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Outdoor Pond Study Spring/Summer 2010. Ponds 12, 9’ x 2.5’ blue poly tanks Filled with ~1 cu. yard of 50/50 Pine bark:clay loam Respective fertilizers.

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Presentation on theme: "Outdoor Pond Study Spring/Summer 2010. Ponds 12, 9’ x 2.5’ blue poly tanks Filled with ~1 cu. yard of 50/50 Pine bark:clay loam Respective fertilizers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outdoor Pond Study Spring/Summer 2010

2 Ponds 12, 9’ x 2.5’ blue poly tanks Filled with ~1 cu. yard of 50/50 Pine bark:clay loam Respective fertilizers applied at 1 lb. N per tank

3 Lessons learned from EV Smith Overflow pipe: Maintain water level Dividers cut to size Containment: No chance of overflowing into each other

4 Issues Dividers had to be anchored with cinder blocks Some lotus were growing well & others were not: Contribute to too high of N concentration for organic fertilizers

5 Resolve: Dug out ¼ cu yard & mixed in fresh substrate Lowered [N] to.75 lbs N per pond Removed dividers & replanted ‘E 2’ June 2010 Photos taken 13 July 2010 ‘E 2’ lotus grown in conventional slow-release 16-6-12

6 ‘E 2’ lotus grown in Nature Safe 8-5-5 Yellowstriped armyworm damage (Spodoptera ornithogalli)

7 ‘E 2’ grown in Medina Organic Fertilizer 4-2-3

8 Yellowstriped armyworm damage (Spodoptera ornithogalli)

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