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TCC 2010 Worldwide Online Conference University of Hawaii at Manoa.

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Presentation on theme: "TCC 2010 Worldwide Online Conference University of Hawaii at Manoa."— Presentation transcript:

1 TCC 2010 Worldwide Online Conference University of Hawaii at Manoa

2 What community?

3 According to the 2008 Digest of Education Statistics, there are 4,314 degree-granting institutions. Of the 4,314, only 280 colleges and universities across the United States have non- discrimination policies that include gender identity and expression (Transgender Law and Policy Institute, 2009).

4 Is your campus a safe zone?

5 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) Student Services Policy on Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action

6 Purpose of Instructional Module Develop and evaluate the efficacy of a web- based, instructional module Educate students of the University of Hawaii at Manoa about gender diversity and equity on campus Raise awareness regarding transgender specific issues in education

7 Terminal Goal Positively affect the attitudes of the participants Increase the number of allies to the transgendered community –Exhibiting tolerance and acceptance of gender- variant students on campus –Offering direction for transgendered students that need assistance in locating personal and academic support

8 Module Design and Layout Web-Based Instructional Design Module Text, Images, Videos (Public Service Announcements) Tools Used –Adobe Dreamweaver –Adobe Photoshop –Google Forms

9 Content Development John Keller’s ARCS Model of Instructional Design –Attention: Main instructional goal and performance objectives –Relevance: Reflection and Critical Thinking Questions –Confidence and Satisfaction: Pre and posttest

10 Instruments Quantitative Data and Qualitative Data Demographic Survey Module Evaluation Survey Attitudinal Survey Pretest and Posttest

11 Module Lessons 1)Defining Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 2)Transgender Issues in Education 1)Hate Crimes 2)Gender Designation and Neutrality 3)Campus Policies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa 3)Becoming an ally 1)Definition of an ally 2)Support Groups

12 Web-Based Instructional Module Screenshots




16 Participants

17 Participant Demographics Gender Sexual Orientation Religion Age

18 Quantitative Results

19 Pre and Posttest Scores 68826563 88 91

20 Qualitative Results

21 Attitudinal Survey


23 Disseminating Knowledge “Understanding that saying things like, ‘That's gay,’ is wrong and hurtful. Even though you may not think it's actually ‘gay,’ using that word in reference to something ‘stupid’ or ‘silly’ is not good. Also, I liked the videos in the module. It was a good supplement to the text you provided!”

24 Changing Attitudes “That knowledge can change attitude. This module helped me not only to understand the different definitions and meaning of many words and terms, but most of all, the attitude of people towards this issue and to identify what attitude I have towards this issue.”

25 Module Evaluation

26 “Overall, I thought it [the instructional module] was good. The best parts for me were the ones that clarified the vocabulary and the general frame in which the discussion of LGBT ought to be carried out.”

27 Questions?

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