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Bots in Active Worlds Ning Gu DESC9103 Virtual Architecture Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition University of Sydney October 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Bots in Active Worlds Ning Gu DESC9103 Virtual Architecture Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition University of Sydney October 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bots in Active Worlds Ning Gu DESC9103 Virtual Architecture Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition University of Sydney October 2003

2 Active Worlds Bots  Definition: A bot is an avatar that inhabits a virtual world, interacts with other avatars, and is controlled by a computer program instead of a human being.  Active Worlds Implementation: the AW Software Development Kit (SDK) provides a programming interface to the AW server. There are some programs already implemented that create a bot in AW, and allow you to customise the bot by editing a script that determines the bot’s behaviour.

3 Active Worlds Bots Examples  The bots that we will be using provide lower level intelligence by performing fixed responsive actions.  Types of bots already implemented: 1.Conversational bots: HamBot, ChatBot, Preston, XelagotBot. 2.Automated music bots: HamBot, XelagotBot. 3.Object building bots: HamBot, BuildBot. 4.Simulation bots: BirdBot, BallBot. 5.Games bots: Nestor. 6.Administration bots: PhoneBot, VoteBot, BuildBot, XelagotBot.

4 Introduction to HamBot  HamBot: a general purpose bots creation and manipulation program.  HamBot: runs simultaneously with the Active Worlds browser.  Share same station with Active Worlds browser.  Share same Internet connection.  How does HamBot work?  Each bot associates with a citizen who has right to own bots.  Maximum 3 bots per citizen in Active Worlds.  HamBot can then run independently even without the presence of the citizen it associates with.

5 Usage of HamBot  To simulate Active Worlds citizens.  Appear as an avatar.  Navigate in Active Worlds.  Chat to other citizens via the control of a script or a person.  To serve as a tour guide.  Respond to pre-set keywords.  Play background music.  To serve as an assistant.  Build and manage object properties.  Other interactions with the environment and citizens.

6 Configuration of HamBot  Configuration file: HamBot.ini  Citizen information.  Citizen number.  Privilege password.  Universe information.  Host:  Port: 5670

7 Configuration of Script Files  Script files: contain scripts that function a bot.  Syntax of scripting language:  StartBot (start a bot in Active Worlds).  Avatar (define the appearance of the bot).  Movement (define the movement of the bot).  IfTextContains (catch keywords).  Say (provide response for a certain keyword).  DoBuild (build objects in Active Worlds).

8 Syntax of Scripting Language  StartBot (start a bot in Active Worlds).  Set B$=ChatBot (name of the bot).  Set W$=vds (name of the world where the bot will enter).  StartBot=0/%B$//%W$ (0 indicates this is the first bot).  Avatar (define the appearance of the bot).  Set A=3  Avatar=A (the bot appear as avatar three).

9 Syntax of Scripting Language  Movement (define the movement of the bot).  Movement=0 (the bot can not move in Active Worlds).  Movement=1 (the bot move in Active Worlds).  IfTextContains (catch keywords).  IfTextContains=ShowHelp Help (if text contains “Help”, then it can be used as label “ShowHelp”)  Say (provide response for a certain keyword).  Label=ShowHelp  Say Ask me about Virtual Architecture, time and HamBot. (if label is “ShowHelp”, then send text “Ask me about Virtual Architecture, time and HamBot.” to Active Worlds)

10 Syntax of Scripting Language  DoBuild (build objects in Active Worlds).  Set B$=create sound house2.mid  Set A$=flower4.rwx  DoBuild A$ B$ (build an object in Active Worlds with model name “flower4.rwx” and action “create sound house2.mid”)

11 Demonstration  BotChatExample.txt: a chat bot.  BotDJ.txt: a bot can play music in Active Worlds, it can be further extended to do other actions such as slide shows and etc.  Other scripts.

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