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Group assignment 1: Group 9 Matti Arkko Sebastian Löfhjelm Ville Seppänen.

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Presentation on theme: "Group assignment 1: Group 9 Matti Arkko Sebastian Löfhjelm Ville Seppänen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group assignment 1: Group 9 Matti Arkko Sebastian Löfhjelm Ville Seppänen

2 Services offered  The Buyer Connection  Quote finder  Free for registered users  Allows to find buyers and make quotes  Automatic supplier qualification  Internet’s biggest list of sellers  Tracking and reporting

3 Services offered  The Seller Connection  Quote finder  Acts as a selling agent  Access to qualified customers  Tracking and reporting  Fees based on qualified leads and completed transactions

4 Services offered  Industry Connection  News  Industry analysis  Metals glossary to look up terms  Research

5 Services offered  MetalSite catalogue  Product search  Product price  Product availability  Online connection  Metal calculator

6 Services offered  Pricing and statistics  Currency converter  Industry statistics  Access to London Metal Exchange and New York Mercantile Exchange

7 Tutorials  MetalSite catalogue  A comprehensive guide how to purchase and sell  Buyer  Complete buyer tutorial, buyer product guide tutorial, buyer auction tutorial  Seller  Auction seller interface for prime/non-prime products, Product guide seller tutorial

8 Tutorials  Quote finder  Provides information on how to build a request for a quote, respond to it as a seller and negotiate the quotation online  Very detailed, contains pictures which are a bit fuzzy

9 What kind of interorganizational system is this?  Its a system for buyers and sellers of metal products  Enables parties to find one another  Provides an electronic marketplace with online connection

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