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1 21 st Century Workforce: STEM Career Pathways Conference Synthesis Panel Integrated Systems Transformation 10-26-03.

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1 1 21 st Century Workforce: STEM Career Pathways Conference Synthesis Panel Integrated Systems Transformation 10-26-03

2 2 New Work-New Assumptions Getting different results requires different approaches Owing responsibility for more than one org, one school, one institution, one division… Pathways are consistent with lifelong learning and broadest choices Cross organization integrative approach holds promise, risk taking –Pre-competitive collaboration

3 3 New Work-New “Organizational Structures” New work needs to recognize pathway as vertically integrated K20 system and applies resources in integrated vs program by program “disintegrated” method –K12 math, science and teacher development-preservice and professional development –Student Awareness of STEM careers-pre college –Enroll, retain and develop from UG to PhD –Workplace culture in industry, academe, government

4 4 Collaboration Pre-competitive collaboration –We must all be responsible for big picture success Work together to solve or fail together –Collaborate within and across sectors Institutional Competitiveness will limit success NFS Division walls….. –Industry, Ed, Gov’t. effort to increase awareness Joint public and private partnerships –Benchmark and Learn from each other how to improve: education system and, business, education and government as workplaces

5 5 Goals and Outcomes Pilot work demonstrates the ability to address issue of 1.increasing the diversity of the STEM students in pathway… 2.through cross organizational, cross division/department, vertically integrated education and workforce development approach –K12 to Higher Ed to Workplace (Academe, Industry, Government) Develop system to incentivize, support, reward and recognize the behaviors and the outcomes that we are trying to obtain NSF has supplied programmatic “building blocks ” –New opportunity to integrate program building blocks

6 6 Find the Best and Invest Find the best people to own this new challenge-highly selective –Honored and respected for their commitment and expertise “Rocks already rolling”…or “trains out of the station” –Look for people who are already doing the kind of work that needs to be done –Look for “sweet spots”-- “places” where good work is already happening Starting from scratch makes task more difficult-No “NIH” Invest in the team members to support their success –Determine new/enhanced skills and capabilities needed Diversity Training Change and Transition Management Organization Dynamics Knowledge Transfer –Team includes all level of program management cross all orgs

7 7 Team Management and Support Make the project visible and important so members understand the opportunity and importance of the work –Select few and make visible, strategic targeting toward greatest need Create “matrix” team to get the work done –Top level matrix team-includes cross org members Fewest number of players with largest reach, leverage and influence –High level reporting w/in NSF? Bordogna? –W/in NSF, may still report in to separate divisions but also are part of new team-cross division management team? Create clear goals and metrics of success including “leading indicators” of success –Accountability –Management supports stretch goal –Project Management review process-invest the time

8 8 Power, $ and “Fair Share” –All key players are important and power, responsibility and accountability should be shared –Fair Share-some members “larger” than others but if all bring “fair share” to table-resource, influence “WE are all faculty” –High level Management team (w/in NSF assuming bulk of funding comes from NSF) looks seriously at issues of funding since $ = power Shared management and budget? Single proposal crosses multiple programs or program funds?

9 9 Barriers, Reward and Recognition Work with team members to understand potential barriers to project success Identify approaches to address barriers across project scope and w/in organizations Create meaningful reward/recognition structure –Ask members what would be valuable recognition for work well done –Recognition could be both w/in and across member organizations NSF, HE, K12, Industry, community, other Visible Recognizes challenges of working as new team and accomplishments of the team

10 10 Concurrent Engineering …accelerate replication Concurrent Engineering, then…select the best and accelerate replication and scale –Maintain ongoing research and development along with moving forward on most successful and proliferate Must fund “knowledge transfer” not only “innovation” Industry, Foundation resources, limited, spread too thinly to support all individual initiatives Focus on greatest impact for success--larger, linked and leveraged partnerships

11 11 Possible Resources to Integrate K12 Math and Science –MSP, ESIE Undergrad, Grad and PhD –LSAMP, ADVANCE, AGEP, IGERT, ATE, CCLI, TPC (for faculty too?), but also….. –Research Programs to be integrated with these MPS, GEO, ERE, CiSE, ENG, BIO….. Dept of Ed MSP? Industry and Foundation Funding –“Informal” in first rounds depending on timing –Formal joint funding?

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