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The Value of Kenanaonline It lies in its capability of delivering a message to a specific target audience.

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Presentation on theme: "The Value of Kenanaonline It lies in its capability of delivering a message to a specific target audience."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Value of Kenanaonline It lies in its capability of delivering a message to a specific target audience

2 Kenanaonline 5,000,000 Page Views / Month 1,000,000 Unique Visitors

3 Kenanaonline Is Talking about Everything So it is targeting the community at large

4 In order to use Kenanaonline As an efficient awareness channel We need to segment the visitors And know each one of them by name



7 تشجيع المشاركة المجتمعية زيادة إنتاج المحتوى المنشور على الإنترنت تسويق المحتوى لكى يظهر على محركات البحث زيادة الزيارات على المواقع تصنيف الزوار و تجميعهم فى مجتمعات متخصصة

8 During 2 Weeks

9 Ayadina Community Demographic

10 Byotna Community Demographic

11 Planned Community Channels Children, Education, Arts, NGOs, Schools,...etc Benefits of building these channels?? Return of investments → Partnerships → Projects → Sustainability.

12 Thanks

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