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Today’s Topics The Land Ethic Deep vs. Shallow Ecology Eco-Feminism Gaia Hypothesis.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Topics The Land Ethic Deep vs. Shallow Ecology Eco-Feminism Gaia Hypothesis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Topics The Land Ethic Deep vs. Shallow Ecology Eco-Feminism Gaia Hypothesis

2 The Land Ethic: Conservationists David Henry Thoreau John Muir (Sierra Club) Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac. Leopold is the intellectual successor to Muir. Other important nature writers: Wallace Stegner, Rachel Carson, Barbara McClintock

3 The Land Ethic and the Moral Community Ethics and society are coextensive. Moral duties and moral consideration stop at the edge of the community. The Land Ethic “simply enlarges the boundary of the community to includes soils, water, plants, and animals, or collectively: the land.”

4 The Land Ethic A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise. Aldo Leopold

5 Social Health and the Moral Community You can judge the health and quality of a community by seeing how it treats its most vulnerable members—children, the elderly and the sick. Proverb If we extend the moral community as the land ethic requires, who are the most vulnerable members?

6 Homo Economicus and Homo Ecologicus 3 Ways of life: Consumption, Conservation, Preservation Consumption—Use resources as you see fit Conservation—Wise use, shepherd resources, enlightened anthropocentrism Preservation—Preserve wilderness for its own sake

7 Homo Economicus and Homo Ecologus Why economic analysis isn’t enough. See. P. 143 Living in a complex environment is a relational activity. The good of any member of the system depends on the good and the well being of other members of the system. Law of unintended consequences: The Borneo cat drop.

8 Deep Ecology Grows out of the tradition of Idealism –Idealism (Rationalism) and Realism (Empiricism) Holistic and anti-reductionistic Focus on networks, communities and processes Rejects the dominant, scientific worldview

9 Dominant worldview focuses on individuals and parts —reductionism works, the whole is just the sum of its parts Deep ecology focuses on connected networks—the whole cannot be reduced to the sum of its parts

10 Idealism, Knowledge and Mysticism Scientific understanding is necessarily incomplete There is something more to reality, to the whole of existence, than science and logic can show us Metaphors of connection, dependence, mutual support, feedback and interdependent loops

11 Three Deep Ecological Theses Everything is connected to everything (and human changes to natural systems are usually detrimental) Nature is more complex than we can ever think or understand Nature knows best

12 Deep vs. Shallow Ecology SE: Reduce pollution and resource depletion to improve the health and affluence of people in developed countries (RWPs) DE: Preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community (independent of narrowly human values or desires) because the members of that community have equal rights to live, blossom and flourish

13 Shallow Ecology Diversity is a natural resource for humans Diversity is good for humans Pollution is bad if it threatens economic progress Humans will not accept a decrease standards of living Deep Ecology Diversity has intrinsic value Diversity is good in and of itself Decreasing pollution takes priority over economic progress Humans should accept a decrease in standards of living

14 Nature is cruel and necessarily so Dominance over nature Resources are ample or infinite Consumerism and competitive consumption Nation States Humans are cruel and not necessarily so Harmony with the natural world Resources are limited Recognizing how much is enough Bioregions

15 Principles of deep ecology dominate much environmentalism

16 Eco-Feminism The oppression of women and the oppression of nature are two sides of one coin The logic of domination governs both forms of oppression

17 The elements of the logic of domination Two groups are distinguished on the basis of some property A value hierarchy is attributed to the property The subordination of one group by the other is justified by the fact that the oppressed group lacks the valued property

18 The logic of domination explains: The subordination of women The subordination of nature In fact, the western intellectual tradition identifies nature with the feminine and systematically devalues it

19 Western Value Hierarchy Superior Mental Mind Reason Thought Planning Inferior Physical Body (Matter) Emotion Brute Force Instinct

20 The Feminine and the Value Dichotomy The Western tradition identifies the feminine with the body. The value of a woman was long associated with her physical attributes more than her mental attributes. Age is far less a hindrance to men being attractive than to women being attractive. Child-bearing as the key to a woman’s value.

21 Varieties of Feminism Equality feminism (traditional view) Radical Separatist (lesbian) feminism Difference feminism

22 Difference Feminism Carol Gilligan and women’s moral knowledge Sandra Harding and women’s ways of knowing

23 Difference feminism tries to escape all dualistic thinking Don’t replace one evil dualism (the traditional world view) with another (women are closer to nature) Recognize that there are different values and that difference does not imply a hierarchy Merge different ways of knowing

24 Eco-feminism and deep ecology share: Contextualism Pluralism Inclusiveness Holism

25 Environmentalists MUST be concerned about women’s issues AND vice versa since the two phenomena are sides of one coin

26 The Gaia Hypothesis We have discovered a living being bigger, more ancient, and more complex than anything from our wildest dreams. That being, called Gaia, is the Earth. James Lovelock, Sydney Epton, Lynn Margulis, James Kirchener

27 Gaia and Mother Earth Take seriously the view that the earth is the mother of all living things. The physical conditions on earth that allow for life as we know it are unique in the solar system. The evolutionary history of the planet suggests a system that regulates the conditions that allow life.

28 Threats to Gaia Continued life requires maintaining the balance of the system. Human actions present a real threat to the system that makes life possible. –Atmospheric change –Climate change –Water cycle change SO, human actions must be regulated for the good of life.

29 Problems with The Gaia Hypothesis There are several different hypotheses all of which could be called the Gaia Hypothesis Testing Hypotheses Criteria of Testability--falsification Criteria of Usefulness—predictive and explanatory force and Ockham’s razor

30 Gaia Hypotheses Two weak theses: Influential Gaia—temperature and atmospheric composition are actively regulated by the sum of life on the planet Coevolutionary Gaia—Biotic and abiotic environments mutually interact.

31 Gaia Hypotheses Three strong theses Homeostatic Gaia—The interaction between biota and the abiotic environment is stabilizing. Negative feedback loops. Teleological Gaia—The homeostatic atmosphere has a purpose or design. Optimising Gaia—Biota manipulate the abiotic environment for their own good.

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