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Interactive Rendering and Image Segmentation (IRIS) David Gregg Eric Larsen Arun Neelamkavil Sanjay Sthapit William Wynn.

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Rendering and Image Segmentation (IRIS) David Gregg Eric Larsen Arun Neelamkavil Sanjay Sthapit William Wynn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Rendering and Image Segmentation (IRIS) David Gregg Eric Larsen Arun Neelamkavil Sanjay Sthapit William Wynn

2 What is image segmentation? The process of outlining the shape of structures visible in an image. A volumetric data set can be thought of as a set of parallel 2D images One performs “3-D image segmentation” by segmenting in all of these parallel images. The resulting outlines can be stacked to approximate the 3D-shape of the structure.

3 What does IRIS provide? An easy to use image segmentation tool Interactive performance Portable and extendible Traditional slice-based segmentation Produces a 3D rendering of the segmentation Allows “sub-segmentation” on the 3D rendering


5 Challenges & Technical Problems Building a product from scratch Ensuring that IRIS is Portable and Extendible Deciding what software to use, learning about it and adapting our design to accommodate the software

6 3D interaction - Painting in 3D - Client wasn’t sure what he wanted Accuracy of - 2-D rasterization - 3-D ray generation and intersection with a Voxel based representation of the segmented data

7 Overlaying transparent segmentation data Multiple window management Event Handling Managing state variables Consistency of window displays

8 Demo ………..

9 Our Successes We have met all of the contract’s primary requirements: Allowing segmentation in all 4 windows Same code compiles and runs on PCs, SGIs and Suns

10 Linked cursors which enable the user to see visually how the different windows are interrelated Labeling in a window is reflected in the other windows 3-D point selection - intuitive and accurate selection of points (based on the user’s view of the segmentation data)

11 To Do Immediate: line selection in the 3D window tying up loose ends - removing any hard coded parameters full system test cleaning up documentation

12 Future Projects: allowing for varied file formats - DICOM/GIPL painting geodesic curves and surfaces

13 Acknowledgements Stephen Aylward Joe Capowski Kenny Hoff Graham Gash

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