, Women: higher F0


11 Synthesizing Speech Source-filter model – Excitation: glottal signal (source) – Time varying linear filter (vocal tract) Simplest form – Excitation Quasi-periodic pulse sequences (voiced speech) Noise (unvoiced speech) – Time varying linear filter (Linear prediction) Challenge: define an excitation sequence that produces natural sounding speech

12 Synthesis Approaches Multi-pulse sequences of zeros and ones to better represent the glottal excitation Combine a series of sinusoids to create “glottal like” excitation. Determine F0 and use harmonics of F0 as excitation inputs. Concatenation and unit selection approaches Most modern synthesis implementations utilize unit selection. However, because of a desire to implement voice transformation algorithms, there is a renewed focus on utilizing digital signal processing techniques

13 Pitch and Rate of Change TD-PSOLA (Time domain – pitch synchronized overlap and add) Advantages – Does a good job when changes are less than a factor of two – Time domain algorithm; very efficient Disadvantages: Not sufficient for complex transformations Maintain amplitude and phase relationships between formants Repeated fricative frames starts sounding tonal. Reversing or randomizing fricative spectrums helps, but not for voiced fricatives. Increased articulation compresses vowels/consonants by 50%/25% (We protect consonants which carry more information). The pitch values and contour are affected. Non-linearities between sub-glottal resonances Unexpected artifacts contained in the synthesized signal

14 Energy Modification Naïve approach: Multiply each sample by some constant. Problems: – When we speak louder, we emphasize some parts of the signal more than others; we stress consonants more than vowels. – More sub-glottal pressure will stress higher frequencies more than those that are lower – Pitch tends to rise as speech becomes louder.

15 Harmonic Plus Excitation Model Speech harmonic and excitation components – Harmonic: Vocal tract as a linear prediction filter – Noise component: collection of sinusoids with time varying amplitudes and frequencies Harmonic component: Linear prediction – y n = r n + ∑ i=1,P a i y n-P or y n ≈ ∑ i=1,P a i y n-P – Residue r n : excitation and nasal/sub-glottal non-linearities) Excitation Signal Estimate: e(t) = ∑ k=0,K(t) m k (t)e iφ k (t) – K(t) is the number of sinusoids at time t – m k is the amplitude of the k th sinusoid at time t – φ k (t) is the phase of the k th sinusoid at time t

16 The Harmonic Model Questions to answer: – How do we determine which sine waves to use? – How do we determine the phases and amplitudes? – How many sine waves should we use? – How do we represent unvoiced speech? Note: φ k (t) = 2πkF 0 (t) – The sinusoids are harmonics of F 0 (fundamental frequency) – Otherwise this would be a sinusoidal model (not harmonic) Excitation signal: e(t) = ∑ k=0,K(t) m k (t)e iφ k (t)

17 Linear Interpolation Formula: (y-y 0 )/(x-x 0 ) = (y 1 -y 0 )/(x 1 -x 0 ) Application: – Assume window size = w ms – Frame n represents time nw – Frame n+1 represents time (n+1)w – nw <= t <= (n+1)w is time of interest – x 0, x 1 = phases at times nw, (n+1)w – y 0, y 1 = amplitudes at times nw, (n+1)w – x, y = phase and amplitude at time t Goal: Compute partial phases/amplitudes at time, t Note: Cubic interpolation uses the successive and previous windows and interpolates points between

18 McAulay-Quatieri Algorithm Perform FFT on the signal Extract peak frequencies with phases/amplitudes. Find F0 whose harmonics closely represent the partials Connect partials of successive and previous windows Generate time varying sign waves cubic interpolation Apply to the vocal track filter to generate synthesized speech Death of a track: If no matching successive window partial Birth of a track: If no matching previous window partial Partial: An FFT peak extracted with its phases and amplitudes Track: Connections between partials of adjacent windows Note: Typical number of partials for synthesis is from 20 to 160.

19 Sinusoid Death and Birth

20 Unvoiced Speech Problem: – Unvoiced speech resembles noise – Noise requires too many sinusoids for an accurate representation – Signal transformations (such as stretching) to closely related harmonics produces sound heard as (wormy or jittery) – Unvoiced tracks span only a small number of windows so interpolation methods become problematic Solution: Bandwidth enhanced oscillators

21 Definitions Carrier signal: A sinusoidal signal transmitted at a steady frequency Modulation: the process of varying one or more properties of a high-frequency carrier periodic waveform Oscillation is the repetitive variation, typically in time

22 Bandwidth Enhanced Oscillation Technique: A partial’s energy is increased relative to its spectral amplitude and spread across adjacent frequencies Details: (a) The center frequency stays the same, (b) Energy is spread evenly on both sides (c) Random modulations Parameters: widening amount, fall off intensities Result: A closer representation to the original signal (a)Partial with no widening (b) Partial with moderate widening (c) Partial with large amount of widening

23 Algorithm Refinements Add bandwidth enhanced oscillation Vary the spread of bandwidths based on the amount of voicing in the signal Formula: Y t = ∑ k=0,K-1 ∑ n=0,N (A k (t) + β t ) sin(kN n F 0 + Ѳ k (t)) – Y t is the synthesized signal at time t – A k (t) is the carrier frequency amplitude at time t – k is a harmonic multiple of F 0 (partial); K = number of partials – Ѳ k (t) of phase of the k th partial – N is the number of oscillations for introducing noise – N n is the output of a random number generator to modulate F 0 – β is a noise modulation factor

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