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The Ambiguity of Extended Work Careers David J. Ekerdt University of Kansas Ann Richards Invitational Gender and Media Roundtable Brandeis University October.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ambiguity of Extended Work Careers David J. Ekerdt University of Kansas Ann Richards Invitational Gender and Media Roundtable Brandeis University October."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ambiguity of Extended Work Careers David J. Ekerdt University of Kansas Ann Richards Invitational Gender and Media Roundtable Brandeis University October 24, 2008

2 The New Pattern The Reasons Why What Kind of Story Is This?


4 Source: Current Population Survey (CPS) | Chart DataCurrent Population Survey (CPS)Chart Data Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Older Workers,” July 2008.

5 Friedberg, 2007, Center for Retirement Research at Boston College

6 Source: Current Population Survey (CPS) | Chart DataCurrent Population Survey (CPS)Chart Data Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Older Workers,” July 2008.

7 The effect of higher pensions will always be that people retire earlier from work.


9 Reasons for reversal of the early retirement trend 1.Changes to Social Security after 1983 2.Changing mix of pension types: defined benefit  defined contribution 3.Falling health insurance coverage 4.Organizational restructuring


11 Munnell & Perun, 2006, Center for Retirement Research at Boston College



14 Reasons for reversal of the early retirement trend 5.Fewer physical job demands 6.Healthier workers 7.Employer demand for older workers 8.More married couples co-retiring 9.People like to work

15 Feel wealthy? Feel welcome?

16 What does it mean? And the story is….. It’s good news! It’s bad news! It’s historic!!

17 Good news stories… Employers benefit Older workers. Of course! Work that matters A better retirement Saving Social Security




21 “How To Fund Japan’s Ageing Society” BBC, November 22, 2007

22 Bad news stories… Economic distress Involuntary employment Frustrated expectations Clogged promotion lines Less gold in gray


24 Age distribution of men and women claiming first Social Security benefits, 2006 Ages 62-64 Age 65 Age 66+ Men (%)63343 Women (%)67276 Annual Statistical Supplement, 2007, Table 6.B5



27 People who are confident, productive, and age-resisting. People with problems; who are a problem.

28 Something new about longevity

29 Life expectancy at 60 (2002) Average age of labor market withdrawal (2005) MenWomen TotalMenWomen Austria20.224.159.860.359.4 Belgium19.623.960.661.659.6 Denmark19.122.460.961.260.7 Finland19.524.061.761.861.7 France20.825.858.858.559.1 Germany19.823.961.361.461.1 Greece20.623.261.762.561.0 Ireland19.222.964.163.664.6 Italy20.424.859.760.758.8 Netherlands19.523.561.561.661.4 Portugal19.423.363.162.463.8 Spain20.625.262.462.062.8 Sweden20.924.363.764.363.0 United Kingdom19.923.262.663.461.9 European life expectancy at age 60 and average age of withdrawal from the labor market (Eurostat).

30 Your grandparents’ later years Yours

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