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Drug Awareness Dolly and Chris
Aims and objectives Drugs: What they are What they do What they look like Different types of drugs Paraphernalia Effects on the body and the lifestyle Mind set of the drug user Any thing else you would like to know?
DRUGS & SUBSTANCE ABUSE What they are and what they do!
WHAT IS A DRUG? Any chemical substance that brings about a change in a person’s emotional state, body functioning or behaviour, may be termed a drug. (Text Book Definition)
Why do people use drugs? Pain Relief Recreational Maintaining body functioning Mobility To Cure illness Alleviate symptoms Homeopathy
Legal and illegal drugs Legal - Prescription only, pharmacy prescribed and over the counter remedies. Illegal – A, B and C Classification of illegal drugs
Classification and Penalties (Home Office 2010) DRUG TYPEPOSSESSSIONDEALING CLASS A Ecstasy, LSD, heroin, cocaine, crack, magic mushrooms, amphetamines (if prepared for injection). Up to seven years in prison or an unlimited fine or both. Up to life in prison or an unlimited fine or both CLASS B Amphetamines, Cannabis, Ritalin,Up to five years in prison or an unlimited fine or both. Up to 14 years in prison or an unlimited fine or both. CLASS C Tranquilisers, some painkillers, Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), Ketamine. Up to two years in prison or an unlimited fine or both. Up to 14 years in prison or an unlimited fine or both.
Definition of Substance Abuse Habitual use of drugs to alter one's mood, emotion, or state of consciousness. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright Substance abuse is an abnormal pattern of substance usage leading to significant distress or impairment. The criteria include one or more of the following occurring within a 12- month period: recurrent substance use resulting in failure to fulfill obligations at home, work, or school. using substance in situations that are physically dangerous (i.e., while driving). recurrent substance-related legal problems. continued usage despite recurrent social and interpersonal problems (i.e., arguments and fights with significant other). Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers. © 2007
What drugs are and what they do! Benzodiazepines (Diazepam, Diazies, temazies, Benzos, Valium) - Tablets and capsules made for medical use, mainly prescribed by doctors for people who are anxious and cannot sleep. - People may appear drowsy, forgetful, relaxed and their speech may be slurred.
Cocaine/ Crack (Coke, Charlie, Base, Rock) Cocaine is a white powder usually sniffed up the nose and sometimes injected. It was originally made as an anaesthetic. Crack is made from cocaine and comes in small rocks which is often smoked in a pipe. Users may appear wide awake, confident and appear ‘on top of the world’. When wearing off can feel depressed, tired and low in mood.
Cannabis (Marijuana, Ganga, Pot, Weed, Wacky Backy, Dope, Skunk, Grass). Comes in a solid block of ‘resin’ or a herbal leaf form, sometimes it comes in a tar like oil. It can be used as a herbal medicine for chronic diseases. Usually smoked in a Joint, pipe or a bong and eaten when added to food. Often used to help with ‘come downs’ off other drugs. People can appear giggly, relaxed and happy (chilled out) but also panicked, paranoid and forget what they are doing or talking about. Often eating a lot…. ‘Munchies’.
Amphetamines (Speed, Whizz, Billy, Uppers) Is a man made drug that comes as a white /grey/ pink powder, tablet or capsule. First used in 1920s. In the 60s was used for depression and slimming. In powder form it is swallowed in a drink, ‘bombed’ in a wrap of paper or sniffed. Pills and capsules swallowed and sometimes prepared for injection. People can appear confident, energetic, and talkative, similar to cocaine but lasts longer. During ‘come downs’ people can feel anxious tired and moody, they may have loss of appetite and insomnia.
Ecstasy (‘E’s, Pills, XTC, MDMA, Doves, Dennis, M & Ms.) Ecstasy is a man made tablet or capsule that is swallowed, first made in Germany in the 1900s to aid weight loss. Some doctors say it can aid mental health problems but it is not available on a doctors prescription. Popular during the 1990s as a dance drug. Taken by people to aid dancing all night, people are full of energy talkative and feel ‘really good’ about every thing and every one, often described as Loved up
Magic Mushrooms (Mushies, Shrooms, Liberties) These are some of the wild mushrooms that grow in autumn, there is no medical use for them. They are eaten raw or dried. They can be used in cooking or made in to a tea. People can feel light headed and ‘everything seems different’. They produce similar hallucinogenic-type effects to LSD. Magic mushrooms give you a ‘trip’ – they can be good or bad. Sometimes bad trips can be quite random and frightening as they tend to feed off a person's imagination. How the trip goes has a lot to do with who you are, how you're feeling and how comfortable you are with the people you’re with at the time.
Solvents ( Gas, Glue, Aero, Bute) Solvents give off fumes, including glue, butane gas, aerosols, dry cleaning fluid, nail varnish remover and petrol. There is no medical use. Vapours are breathed in through the nose and/ or mouth. May appear drunk, light headed, slurred speech, may experience weird visions. They may also be sick, have headaches and fall over as if drunk. Can cause Death from suffocation or choking on vomit.
LSD (Acid, Trip, Strawberries, Tab, Dots, Rainbows) LSD is a man made drug only tiny amounts are needed to get an effect. It is made into small blotting paper squares, tablets or capsules, that are swallowed. It was once given to people with long term mental health problems it is no longer prescribed today. LSD Is a hallucinogenic drug (which means you’re likely to experience a distorted view of objects and reality, including the form of hallucinations). Can take 20 minutes to an hour to take effect, and last up to 12 hours. Once it has started you can’t stop it. Similar to Magic Mushrooms.
Heroin H, Junk, Smack, Gear, Skag, harry.) Heroin is a drug made from the opium poppy, there are many similar drugs such as methadone, codeine and pethidine. Usually comes as a powder which is normally smoked or inhaled but can be sniffed or made into a liquid and injected. Heroin slows down body functioning and substantially reduces physical and psychological pain. Most users get a rush or buzz a few minutes after taking it. A small dose of heroin gives the user a feeling of warmth and well-being and bigger doses can make the user sleepy and very relaxed. The first dose of heroin can bring about dizziness and vomiting. It is very addictive and injecting can be highly dangerous
Mephedrone (Class B, M-CAT, Drone, Meow. Bubbles) Initially developed as a plant fertilizer Mephedrone is a white powder that can be snorted like cocaine with similar euphoric effects. Common side-effects are severe nose bleeds, blood circulation problems, paranoia, fits and delusions It can be extremely addictive to use and create a state of psychological dependence It was made illegal in Britain on 16 th April 2010 Effects are alertness, euphoria, excitement, feeling of stimulation, urge to talk and openness.alertnesseuphoriaexcitementstimulation
Legal substances that people abuse! Any ideas?
Street Language Trip – Experience of a drug Cold turkey – Sudden withdrawal from drugs Come Down – the ending of a drug experience Fix – an Injection of drugs Munchies – the hunger following use of marijuana Out of it – Under the influence of drugs Rush – Intense surge of pleasure Speed ball – A mixture of cocaine and heroin Stoned – under the influence of drugs Toke – inhale marijuana Toot - to inhale heroin
Score – To locate and purchase drugs Cut - to mix with drug with other substances Dealer – seller of illegal drugs Drop - a place where money or drugs are left An eighth – 1/8 of a oz of drugs Hard stuff – Narcotics Hit – a single dose of drugs Kit – equipment used to inject or take drugs Line – Cocaine arranged in a line for snorting Nailed – Arrested Pin - Needle
Groups of Drugs Drugs are grouped together according to the effects that they have on us physically and mentally Stimulants Depressants Opiates / Analgesia Hallucinogenic
Stimulants The heart beats faster & an increase in blood pressure More energy, create confidence, better attention & more alert Can cause insomnia, paranoia & ‘flight of ideas’ The body is so busy it doesn't feel hungry Can counter act affects of other drugs Amphetamines Cocaine Ecstasy Khat Mephedrone Nicotine Poppers Caffeine
Depressants The heart beats slower. Blood pressure goes down. Breathing gets slower. The body may feel relaxed/lethargy Possible weight gain Anxiety Dependency out weighs therapeutic value Cannabis Ketamine Alcohol Benzodiazepines (diazepam / valium)
Opiates (analgesia) Feelings of euphoria, Decreased appetite and thirst, Pain Relief Reduction in breathing rate, heart rate and brain activity. Heroin Codeine Methadone Buprenorphine (Subutex)
Hallucinogens They alter how a person feels and thinks. They can have lots of different effects on the mind. The senses - sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell - may be affected, giving a false idea of what is happening around the body. Magic Mushrooms LSD / Acid Cannabis in large/strong doses.
Drug Paraphernalia
BONG (Cannabis)
PIPES (Crack & Cannabis)
Heroin & Amphetamine
Cocaine & Amphetamine
Long term effects of Drug use Physical and Mental Health Financial Employment / education Antisocial behaviour Criminal Activities Peer / Family Relationships Housing Gang Culture
Safeguarding -Parental Capacity/ Home visit paperwork -Development plan around safeguarding in treatment – testing/lockbox -Effects on children (Hidden Harm Agenda) -Neglect/ emotional abuse Potential problems: -Ability to prioritise and respond to needs -Keep appointments, time management etc
Mind set The lifestyle of a drug user is often chaotic and busy. In order to feed their habit they usually have to spend all day trying to earn the money, be it beg steal or borrow in order to obtain money, they then have to go to a dealer in order to buy their drug of choice. The preparation to take drug is a large part in drug addiction, often being addictive in itself. In the same way you hear people talk about smoking and missing the cigarette in their hands
Cycle of Change Pre- contemplation Contemplation Decision ActionMaintenance (Re) lapse Lasting Change (Prochaska and Diclemente (1982))
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