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Tracking Rover Team Rubber Ducky Alex Chi Joshua Rubin Alexander Starick Ryan Ramos.

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Presentation on theme: "Tracking Rover Team Rubber Ducky Alex Chi Joshua Rubin Alexander Starick Ryan Ramos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tracking Rover Team Rubber Ducky Alex Chi Joshua Rubin Alexander Starick Ryan Ramos

2 Project Overview Design a robotic rover IR sensing and tracking system Implement a grabbing device Fully autonomous robot powered by two DC motors Implement system to obtain the IR emitting object

3 System Diagram

4 SBC TS5600 -Technologic Systems 133Mhz AMD Elan 520 (586) Processor Compact flash booting On Board DIO 2 serial ports WiFi communication via pcmcia card

5 SBC Schematic

6 68HC11K4 Microprocessor 8 channel, 8 bit A/D converter Pulse Width Modulation –Four 8 bit –Two 16 bit Allows for Serial communication



9 XC9572 CPLD Schematic

10 Motor Control Motor speed is directly proportional to applied voltage Will supply pulse to control speed Needs a minimum of 2V to be activated

11 Grabbing Device Considering several possibilities depending on progress made A) Linear Actuator (most likely) B) Robotic Arm (if time permits)

12 Power Supply Buck Converter- voltage supplied by a battery (12.8-11.5V), controlled by the PWM chip to adjust the duty cycle Need a constant +5V output for SBC and sensors

13 Power Supply Schematic

14 Comparator Circuit Add to notify the user when the battery is 25% charged to avoid completely discharging the battery Give signal to SBC to shut down to prevent brownouts When the voltage drops below 11.5V, LEDs will turn on- will be necessary to shut down the system and recharge the battery

15 IR Sensors Use IR Receivers and phototransistors IR Receiver- sends a digital signal (+5V if signal detected, 0V if no signal) directly to SBC Phototransistors- Sends a analog signal to HC11 for a/d conversion (strength of signal will depend of closeness of object). Located only on the front side Testing of sensitivity in progress…

16 Parts List Microprocessor –68M711K4HC11 –XC9572 –Three 74HC245 –AT29C256 ROM –AS7256 RAM Power Distribution –Battery –UC3525, TC427, passive components IR sensors –12 TSOP1156 IR receiver –4 TEKT5400S Phototransistor –15 TSAL7600 IR LEDs –2 AA batteries SBC –WIFI card –Flash card –Flash reader

17 Budget - Robot Assembly -$350 - SBC- $300 - Flash Card Reader - $70 - Battery + Charger- $200 - Passive Components/ Perf Boards/Other - $75 - HC11, HC245, CPLD, RAM, ROM - Free - IR Receivers, Phototransistors- Free - Other $50 ____________________________________________________ Total$975

18 Schedule

19 Milestones 1 Create a Software Testbench Write manual robot control software Complete Testing of full HC11 schematic Complete CPLD programming Develop IR system

20 Milestone 2 Create communication S/W for HC11 Interface HC11 with SBC and motors Add bumper sensors

21 Division of Labor Joshua Rubin –SBC S/W, HC11 software Alexander Chi –HC11 H/W and S/W, SBC Alexander Starick –Sensors, CPLD, Power Supply, SBC, grabbing device Ryan Ramos –Sensors, grabbing device, power supply, SBC

22 Completed Tasks HC11 awaits simple testing with ROM Power supply is complete Prototype Puck completed Loading of Linux on SCB completed Robotic platform completed

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