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Dominic Hudson, BEng, PhD Senior Research Fellow School of Engineering Sciences, Ship Science, University of Southampton, Southampton. United Kingdom.

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Presentation on theme: "Dominic Hudson, BEng, PhD Senior Research Fellow School of Engineering Sciences, Ship Science, University of Southampton, Southampton. United Kingdom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dominic Hudson, BEng, PhD Senior Research Fellow School of Engineering Sciences, Ship Science, University of Southampton, Southampton. United Kingdom.

2 School of Engineering Sciences Aerodynamics & Flight Mechanics (12), Prof. N Sandham Astronautics (5), Dr S Gabriel Bioengineering Science (5.7), Mr D Barrett/Dr M.Taylor Computational Engineering & Design (5.76), Prof A J Keane Electro-Mechanical (6), Prof. J W McBride Fluid-Structure Interactions (16.5), Prof R.A. Shenoi Engineering Materials (12), Prof A. Willoughby Thermal Fluids & Superconductivity (7), Prof C Beduz. Head of School: Professor W.G. Price FRS FREng FIMechE FRINA

3 HEFCE RAE’2001 in Engineering Electronics & ElectricalGrade 5*67 Staff Computer ScienceGrade 5*19 Staff Engineering Sciences & ISVRGrade 5*100 Staff CivilGrade 5*19 Staff 5/5* Soton 205, IC 161, Cam 124, UCL 89, Oxf 77, Bath 40, Leeds 53, etc

4 Fluid-structure Interactions Group 8 Academic staff, 8 researchers, 42 PG students Expertise – Lightweight Materials – Maritime Computational Fluid Dynamics – Hydroelasticity – Ship/Helicopter Interactions – High Speed Marine Vehicles – Yacht Performance Funding – ~£2.2M current research contracts RNLI – Advanced Technology Partnership Lloyd’s Register – University Technology Centre

5 Unsteady Hydrodynamics Three-dimensional frequency domain –Pulsating source –Translating pulsating source Time domain, non-linear Froude-Krylov/Restoring –Convolution integral –Time domain Green’s function Rankine source –Frequency domain –Time domain

6 Applications High-speed mono- and multi-hull vessels Manoeuvring in calm water and waves Sailing yacht performance Extensive verification/validation study Investigation of irregular frequency with forward speed Flow around high-speed vessels with transom stern

7 Hydroelasticity- applications Bulk carriers (2D and 3D) Single-role minehunter (2D and 3D) for VT RV Triton (trimaran research vessel) for QinetiQ VLFS (pontoon and semi-submersible) High-speed catamaran ferry Sailing yacht Development of G-Hydroflex for Lloyd’s Register

8 Hydroelasticity “sub-group” Professor W.G. Price Professor P. Temarel Professor J.T. Xing Dr. D.A. Hudson Dr. S.X. Du Dr. Y. Xiong Dr. M.Y. Tan 6 contract research staff (incl. in CED) 6 PG students Collaboration –CSSRC, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ, Tsinghua Univ, BUAA, Harbin Eng. Univ, RNLI, LR, VT Shipbuilding, UK MoD, QinetiQ, WUMTIA

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