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1Presentation_ID © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. e-learning Edward Kozel Edward Kozel ICDE Open Learning & Distance Education.

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Presentation on theme: "1Presentation_ID © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. e-learning Edward Kozel Edward Kozel ICDE Open Learning & Distance Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 1Presentation_ID © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. e-learning Edward Kozel Edward Kozel ICDE Open Learning & Distance Education ‘99

2 2ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Traditional Education Model Children School Higher Education Skilled professional Government Government Academia Industry Industry Professional training

3 3ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Towards an Internet Economy - 1Billion IT users IT users (M) 19801970200019902100 Gain Efficiencies Re-structure Industries Re-engineer Process Automate the back office Automate the front office Automate Customers 1,000 100 10 Source: IDC 99

4 4ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Networking Skills in Europe - Trends in Demands & Supply Source: IDC 99

5 5ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Networking Skills - Demand Vs Supply in 2002, by Country Source: IDC 99

6 6ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Who’s Responsible? The Traditional Education model Children School Higher Education Skilled professional Government Government Academia Industry Industry Professional training

7 7ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Who’s Responsible? The Internet Economy Education Paradigm Children School Higher Education Skilled professional Government Government Academia Industry Industry Professional training

8 8ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Who’s Responsible? Industry must take a bigger stake in the education system Collective/Shared interests in learning for industries & Governments Learning for life a fuel for economic growth

9 9ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. One solution - Cisco Networking Academies Curriculum based program for tertiary education Part of Career Certification Associate/Professional/Expert (CCIE) $500m investment

10 10ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Networking Academy Programme Students of 16+ 280 hours teaching Lab/practical training Multimedia instruction Pedagogically sound Certified Networking Associate Qualification 20,000+ students in 1999

11 11ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. But…will it scale?

12 12ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Who’s Responsibility The Internet Economy education paradigm Children School Higher Education Skilled professional Government Government Academia Industry Industry Professional training

13 13ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Network learning New revolution in learning

14 14ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Web-Based Curriculum “The lessons are short and consistent, so it’s easy to learn. We can go home and connect with the web server on our free time, work through lessons and the quizzes” Networking Academy Student, Sterling, Illinois

15 15ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Capitalise on Opportunities More than migration to HTML Use the technologies Networked Animation Video Simulation Interaction

16 16ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Student-centered Self-paced discovery oriented Media rich (visualization, sound) Collaborative Teacher becomes a facilitator /guide Paradigm Shifts in learning

17 17ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Who’s Responsibility The Internet Economy the Education Paradigm Children School Higher Education Skilled professional Government Government Academia Industry Industry Professional training

18 18ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. 3810 IGX Hub Office MSN Video for training, strategic messages Content replicated nightly via QOS No incremental bandwidth required IP/TVServer IP/TV Server Branch Office Video on Demand

19 19ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Academy Assessment System CATC Director, Seattle, Washington “The system allows us to maintain excellence throughout the system. We evaluate instructor performance, provide extra training and support, and involve all participants in developing curriculum updates”

20 20ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc.

21 21ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Overview map with find

22 22ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Interactive Self-study

23 23ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Online/offline lecture with question

24 24ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Group Collaboration with netmeetings

25 25ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. User Registration

26 26ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Course Administration

27 27ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Monitoring

28 28ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Video bits Benefit Rapid deployment Lower training costs Flexibility Opportunity Partner with training organizations for standard packages Video-on-Demand Training

29 29ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Video-based training cost savings Cost savings K$ / yr % training delivered via VOD SavingsTravelTrainersAccommodationSavingsTravelTrainersAccommodation Additional benefits Piecemeal training Faster deployment On-line testing 24-hr access Home access Viewing metrics Additional benefits Piecemeal training Faster deployment On-line testing 24-hr access Home access Viewing metrics Projectbreak-even at 12% training via VOD

30 30ICDE ‘99 Kozel © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. Summary Internet has accelerated IT shortage Traditional education can’t cope with accelerated pace of new technologies & models “New World” model shows promise but… requires Industry/Government partnership

31 17 1285_05F8_c2 © 1998, Cisco Systems, Inc. Thank you!

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