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中世の言語 The Language of Medieval Japan Anna Novosel.

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Presentation on theme: "中世の言語 The Language of Medieval Japan Anna Novosel."— Presentation transcript:

1 中世の言語 The Language of Medieval Japan Anna Novosel

2 Contents  Review of major sound changes  Major literary and cultural works  Three main types of language  Some other literature of the time

3 Review of Major Sound Changes  13 th Century [i] and [w j i] > [i] [je] and [we] > [je] syllable final nasal became [ ɴ ], [o:], or [e:]  14 th Century uu (u ’ u) > u: iu > ju: au > ɔ : > o: ou > o: eu > jo:  15 th -16 th Century [k j e] > [ke] [ ʃ e] > [se] [ ʒ e] >[ze] [d j i] [du]> [ ʤ i] [ ʣ u] [ ɸ a] [ ɸ j i] [ ɸ u] [ ɸ e] [ ɸ o] > [ha] [ ç i] [ ɸ u] [he] [ho] [t j i] [tu] > [ ʧ i] [ ʦ u]

4 Review of Systematic Grammatical Sound Changes  音便 (onbin) ‘euphony’ From 平安 through 中世 動詞の音便 in て form verbs  咲きて > 咲いて  立ちて > 立って etc. 形容詞の音便  白く > 白う  白き > 白い

5 Review of Grammatical Changes  この人は 美 しい has the same meaning as 美しい人  Change from なり to なる  More case particles were used が、を、 etc.  Verb suffixes added to be more formal  Verb endings change た

6 Major Literary and Theatrical Styles  随筆 Zuihitsu  物語 Tales  擬古物語 Giko monogatari  能 Noh Drama  狂言 Kyogen  連歌 Renga  御伽草子 Otogizoshi (short stories)  説話 Tales (often Buddhist)

7 Major Literary Works  方丈記 Hojoki Kamo no Chomei 1212  平家物語 The Heike Kakuichi 1371  新古今集 The Shinkokinshu 1205  百人一首 Hyakunin Ishhu Early 13 th Century Fujiwara no Teika

8 Three Language Styles  和漢混交文 わかんこんこうぶん  擬古文 ぎこぶん  中世口語文 ちゅうせいこうごぶん

9 和漢混交文  平家物語 and 方丈記  Use of kana in grammar structures  Introduction of ッ (pg 408, line 1)  Extensive use of Chinese character compounds  ぞ ending

10 中世口語文  狂言 “ ざって ” “ やさしい ” (pg 29, 4 th from end) “ ござる ” “ じゃ ” Onomatopoeia (pg 359)

11 Kyogen  “Tied to a Stick”Tied to a Stick

12 能  観阿弥清次 (かんあみきよつぐ) 1333-1384 actor who made Noh famous  Poetry in original form Buddhist prayers Original Japanese  Prose in upper class 14 th century language

13 Noh  “The Well-Curb”The Well-Curb

14 新古今集 and 百入一首  Same poetry writing as before  Shinkokinshu prefaces Kana preface  Similar to The Tale of Genji and poetry in the Shinkokinshu Mana (Chinese) preface  Similar to Nara period writing  Uses 漢文

15 Sources  Internet Based Noh and Kyogen movies Noh and Kyogen movies Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan Encyclopedia Britannica Online Shinkokinshu  Text Based Hojoki Noh and Kyogen

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