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Supplemental Handouts: Building Your Case for Funding SUNYCDO Conference June 2008 Presented by: Holly Horn Nancy Paul Binghamton University.

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Presentation on theme: "Supplemental Handouts: Building Your Case for Funding SUNYCDO Conference June 2008 Presented by: Holly Horn Nancy Paul Binghamton University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supplemental Handouts: Building Your Case for Funding SUNYCDO Conference June 2008 Presented by: Holly Horn Nancy Paul Binghamton University

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10 10 CDC Alumni Counseling/Advising Interactions 6/1/07 – 12/4/07  Total Interactions = 114  Time data collected from 27 of these interactions (23.6%) Total time = 13.25 hours Avg time spent = 29.44 minutes  If we assume total interactions were at the average 29.44 minutes of staff time: 29.44 mins x 114 interactions = 55.94 hours over 26 weeks  CDC’s activity tracker data indicates counselors spend 26% of their time on advising/counseling = 9.75 hours/week 37.5 hour work week x 26% = 9.75  Alumni interactions during this period accounted for the equivalent of 5.73 weeks (22%) of available counseling time for one staff member. 55.94 hrs alumni time / 9.75 hrs per week counseling time = 5.73 weeks of counseling time 5.73 weeks / 26 weeks (data collection period) = 22% of counseling time  Data shows average time spent per current student is approximately 61% of the amount of time spent per alumnus. CDC turned away over 900 students during this period. If the 55.94 hours dedicated to alumni were instead provided to current students we would have been able to serve an estimated additional 186 students. 55.94 hrs =3356 minutes 3356 mins /18 mins avg spent per student = 186  The demand for assistance from alumni is compounded by the complexity of their career issues which is reflected in the amount of counselor time needed. Without additional staff resources counseling services to alumni will need to be eliminated in order to serve current students.

11 Supplemental Handouts: Building Your Case, June 2008 11

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