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Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Cross-machine NTM physics studies and implications for ITER Presented by R. J. Buttery 1, On behalf of: P. Belo 2, D. P. Brennan 3, S. Coda 4, L.-G. Eriksson 5, J. Graves 4, S. Günter 6, C. Hegna 7, T. C. Hender 1, D. F. Howell 1, H. R. Koslowski 8, R. J. La Haye 3, M. Maraschek 6, M. L. Mayoral 1, A. Mück 4, M. F. F. Nave 2, O. Sauter 4, E. Westerhof 9, C. Windsor 1, and the ASDEX Upgrade 6 and DIII-D 3 teams, and JET-EFDA contributors *. 1 EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association 2 Association EURATOM/IST 3 General Atomics, San Diego 4 CRPP, Association EURATOM-Confédération Suisse 5 Association EURATOM-CEA, CEA-Cadarache 6 MPI für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM Association 7 Dept. of Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin 8 Association EURATOM-FZ Jülich IPP. 9 FOM-Rijnhuizen, Ass. EURATOM-FOM. * see annex 1, Pamela et al., Nuc Fus 43 (2003) 1540.
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 ITER? AUG JET [M. Maraschek et al., EPS03] 3/2 NTMs ~ i *0.9 Are NTMs a problem for ITER? NTM physics is expected to scale with * – often observed in local onset scalings low threshold in ITER?
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura NN i * x10 -3 ITER? ? ? 3/2 NTMs [R. Buttery et al., NF04] DIII-D AUG JET Are NTMs a problem for ITER? NTM physics is expected to scale with * But analyses in global suggests another possibility – often observed in local onset scalings low threshold in ITER? Key aspect in resolving the onset is the seeding process... – which is it?
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Which modes are a concern? 2/1 NTMs terminate performance & unacceptable in ITER 3/2 NTMs significant effect – typically 15-20% on confinement ~ -30% in fusion power – trace Tritium experiments show consistent with ~50% fall in inward pinch in vicinity of island Higher m/n NTMs also impact fusion performance at low q 95 JET: 3.7MA, 2.9T, q 95 =2.7: – up to 13% effect on confinement – up to 30% effect on neutrons
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura 2/1 NTMs terminate performance & unacceptable in ITER 3/2 NTMs significant effect – typically 15-20% on confinement ~ -30% in fusion power – trace Tritium experiments show consistent with ~50% fall in inward pinch in vicinity of island Which modes are a concern? Higher m/n NTMs also impact fusion performance at low q 95 JET: 3.7MA, 2.9T, q 95 =2.7: – up to 13% effect on confinement – up to 30% effect on neutrons AUG: 4/3 NTMs at q 95 =3.7: – up to 20% effect on stored energy Time (s) AUG
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Content NTM * scalings: – Onset criteria for NTMs – How do the scalings do? Role of the seed: the Sawtooth – Influence on thresholds – Sawtooth control – Advances in sawtooth prediction The seeding process – Sawtooth coupling mechanisms – Other trigger mechanisms and effects Implications for ITER
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura metastable threshold * NTM onset criteria NTMs driven by hole in bootstrap – but onset criteria depend on small island stabilisation effects – require a seed island to reach positive growth Onset highly sensitive to seed size – scaling of seeding process may be the critical thing – uncertainties both in seed needed and seed obtained seed positive growth saturation Island size – these introduce a * dependence in the metastable threshold
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura How do the * scalings do? Pretty good in terms of underlying NTM physics and metastable threshold... – power ramp-down experiments measure at which 3/2 NTM self-stabilises – ITER baseline operation point deeply into metastable region small triggers can excite mode mode removal requires driving island down to small sizes
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura How do the * scalings do? But they are not predictive of NTM onset and time on JET... – stays close to NTM onset scaling prediction once H-mode reached for both local and global parameter fits Time prior to NTM onset (s) / (NTM fit prediction) JET
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura How do the * scalings do? But they are not predictive of NTM onset and time – stays close to NTM onset scaling prediction once H-mode reached in JET for both local and global parameter fits – similarly on AUG: proximity to scaling is a necessary-but-not-sufficient condition for NTMs – there must be an extra control parameter... AUG scaling experiment
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura What is the hidden control parameter? Employ neural network to look for pattern in data... – automatic optimisation from choice of 27 input parameters – train to predict onset time Network successful – predicts decreasing time to NTM as onset approached unlike * scaling! – best network uses just N, * and sawtooth period period even more significant than * 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 00.511.52 Actual time to NTM (s) Predicted time to NTM (s) Data forms two clumps: Fast evolution during rise Slow evolution at high JET
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Role of the sawtooth Long sawteeth can lead to many low modes (blue) Sawtooth control can offer substantial mitigation (red) – here achieved by: ICRH phasing to avoid core pinch establishing sawtoothing heated L-mode to avoid peaked profiles – avoids all modes, even with much more heating power Sawtooth period plays key role in NTM onset Time (s) ICRH /MW NBI /MW termination Magnetics: #58884 only Expanded in time: 15-18s 2/1 3/2 4/3 0 15 kHz long sawtooth SXR /a.u. JET
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura [*Porcelli et al, NF44, 362] Sawtooth control in ITER ITER has two possible strategies: – early production to stabilise sawteeth - 50s may be possible* extend further with modified start up and current drive but still limited and not steady state Destabilisation of fast particle stabilised sawteeth now achieved: – core ICRH stabilises sawteeth Further progress with ECCD on AUG see Maraschek talk today differ from resistive sawteeth in most present devices – ICCD destabilises as inversion radius is approached JET – current drive destabilisation is this possible for fast particle stabilised (ideal) sawteeth?...
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Sawtooth prediction is key Good progress in the theory... – kinetic effects stabilise sawteeth at high rotation – important in reconciling data from present devices Experiment: Theory: [Graves et al, PPCF42, 1049] eg: Rotation dependence on JET... JET
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Sawteeth with NNBI [Kramer et al, NF40, 1383] JT60U also finds fast particles from energetic negative ion beams stabilising… – 350keV NNBI gives sawteeth of 300ms – cf PNBI: 130ms JT60U
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Co-deposition inside q=1 stabilises sawteeth Injection direction Sawteeth with NNBI Deposition outside q=1 destabilising in co-direction [Kramer et al, NF40, 1383][Graves et al, PRL92, 185003] JT60U also finds fast particles from energetic negative ion beams stabilising… Explained by Graves: – finite ion orbit effects change free energy – 350keV NNBI gives sawteeth of 300ms – cf PNBI: 130ms – depends on deposition location... Possible mechanisms for sawtooth control in ITER?
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura How is initial seed made? – Magnetic coupling? NTM often too slow for toroidal coupling to n=2 Sawteeth often trigger 3/2 NTMs before the crash... [*Hegna, Bull.Am.Phys.Soc.48, 280] 3 wave seeding possible: – bicoherence analysis shows phase lock between driving (11+43) and 32 fields but frequencies are not always consistent... JET – Ion polarisation effects? MHD can change island rotation * potential to lower/reverse ion polarisation effects enabling seeding avoids need for frequency locking
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Forced reconnection at crash At low , long sawteeth trigger NTMs directly at the crash – excite multiple NTMs & 2/1 much more likely concern for ITER – codes such as NFTC and NIMROD now able to 3D model such processes in detail... n=1 perturbed pressure n=2 perturbed current TeTe Example: forced reconnection inducing a 3/2 in DIII-D – NIMROD simulation now includes rotation shear: – island is still destabilised by forced reconnection – but as island grows its structure becomes distorted by rotation Shows viability of mechanism for NTM seeding
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Fishbone triggers - at higher N ? Fishbones also trigger NTMs – 3/2 NTM thresholds on AUG generally higher than for sawtooth AUG
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Fishbone triggers - at higher N ? Fishbones also trigger NTMs – 3/2 NTM thresholds on AUG generally higher than for sawtooth Fishbones recently observed to also trigger 2/1 NTMs: – at N =2.5 on JET – although on JET these do not extend to low unlike cases with fast particle stabilised sawteeth JET
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Ideal triggers at high N ? At high N often see weak/no seeding… – modes often near ideal limit – a particular issue for hybrid scenario and 2/1 NTMs 4li [Brennan et al, PP10, 1643] Separate studies show 2/1 NTM threshold lowered by error fields – possibly an ion polarisation effect... DIII-D Modelling of DIII-D case shows poles in classical tearing stability: DIII-D
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Conclusions for ITER on NTMs ITER deeply metastable to NTMs, but tractable? – benign scalings for some NTM onset mechanisms – control of seeds possible for others Baseline scenario - key issues are fast particles & sawtooth – further triggers at higher N may remain at high N Hybrid scenario - main concern is 2/1 NTM (3/2 fairly benign) – does 2/1 onset threshold fall with *? - mitigate with high q min ? However, caution required for ITER... – adverse NTM physics scalings and high fast particle populations – need to confirm scalings of high N modes, especially 2/1 NTMs – need to integrate control techniques into scenarios to develop ready to use tools (not lengthy research programmes) for ITER Nevertheless, we now see the principal physics ingredients assembled, a new generation of codes identifying the effects, and good progress in control and predictive capability. Ongoing work is important to provide solutions for ITER
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura – higher e-dissipation raises w 0 ~(D e ) 0.5 Transient transport events can seed NTMs Does not require frequency matching between MHD modes and the island May explain error field effects Ion polarisation effects depend on island rotation - a pol ~ Ion polarisation destabilising w e*e* i*i* w0w0 – naturally leads to small islands via ion polarisation effects Rotation from balance of ion and electron dissipation: MHD event: - ergodises the edge - increases e- transport, D e - rotation more in e- direction Islands produce 3-D structure in |B| Neoclassical ion viscosity e- transport (D e ) [Hegna, Bull.Am.Phys.Soc.48, 280]
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura What is the hidden control parameter? Employ neural network to look for pattern in data... – automatic optimisation from choice of 27 input parameters – train to predict onset time Network successful – predicts decreasing time to NTM as onset approached unlike * scaling! – best network uses just N, * and sawtooth period period even more significant than * Sawtooth period plays key role in NTM onset 100% NBI 100% ICRH JET
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Preemptive current drive on DIII-D Use real time MSE tracking to put ECCD on NTM resonant surface, raising NTM thresholds DIII-D
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Mode removal in ITER – Island evolutions show scale length of small island term, w d, does not change much with * – Mode removal in ITER will require driving islands down to similar size to those required in present devices i*i*
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Use of correct local parameters Studies on AUG show that NTMs track correctly calculated bootstrap parameter, better than p 2/1 NTM 3/2 NTM AUG
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura How do the * scalings do? But they are not predictive of NTM onset and time on JET... – stays close to NTM onset scaling prediction once H-mode reached for both local and global parameter fits – JET NTM onsets align well with natural discharge evolution (clue: ICRH phasings) i*i* NN discharge histories NTM onset JET
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura * scalings sometimes work for NTM onset AUG discharges sometimes approach scalings from below and get NTM when the scaling is reached AUG
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Formalism - origin of * scaling Evolution of island size w governed by modified Rutherford: Example: ion polarisation term, a pol f( g(, ) i classical tearing finite island transport ion banana width field curvature ion polarisation currents bootstrap small island terms stabilising - lead to minimum size and for growth seed get > seed need uncertainties in both w seed seed positive growth onset p rises rapidly as w falls saturation p onset w seed
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura ITER possible figure? Possibly how it looks... q0q0 NN 0 0.5 2 1 1 3 sawtooth: forced reconnection 21/32/43 3wave/Hegna 32 fishbone 32/21 Poles in delta-prime 32/21 ELMs? 21?
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura What is the hidden control parameter? Employ neural network to look for pattern in data... – automatic optimisation from choice of 27 input parameters – train to predict onset time Network successful – predicts decreasing time to NTM as onset approached unlike * scaling! – best network parameters: – Sawtooth period more useful than i * !
Cross-machine NTM physics - Buttery 20th IAEA Fusion Energy - Vilamoura Future work Continue good progress on sawtooth models Demonstrate sawtooth control with strong FP populations at high beta Explore NTM triggering mechanisms and ways to control them Find beta limit in hybrid scenario and how it scales Resolve NTM small island physics and its scaling - particularly for 2/1 modes
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