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Organizational Behavior Randy Haffner Leadership Roundtable July 19, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizational Behavior Randy Haffner Leadership Roundtable July 19, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizational Behavior Randy Haffner Leadership Roundtable July 19, 2004

2 Organizational Behavior Defined “The systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit within organizations.” Robbins, 2003


4 Collective Purpose Organizational Learning Change Culture Haffner’s Model

5 Collective Purpose Core Ideology Shared Goals, Values and Beliefs Individual Identification Group Dynamics Collective Purpose Organizational Learning Change Culture

6 Organizational Learning Environmental Aspect Continuous Development “Fluid, Organic, Boundary-Less and Seamless” Adaptable Collective Purpose Organizational Learning Change Culture

7 Change Agency The Difficulty of Change Change of Beliefs Complexity Theory Collective Purpose Organizational Learning Change Culture

8 System of Shared Meaning The Working Value Set “It is the game.” Collective Purpose Organizational Learning Change Culture

9 Allocating Resources A True Reflections of Values Must be Correlated to Collective Purpose Every Dollar is Sacred Recognize our Explicit and Implicit Conflicts Transparency

10 Allocating Resources Resource Allocation Operating vs. Capital Human Resources vs. Financial Resources Practical Aspects Capital follows Operations Capital is to Execute Strategic Plan

11 Allocating Capital Resources Pro Forma Results EBDIT Percent Return on Investment Economic Value Added Payback Systematic Approach

12 The Joust

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