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Chamberlain. EvidenceFact Legal Result Burden of Production (Basic)

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Presentation on theme: "Chamberlain. EvidenceFact Legal Result Burden of Production (Basic)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chamberlain

2 EvidenceFact Legal Result

3 Burden of Production (Basic)

4 D’s Directed Verdict Area P’s Directed Verdict Area Jury Decision Area Shifts BOP Meets BOP

5 Two Types of Evidence

6 Deciding D’s JAML: Direct Evidence Jury Assume Witness is telling the truth I saw D shoot Victim Would that establish the element? Witness

7 Deciding D’s JAML: Indirect Evidence Jury Assume Witness is telling the truth I heard D say he was going to kill V I saw D enter building Could a reasonable jury infer the element? Witness 10 minutes later, I saw D leave I went in and found the body

8 No EvidenceWalt: I saw him decapitated!Walt: I saw him fall of his bicycle! Walt: I saw him go in the house. Five minutes later the house blew up! Meets BOP Shifts BOP D’s Directed Verdict Area P’s Directed Verdict Area Jury Decision Area

9 Burden of Production (Shifting)

10 Meets BOP Shifts BOP D’s Directed Verdict Area P’s Directed Verdict Area Jury Decision Area P’s Evidence D’s Evidence

11 40 Bishops: I saw him decapitated! Willy: I saw Sam yesterday. Wes: They weren’t wearing their glasses. Meets BOP Shifts BOP D’s Directed Verdict Area P’s Directed Verdict Area Jury Decision Area

12 Burden of Production (Presumptions)

13 Wife: He left 9 years ago & I haven’t seen him since. Meets BOP Shifts BOP D’s Directed Verdict Area P’s Directed Verdict Area Jury Decision Area But Wife could be lying. Legal Presumption

14 Stipulated: He left 9 years ago & Wife hasn’t seen him since. Meets BOP Shifts BOP D’s Directed Verdict Area P’s Directed Verdict Area Jury Decision Area Wes: I saw him 2 days ago. Legal Presumption Rebutting the Presumption

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